


1. 尽 [jìn]2. 尽 [jǐn]尽 [jìn]完毕:用~。说不~。取之不~。达到极端:~头。山穷水~。~情。自~(自杀)。全部用出,竭力做到:~心。~力。~瘁。~职。~忠。~责。人~其才。物~其用。都,全:~然。~是白的。~收眼底。……


1. 然 [rán]然 [rán]对,是:~否。不~。不以为~。以为对,答应,信守:~纳(以为对而采纳)。~诺(许诺,信守诺言)。这样,如此:当~。~后。~则。表示一种语气(a.表决定,犹焉,如“寡人愿有言~”;b.表比拟,犹言一般,如“如……



汉语拼音:jìn rán







  1. 全都如此。

    汉 荀悦 《汉纪·武帝纪三》:“ 皮山国 去 长安 万五千里,自 皮山 以西至 大头痛山 、 小头痛山 , 身热 、 赤土 之坂,令人身热无色,头痛呕吐,驴畜尽然。” 三国 魏 嵇康 《难<宅无吉凶摄生论>》:“此言善矣,顾其不尽然。 汤 祷 桑林 , 周公 秉圭,不知是谴祟非也。” 明 沉德符 《野获编·词林·翰林散官》:“翰林官不论崇卑,其称郎、称大夫,俱结衔於本官之下,相沿既已久矣。而亦不尽然,如 嘉靖 十四年,乙未科廷试,读卷官侍读学士 吴惠 等,俱先书奉直大夫。” 许地山 《无法投递之邮件》:“‘凡事不顾自己只顾人’这句话,据我看来,未免广泛一点,我想你也知道其中不尽然的地方。”



  1. But it appeared that for one of the two DNA strands, the very end of the strand (the last few pages of the "book" ), couldn't be copied.

  2. And I'm fascinated at how what you think is real isn't necessarily real, and the camera can lie.

  3. One of the most crazing thing in the world is having someone who fall in love with you thought you never had a chance with.

  4. But not so fast. Even Plato was attacked in his own time for treating philosophy as if it were all mathematics.

  5. Initial observations that the size of a black hole and the size of its host galaxy were matched are turning out to not always be the case.

  6. Microsoft apologists have lately tried to say that Microsoft is a great enterprise company, but not so much a consumer company.

  7. One of the major challenges is that this population is so [diverse] that what works for one parent may not work for your children.

  8. Somebody got a picture of us surfing together and they were like, "They must be writing a screenplay. " But no. Not at all.

  9. Not necessarily, but it does indicate Asia's biggest economy is entering into a high-risk phase of its development.


  1. 而事实却不尽然。

    The reality is different.

  2. 事实上并不尽然。

    This view is not with the facts.

  3. 但某些事上不尽然。

    And we disagree on others.

  4. 据传说是未必尽然的。

    Legend says they were not.

  5. 用在圣经身上也尽然。

    The same can be said of the Bible.

  6. 不尽然, 我真的想当画家。

    Not exactiy. I mean, I really do wanna be an artist.

  7. 同物种的个体未必尽然相同。

    All individuals of the same species are not identical.

  8. 如果尽然有序, 你能完成更多。

    You will accomplish the most through orderly activities.

  9. 汤姆对实验结果并不尽然满意。

    Tom is not altogether satisfied with the result of the experiment.

  10. 并不尽然。我相信尽人事听天命。

    Not really. I believe that man proposes, and disposes.

  11. 滑雪对他很自然,但守时却不尽然。

    Skiing comes naturally, but being on time does not.

  12. 其实他作画时非常讲究,精细而且尽然有序。

    Actually, in his own way, he was meticulous, deliberate and methodical.

  13. 那好像是在阿尔卑斯山,但又不尽然。

    Its like being in the Alps, but not quite.

  14. 这是否就意味着没有学位就找不到工作呢?不尽然。

    Does this mean that those without a degree need notNot necessarily.

  15. 你会惊讶于如何娴熟成为你告诉你的故事, 并不尽然。

    You'll be surprised at how adept you become telling your crafting story.

  16. 所有这些在理论上都十分可行, 但在实践中却不尽然。

    All this sounds good in theory, but it may not work in practice.

  17. 对于罐装肉来说的确如此, 但是对于罐装鱼来说却不尽然。

    In many respects this can be true for canned meat rather than canned fish.

  18. 钢铁和铝容易被回收再利用, 但是碳纤维却不尽然如此。

    Steel and aluminium is easy to recycle, but carbon fibre is tricky.

  19. 现在看来,这句话语法上仍没有问题,但语义却不尽然。

    Now, the syntax remains fine but the semantics less so.

  20. 这个规定对于个人来说也许很理想,但对于组织来说则不尽然。

    This may be an individually optimal regulation, but not for the organization completely.

  21. 几年不见黑暗组合的老二尽然摆出架势了啊!

    Combination of years of darkness not necessarily assumed a posture of the second child, ah!

  22. 一张小小的纸片尽然被人们变的如斯神奇,卫视台直播!

    It's amazing what some people can do with a single sheet of paper.

  23. 有时利率变化会带来人们意料之中的影响, 而有时却不尽然。

    Sometimes interest rate changes have the predicted effect, sometimes they don't.

  24. 科迪克是否和电子游戏这一产业共同成长呢? ? 并不尽然。

    So did Mr Kotick and the industry grow up together Not quite.

  25. 你方这批货就品质而言是令人满意的, 但其他方面却不尽然。

    Your shipment is satisfactory in respect of the quality, but not quite so in other respects.


  1. 问:尽然拼音怎么拼?尽然的读音是什么?尽然翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尽然的读音是jìnrán,尽然翻译成英文是 completely this way; all right



汉字词语:尽然 汉语

拼音:jìn rán 英文:[completely or fully this way]