







汉语拼音:dùn guō








炖锅 [dùn guō]
  1. 一种电器厨具用品,专指炖食物用的锅。

炖锅 [dùn guō]
  1. 一种可以炖煮食物、药材等的烹调用具。 




  1. Fold plastic over ; cover with a baking sheet . Weight with a heavy skillet. Refrigerate at least 4 hours .


  2. They also offer a set of kitchen utensils like a magnetic saucepan that can be placed on any surface and cook food wirelessly.


  3. these days books are as likely to be found beside steaks and saucepans as they are to be bought in specialist stores.


  4. Other make-ahead meat meals that Frankel prepares include braised short ribs and a slow-cooker lamb tagine served with sweet potato latkes.


  5. Place the chicken , potatoes , carrots and celery into a slow cooker .


  6. There were no black circles on the ceiling above their stoves, no mutating goo climbing over the sides of their forgotten saucepans .


  7. To make the filling, combine the sugar, water and glucose in a saucepan and cook to a dark caramel*.


  8. Whisk evaporated milk, whole milk, liqueur, vanilla, sugar, cocoa, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and chili powder in a heavy saucepan.


  9. Put the saucepan over a pan of boiling water. Boil the water until the caramels melt.


  1. 我拿炖锅煮的

    I pulled out the crockpot.

  2. 昨天我买了一个炖锅

    I bought a saucepan yesterday.

  3. 用小炖锅炖,收一半汤汁。

    Boil the liquid in a small saucepan to reduce it by half.

  4. 我们需要买个长柄炖锅。

    We need to buy a stewpan.

  5. 用大炖锅煮土豆和芜菁。

    Cook the potatoes and turnips in a large saucepan.

  6. 你怎么用炖锅做炖牛肉呢?

    How do you cook beef stew with a stewpot?

  7. 用中等炖锅, 中火加热牛奶。

    In a medium saucepan set over medium heat, heat milk.

  8. 用叉子把牛排放到炖锅里。

    Stick the steak in the stew.

  9. 取一只中等炖锅, 放入312杯水。

    Transfer to a medium saucepan with 3 12 cups water.

  10. 在炖锅中涂上不粘涂层喷涂。

    Lightly coat inside of slow cooker with cooking spray.

  11. 我们放洋葱和红萝卜到炖锅里。

    We put the carrots and potatoes into a stew.

  12. 一天, 霍伽向邻居借了一个大炖锅。

    One day the Hodja borrowed a large saucepan from his neighbour.

  13. 开始做挞基, 把奶和脂在炖锅里煮沸。

    To start the custard base, bring the milk and cream a boil in a saucepan.

  14. 炉子上的炖锅一直沸腾到将近煮干为止。

    The pot of stew on the stove seethed until it nearly boiled over.

  15. 把油放到一个大炖锅里用中火加热。

    Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat.

  16. 把我给你写得信翻出来, 放在炖锅里。

    As to dig out something I wrote for you and throw it into a stewpot.

  17. 把我给你写的信翻出来,放在炖锅里。

    As to dig out something I wrote for you and throw it into a stewpot.

  18. 将胡萝卜放在一个中号炖锅里,加入盐水。

    In a medium saucepan, cover carrots with salted water.

  19. 慢炖锅对于整天都不在家的人来说很有用。

    The slow cooker is very useful for people who go out all day.

  20. 在用餐前的一刻钟把炖锅从电炉上端下来。

    Fifteen minutes before dinner, take the stew out of the oven.

  21. 将炖锅放在盛有沸水的平底锅上, 直至饴糖融化

    Put the saucepan over a pan of boiling water. Boil the water until the caramels melt.

  22. 将3杯水加入一个中等大小的炖锅内,煮至沸腾。

    Bring the 3 cups water to a boil in a medium saucepan.

  23. 我们放了加有许多洋葱及大蒜得牛肉到炖锅中。

    We put beef in the stew with lots of onions and garlic.

  24. 我们放了加有许多洋葱及大蒜的牛肉到炖锅中。

    We put beef in the stew with lots of onions and garlic.

  25. 也没有正在墙上发觉闪亮的铜制炖锅和锡制滤勺。

    nor any glitter of copper saucepans and tin cullenders on the walls.

  26. 我们使用镀锌的盆, 铜底的炖锅和一瓶柠檬汁来实现。

    We did this using a galvanized tub, a stew pot with a copper bottom, and a bottle of lemon juice.

  27. 焦糖酱的制作炖锅里放入糖和水, 熬至糖色出来。

    To make the caramel sauce, place sugar and water in a medium saucepan and cook until desired caramel colour is reached.

  28. 将猪肉和洋葱还有土豆一起加入炖锅,加入藏红花和辣椒粉。

    Add the pork and onions to the beans along with chopped potato, paprika and saffron.

  29. 产品有快速电热水壶,纯天然紫砂保健壶,纯天然紫砂电炖锅。

    Products are fast electric kettle, pure natural Purple Sand clay pot health care.

  30. 把剩下得28盎司干菜加水在中号炖锅中用高火煮沸。

    Bring remaining28 ounces stock to a boil in a medium saucepan over high heat.


  1. 问:炖锅拼音怎么拼?炖锅的读音是什么?炖锅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炖锅的读音是dùnguō,炖锅翻译成英文是 stew pot; casserole; pan



炖锅就是锅的一种分类,但功耗比电饭煲等电锅要小很多,功率一般在300W以下。工作时,热量由加热源通过水缓慢而均匀地渗透至陶瓷炖盅中的食物,使炖品营养成份不会因过热而破坏,保持原汗原味;炖盅盖的优良设计,能有效地防止营养成份的流失。 图片展示