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清 容閎 《西学东渐记》第十七章:“两日后,奏摺拜发, 文正 ( 曾国藩 )领衔,餘三人皆署名。” 续范亭 《湖山集·夜梦与日宣战各处义军蜂起》:“领衔者为 胡罗素 ,主张亲 日 ,到处惑乱军心。” 巴金 《家》二一:“十几位著名的地方绅士也发出吁请 张军长 早日入城‘主持省政’的通电,领衔的人便是 冯乐山 。”如:领衔主演。
The match against the Andriy Shevchenko-led opposition went well, even if a debut goal proved just a little too much to ask.
对抗舍瓦领衔对手的比赛进行的非常好,即使期待中的首球没有如期而至。It was no different with the wonderful film, The Bucket List, starring those icons of inspiration, Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman.
这简直与《遗愿清单》这部精彩影片如出一辙,影片由那些鼓舞人心的偶像派明星领衔主演,如杰克•尼克尔森和摩根•弗里曼。With him, they look like the second coming of the gung-ho team Bob Knight lashed to greatness in 1984.
有了他,他们看起来更像是1984年的那支由鲍勃-奈特领衔的伟大的队伍。If it wasn't for his dislocated knee injury, he would have led the league in shooting accuracy that season at 64 percent.
如果不是因为膝伤,他将以64%的命中率领衔联盟投篮命中率榜。The film stars Xu Jinglei and Stanley Huang, but fans seem to be more excited about seeing the story unfold on the big screen.
该电影由徐静蕾、黄立行领衔主演。但比起这个,该故事终于搬上大银幕的消息似乎更让粉丝们兴奋。The first is expected to be a consortium led by Spain's Repsol, the only firm with experience in deep Cuban waters.
排名第一的很可能是西班牙莱普索尔公司领衔的集团,该公司是唯一一家在古巴有深海开采经验的公司。Yashiro demanded that they were proposed to be the leading band, but one last band had been admitted in their place instead.
社声明他们是被作为领衔乐队而被邀请的,却被一个新进的乐队代替了他们的位置!Led by the aircraft carrier U. S. aircraft carrier battle groups known as "the first aircraft carrier battle groups. "
由该航母领衔的航母编队号称美军“第一航母战斗群”。Daniel Ward, a lawyer leading one of the suits against Cisco, thinks that similar cases could be brought against other firms.