


1. 迫 [pò]2. 迫 [pǎi]迫 [pò]用强力压制,硬逼:逼~。~害。压~。强~。胁~。~降(jiàng )。~降(xiáng )。~不得已。接近:~近。~冬。急促:急~。~切。~不及待。狭窄:地势局~。迫 [pǎi]〔~击炮〕一……


1. 切 [qiē]2. 切 [qiè]切 [qiē]用刀从上往下用力:~菜。~除。~磋(本义是把骨角玉石加工制成器物,引申为在业务、思想各方面互相吸取长处,纠正缺点,如“~~琢磨”)。切 [qiè]密合,贴近:~当(dàng )。~肤(切……



汉语拼音:pò qiè








  1. 逼近。

    《汉书·薛宣传》:“况( 薛况 , 宣 子)知 咸 给事中,恐为司隶举奏 宣 ,而公令 明 等迫切宫闕,要遮创戮近臣於大道人众中。” 明 何景明 《何子·策术》:“存久远之忧者,弭迫切之害者也。”

  2. 逼迫。

    《汉书·文三王传》:“臣愚以为王少……疑有所迫切,过误失言,文吏躡寻,不得转移。” 宋 沉作喆 《寓简》卷二:“予处穷困,飢寒迫切,无可奈何。” 炉魂 《对于张之洞死后之湖南人》:“以为 张之洞 压制我 湖南 ,迫切我 湖南 ,丧送我 湖南 ,弃 湖南 之路权如土泥尘芥而不顾。”

  3. 谓窘迫。

    汉 应劭 《风俗通·十反·阳翟令左冯翊田煇》:“后在田舍,天连阴雨,友人 张子平 、 吉仲考 等密共穿踰,夺取衣衾。穷夜独处,迫切至矣。”

  4. 急迫;紧急。

    《汉书·赵广汉传》:“ 广汉 知事迫切,遂自将吏卒突入丞相府,召其夫人跪庭下受辞,收奴婢十餘人去,责以杀婢事。”《新唐书·张廷珪传》:“而州县督输,星火迫切。” 陈残云 《山谷风烟》第三一章:“这是对敌斗争的政治大攻势,同时也是消除隐患、保卫胜利果实的迫切行动。”

  5. 形容辞语急迫严厉。

    汉 赵岐 《<孟子>题辞》:“ 孟子 长於譬喻,辞不迫切,而意以独至。”

  6. 深切强烈。

    唐 韩愈 《答渝州李使君书》:“使至,连辱两书,告以恩情迫切,不自聊赖。” 宋 苏轼 《与刘宜翁使君书》:“迫切之诚,真可悯笑矣。” 清 宣鼎 《夜雨秋灯录·李老》:“其母哀痛迫切,几致轻生。”



  1. I would really like to see President Obama to move to ask the government of Iceland to shut that website down.


  2. Young Jesse soon took to the stage himself, and by his early teens, he discovered that acting was an outlet he desperately needed.


  3. It was necessary that this should be done in one single day, on account of the extreme urgency and rigour of events.


  4. The system from one live parts quickly switch to the next, and be able to meet global market to the flexibility of urgent need.


  5. This coming year may well be a significant one - the year that world leaders fell asleep just as the world cried out for more leadership.


  6. There was an urgent need for him to become, at least in appearance, a good Republican.


  7. South Africa, which had a rash of blackouts in 2008 and imports electricity from its neighbours, sorely needs more generating capacity.


  8. Arab leaders, just like those of any other country, remain desperate for a secure back channel to Washington.


  9. In view of other more pressing issues in hand, members agreed that the matter be shelved for the time being.


  1. 急切,迫切

    To be in earnest.

  2. 迫切需要。

    Her need is desperate.

  3. 迫切的责任感

    a driven sense of obligation

  4. 迫切需要食物。

    There is a dire need for food.

  5. 迫切要求某事

    to press for something

  6. 他迫切需要钱。

    He desperately needed money.

  7. 我迫切需要价格。

    I need price urgently.

  8. 迫切寻求任何帮助

    to grasp for any help

  9. 我们迫切需要帮助。

    We are in dire need of help.

  10. 迫切需要合格教师。

    There is an urgent need for qualified teachers.

  11. 威胁的迫切性

    the immediacy of threat

  12. 他的要求很迫切。

    He was urgent in his demands.

  13. 西莉娅迫切想要工作。

    Oh Celia is dying to work.

  14. 迫切地或重复地要求

    To ask for urgently or repeatedly.

  15. 迫切要求或恳求请求

    An earnest request or petition a plea.

  16. 那问题迫切需要解决。

    The problem pressed for solution.

  17. 园子里迫切需要下雨。

    The garden is crying out for rain.

  18. 固执地并且迫切地请求。

    beg persistently and urgently.

  19. 迫切地或者着迷地占据。

    occupy urgently or obsessively.

  20. 他迫切想抽根烟。

    He was dying for a cigarette.

  21. 共同的紧急的,迫切的需要。

    Eg We are in urgent need of the goods.

  22. 迫切需要卫生保健改革。

    Health care reform is needed urgently.

  23. 当前迫切需要医务人员。

    The demand for medical men is urgent right now.

  24. 迫切需要克服这些缺点。

    There is a pressing need to overcome these shortcomings.

  25. 迫切要求某人做某事

    to press somebody into doing something

  26. 这块地迫切需要钾肥。

    The soil desperately needed potash.

  27. 这块地迫切需要钾肥。

    The soil desperately needed potash.

  28. 因为我对此感到迫切。

    Because I feel an urgency about this.

  29. 你不是迫切地想确保

    I mean, are you that desperate to make sure.

  30. 迫切需要更多的资金。

    There is a pressing need for more funds.


  1. 问:迫切拼音怎么拼?迫切的读音是什么?迫切翻译成英文是什么?

    答:迫切的读音是pòqiè,迫切翻译成英文是 pressing

  2. 问:迫切地拼音怎么拼?迫切地的读音是什么?迫切地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:迫切地的读音是,迫切地翻译成英文是 imperiously

  3. 问:迫切性拼音怎么拼?迫切性的读音是什么?迫切性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:迫切性的读音是pòqièxìng,迫切性翻译成英文是 The urgency; the emergency.

  4. 问:迫切的拼音怎么拼?迫切的的读音是什么?迫切的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:迫切的的读音是pò qiè de,迫切的翻译成英文是 instant

  5. 问:迫切需要之物拼音怎么拼?迫切需要之物的读音是什么?迫切需要之物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:迫切需要之物的读音是,迫切需要之物翻译成英文是 desideratum

  6. 问:迫切需要得到之物拼音怎么拼?迫切需要得到之物的读音是什么?迫切需要得到之物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:迫切需要得到之物的读音是pòqièxūyào dédào zhī wù,迫切需要得到之物翻译成英文是 desiderata


