




草木的根:~草(泛指中药)。无~之木。事物的根源,与“末”相对:~末(头尾;始终)。根~(根源;彻底;本质上)。草的茎,树的干:草~植物。中心的,主要的:~部。~体。原来:~来。~领。自己这方面的:~国。~身。~位。~分(fèn )。……



汉语拼音:kuī běn








  1. 损失本钱;赔本。

    艾芜 《人生哲学的一课》:“这双草鞋,由我的手托到街头标卖,准于亏本了,还说什么呢?”



  1. But it has been losing money for a while, and its board decided that it was foolish to keep throwing good money after bad.


  2. Vendor: Come on. I'm out on a limb here. How much do you want?


  3. I can, if I wish, continue to produce at full capacity and sell at a loss, losing one dollar for every hundred or more lost by the monopoly.


  4. The cost of roasting turkeys doesn't tend to follow actual wholesale prices but is often a loss leader.


  5. Not so long ago every country felt it had to have its own steel giant, even if it was government-owned and losing a fortune.


  6. The first decision was to concentrate on the Ford brand and sell off the PAG businesses even if it meant taking a loss.


  7. The reason is simple: Penetration pricing often means that the product may be sold at a loss for a certain length of time.


  8. Myself. . . I should have. . . I've tried to gamble my way out, but that was just a born-to-lose deal.


  9. If I were to get rid of the pizza, that would definitely hurt my bottom line.


  1. 我们处处亏本。

    We were losing money right and left.

  2. 亏本卖某物

    to sell something at a loss

  3. 他们亏本出售货物。

    They sold the goods at a loss.

  4. 为招徕顾客亏本出售

    sold at a loss to attract customers

  5. 听说他做生意亏本了。

    I hear that he is losing by his business.

  6. 他们必须亏本出售商品。

    They must sell the goods at a loss.

  7. 他把货亏本卖出去。

    He sell his goods at a disadvantage.

  8. 那家餐馆正亏本经营。

    The restaurant is running at a loss.

  9. 我方已经亏本销售了。

    It's already a sacrifice on our part.

  10. 我不希望你最后亏本。

    I don't want you to end up out of pocket.

  11. 商贩大亏本,大出血,大甩卖。

    MongerBig suffer a deficit, big bleed, big jilt to sell.

  12. 刘易斯做了亏本生意

    Lewis sold his hens on a rainy day.

  13. 季节性减价,亏本生意也做。

    It's seasonal sale, and Business is to Be done even at a loss.

  14. 这家公司在迅速地亏本。

    The company is losing money hand over fist.

  15. 他被迫亏本卖掉他的汽车。

    He has been forced to sell his car at a loss.

  16. 公司在做亏本买卖了商店。

    The company is trading at a loss.

  17. 有时候我们必须亏本售出。

    Sometimes we must make costly sacrifices.

  18. 好, 太太, 我们亏本卖给你好了。

    Well madam, well make a sacrifice.

  19. 我们从未见过他做亏本生意。

    We have never seen him sell his hen on a rainy day.

  20. 为招徕顾客而亏本出售的商品

    A product sold at a loss to encourage trade

  21. 运行效果不是很好 他们在亏本

    Doesn't work out too well for them, they lose money.

  22. 他因需要钱而亏本出售书籍。

    He will sell some of his books at a sacrifice because he needs money.

  23. 如果价格过高, 纳税人就会亏本。

    If prices are too high, the taxpayer may lose out.

  24. 这家店在亏本, 店主不得不歇业。

    The business was losing so much money that the owner had to shout it down.

  25. 这家公司被亏本300万英镑售出。

    The company was sold at a loss of three million pounds.

  26. 那个计划太糟了,比尔。我们亏本了。

    That was a bad play, Bill. We lost the account.

  27. 因为他缺钱,他将亏本出售他的房子。

    He will sell his house at a sacrifice because he needs money.

  28. 他们说学院已经亏本经验几年了。

    They say the college has been at a loss for several years.

  29. 我想你不会要我做亏本生意吧?

    I don't think you want me to lose money in business.

  30. 以亏本太大的价格出卖是无济于事的。

    There was no use selling at ruinous figures.


  1. 问:亏本拼音怎么拼?亏本的读音是什么?亏本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亏本的读音是kuīběn,亏本翻译成英文是 to lose money; to make a loss

  2. 问:亏本出售拼音怎么拼?亏本出售的读音是什么?亏本出售翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亏本出售的读音是kuīběnchūshòu,亏本出售翻译成英文是 slaughter

  3. 问:亏本投资拼音怎么拼?亏本投资的读音是什么?亏本投资翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亏本投资的读音是kuī běn tóu zī,亏本投资翻译成英文是 dog

  4. 问:亏本生意拼音怎么拼?亏本生意的读音是什么?亏本生意翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亏本生意的读音是kuī běn shēng yì,亏本生意翻译成英文是 lossmaker

  5. 问:亏本式销售拼音怎么拼?亏本式销售的读音是什么?亏本式销售翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亏本式销售的读音是kuī běn shì xiāo shòu,亏本式销售翻译成英文是 loss leader sale

  6. 问:亏本接受订贷拼音怎么拼?亏本接受订贷的读音是什么?亏本接受订贷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亏本接受订贷的读音是kuī běn jiē shòu dìng dài,亏本接受订贷翻译成英文是 accepting at sacrifice




拼音:kuī běn词义:损大于益。例句:我们可不做亏本的生意。