







汉语拼音:xiào dào







  1. 谓以孝为本的理法规范。

    《吕氏春秋·孝行》:“今有人於此,行於亲重,而不简慢於轻疏,则是篤谨孝道,先王之所以治天下也。”《史记·仲尼弟子列传》:“ 曾参 , 南武城 人,字 子兴 。少 孔子 四十六岁。 孔子 以为能通孝道,故授之业。” 唐 韩愈 《欧阳生哀辞》:“ 詹 事父母尽孝道,仁于妻子,於朋友义以诚。” 明 高明 《琵琶记·散发归林》:“愚壻今日拜辞岳父,领二妻同归故里,共行孝道,待服满之后,再来侍奉尊颜。”

  2. 孝行,尽心奉养父母。

    元 关汉卿 《裴度还带》第二折:“二则因我这个女孩儿孝道,半年中抄化到一千贯。”

  3. 指孝顺的人。

    明 高明 《琵琶记·书馆悲逢》:“那不奔丧和那自刎的,那一个是孝道?”



  1. Filial piety has long been a tenet of traditional Chinese culture and is a core concept of Confucianism.


  2. The Christian view and the Confucian sense of piety are somewhat similar and somewhat different as well.


  3. The remolding concept of rural filial piety has considerable significance for family stability and social harmony.


  4. She knew how worthy Pendennis was, how good he had been to his mother, and constant in his care of her.


  5. Ad-vocation of filial duty is of great importance to maintain social stability and cultivate students' moral character.


  6. But for all his stress on filial piety, Mencius wanted children treated "with the kindness due to youth" .


  7. Tracing it to its cause, they are closely related with filial piety of tradition and shame culture characteristics.


  8. Inheriting and Going Beyond "the Traditional Filial Piety" --An Investigation of College Students'Thought of "Filial Piety"


  9. Secondly, with the law playing a catalytic role, the construction of filial piety can be effectively implemented.


  1. 社会主义孝道

    socialist filial piety.

  2. 新孝道教育

    the new filial piety education.

  3. 现代孝道伦理

    piety ethics in modem society

  4. 孝道现代价值

    the modern value of filial piety

  5. 传统孝道文化

    traditional culture of filial duty

  6. 社会主义新孝道

    new socialist filial piety

  7. 蒙福的孝道

    The Blessing of Filial Piety.

  8. 儒家孝道观

    the Confucianists filial piety.

  9. 传统孝道之审视

    A Survey of Chinese Traditional Filial Duty

  10. 传统孝道之现代转换

    Modernist Transform on Traditional Morals of Finial Piety

  11. 印度佛教孝道观研究

    A probe into the sense of filial obedience in Indian Buddhism

  12. 传统孝道的沦丧与重建

    The Decline And Rebuilding Of The Concept Of piety

  13. 浅论封建孝道与社会主义孝道

    Feudal Filial Duty and Socialist Filial Duty

  14. 对汉代孝道的再探讨

    On Filial Piety in Han Dynasty

  15. 孟子丰富和发展了儒家孝道。

    Mencius enriched and developed the Confucian filial piety.

  16. 主要论述了孔子的孝道思想。

    This article mainly elaborated Confucius' s filial piety thought.

  17. 传统孝道与现代家庭伦理建设

    Traditional concept of filial piety and construction of modern family ethics

  18. 文昌信仰与孝道文化的完善

    Cultural perfection of wenchang belief and filial piety

  19. 做儿女的要对老人尽孝道。

    Sons and daughters should fulfill their filial duty to their parents.

  20. 曾子的孝道理论与道德建设

    Ethic postulates by Zeng Zi and current moral construction

  21. 论土家族哭嫁歌的孝道内涵

    On the Filial Connotation of the Wedding Lament in Tujia Nationality

  22. 论儒, 佛孝道观及其相互融合

    On Confucian and Buddhist Views of Filial Piety and Their Mergence

  23. 吾爱西方之自由,吾亦爱东方之孝道。

    I love liberty in the west; I love filial piety in the east.

  24. 论传统孝道的价值和现代转换

    The value of traditional filial duty and its conversion in modern times

  25. 柳宗元的佛教戒律与孝道说

    Liu Zongyuan's Buddhist Discipline and Filial Doctrine

  26. 弘扬孝道文化,构建和谐家庭、和谐社会

    Promoting the Culture of Filial Piety and Constructing a Harmonious Family and a Harmonious Society.

  27. 李先生训诫那些未尽孝道的儿女们。

    Mr. Lee rebuked sons and daughters who were not doing their duty.

  28. 李先生训诫那些未尽孝道得儿女们。

    Mr. Lee rebuked sons and daughters who were not doing their duty.

  29. 中学生的孝道与成就动机相关研究

    The Research into the Correlation between Filial Piety and The Achievement Motive of Middle School Students

  30. 在这个传统的村子里, 人们恪守孝道。

    In this traditional village, filial piety is rigidly observed.


  1. 问:孝道拼音怎么拼?孝道的读音是什么?孝道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孝道的读音是xiàodào,孝道翻译成英文是 filial duty; duty of a child to its parents...



