







汉语拼音:jū xīn








  1. 安居之心。

    《吕氏春秋·上农》:“皆有远志,无有居心。” 高诱 注:“居,安也。”

  2. 指安心。

    《后汉书·公孙述传》:“使 西州 豪杰咸居心於 山东 ,发閒使,招携贰,则五分而有其四。”

  3. 心地;存心。

    南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·言语》:“卿居心不浄,乃復强欲滓秽太清邪?”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷三七:“你自宜居心清浄,力行善事,以副吾望。” 孙中山 《耕者要有其田》:“诸君去实行宣传的人,居心要诚恳,服务要勤劳,要真是为农民谋幸福。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致杨霁云》:“居心险毒,而手段尚不足以副之。” 王统照 《回忆北京学生五四爱国运动》:“我居心想缓走几步,听听这道旁的公论。”



  1. But further investigation indicates he was angry. He meant to do what he did. The bottom line is, there was intent.


  2. People considered that what he had played on that occasion was no more than a Judas kiss .


  3. We threw a look of contempt at him because he told a deliberate lie.


  4. In such a moment, be exposed such a word, the company's motivation for some people's motives, we can easily identify.


  5. "But what, " said she after a pause, "can have been his motive? -- what can have induced him to behave so cruelly? "


  6. The manager had a hidden agenda when he provided free popcorn to the customers.


  7. Severe agree upstairs as long as the experience talent release, the landlord motive to experience it, there is no right or wrong.


  8. What was Mr Cameron up to?


  9. However, his Chinese counterpart maintained that the Dalai Lama harboured a "hidden agenda" for independence.


  1. 你居心何在?

    What s your intention?

  2. 这个人居心不良。

    The man harbors evil intentions.

  3. 有何居心,怎么了

    What is this? what.

  4. 美国人到底居心何在?

    What were the Americans really up to?

  5. 他对我阿谀奉承,是居心叵测。

    It is disingenuous of him to flatter me.

  6. 或我的请求竟居心险恶?

    Or what great danger dwells upon my suit?

  7. 居心叵测的威胁、谣言、旁敲侧击等

    Ugly threats, rumours, insinuations, etc

  8. 它甚至犯禁居心栽培的设法。

    It even proscribed the deliberate cultivation oflascivious thoughts.

  9. 工人们认为老板的行为居心不良。

    The workers thought that the boss acted in bad faith.

  10. 白色大多表现阴险,狡猾,居心叵测。

    White Mostly represent subtleties, foxily, and harbor intentions unpredictable.

  11. 如果你想浪漫点, 那是你居心叵测。

    If you attempt a romance, she says you didn't respect her.

  12. 他居心何在?想勾引你上床吗

    Why would he do that Did he want to have sex with you.

  13. 这篇报道纯属居心叵测的故意捏造。

    The account is a deliberate and malicious invention.

  14. 我甚至怀疑他的帮助是居心叵测。

    I even suspected that his efforts to help might be downright dangerous.

  15. 你小子跟我的女人搭讪, 居心何在呀?

    What are you doing talking to my girl friend?

  16. 我参加培训是想搞清楚他居心何在。

    I'd had the training to suss out what he was up to.

  17. 他们是不是居心那么狠毒眼下还不清楚。

    We don't know that their design was so bloodly.

  18. 我们家的一个家丑就是我的弟弟居心叵测。

    One family skeleton of my family was that my younger brother has an axe to grind.

  19. 娜塔丽觉得有必要弄清楚这个人居心何在。

    Natalie had to find out what this man was up to.

  20. 她总是居心叵测, 对她说的话你得多留神

    She always has an ax to grind. You should take whatever she says with a pinch of salt

  21. 经理免费赠送爆米花给客人,其实他别有居心。

    The manager had a hidden agenda when he provided free popcorn to the customers.

  22. 因而, 让我们居心照料它, 如果不是也不会爱。

    So let's take care of it by heart, if not it won't be love.

  23. 陌生人过分热心帮你做事时, 当心他别有居心。

    When a stranger is much keen to help you, you should be vigilant.

  24. 果为他居心说谎,所以我们对他投以藐视的目光。

    We threw a look of contempt at him because he told a deliberate lie.

  25. 现在我可看清了, 你是个冷酷无情, 居心叵测得家伙。

    Now I see that you are callous and treacherous.

  26. 我们理当居心记着这些不规矩静词的三种情势。

    We should remember the three principe parts of these irregular verbs by heart.

  27. 我们理当居心记着这些不规矩静词得三种情势。

    We should remember the three principe parts of these irregular verbs by heart.

  28. 娜塔丽想,如果可能,她有必要弄清楚这个人居心何在。

    Natalie had to find out what this man was up to.

  29. 无论出何居心, 这项法律草案会让媒体的日子更加难过。

    Whatever its purpose, the draft law would make life even harder for the press.

  30. 无论出何居心,这项法律草案会让媒体得日子更加难过。

    Whatever its purpose, the draft law would make life even harder for the press.


  1. 问:居心拼音怎么拼?居心的读音是什么?居心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:居心的读音是jūxīn,居心翻译成英文是 set one's mind on; have a mind to; secret des...

  2. 问:居心叵测拼音怎么拼?居心叵测的读音是什么?居心叵测翻译成英文是什么?

    答:居心叵测的读音是jūxīnpǒcè,居心叵测翻译成英文是 have ulterior motives

  3. 问:居心不良拼音怎么拼?居心不良的读音是什么?居心不良翻译成英文是什么?

    答:居心不良的读音是jūxīn bùliáng,居心不良翻译成英文是 harbour / harbor bad intentions

  4. 问:居心不良的拼音怎么拼?居心不良的的读音是什么?居心不良的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:居心不良的的读音是,居心不良的翻译成英文是 wicked