




1. 迫 [pò]2. 迫 [pǎi]迫 [pò]用强力压制,硬逼:逼~。~害。压~。强~。胁~。~降(jiàng )。~降(xiáng )。~不得已。接近:~近。~冬。急促:急~。~切。~不及待。狭窄:地势局~。迫 [pǎi]〔~击炮〕一……



汉语拼音:jǐn pò








  1. 急迫。

    清 吴炽昌 《客窗闲话续集·王土地》:“限期紧迫,速为尔父兄言之。” 孙犁 《秀露集·<从维熙小说选>序》:“但因为前些日子,为 刘绍棠 同志写序文时,过于紧迫,意犹未尽,颇觉遗憾。”



  1. The leader must be able to share knowledge and ideas to transmit a sense of urgency and enthusiasm to others.

  2. More pressingly, they will have to heal an awkward sense of transatlantic disunity that has emerged in the run-up to the meeting.

  3. I made sure to keep splitting the company into smaller companies, ensuring that we kept our sense of competition and urgency.

  4. There is a great sense of urgency in trying to get aid to those in need in Haiti, as more than death is feared.

  5. Your female breasts gently down, the heart in the sense of urgency faded away, the whole body becomes at ease.

  6. The peer feedback seems to provide a sense of urgency and adds another level of accountability to one's teammates.

  7. That's not bad for a week of work at a time of great, intense international concern.

  8. The sense of urgency is heightened by the fact that the ideal private banker of today is strikingly different from his predecessor.

  9. He cut it rather fine when he got to the station only half a minute before the train left.


  1. 紧迫的威胁

    imminent threat.

  2. 时间紧迫/ 手头紧

    to be pressed for time/ money

  3. 这事情很紧迫。

    The matter is pressing.

  4. 缺乏紧迫感

    They have no sense of urgency about it.

  5. 我们现在时间紧迫。

    We are now pressed for time.

  6. 时间紧迫,速下决心。

    Time presses, make up your mind.

  7. 你需要有紧迫感。

    You need a sense of urgency.

  8. 这件事相当紧迫。

    This is a matter of some urgency.

  9. 两边都没有紧迫感。

    There is no sense of urgency on either side.

  10. 这是一项紧迫任务。

    This is a pressing task.

  11. 时间的紧迫是显而易见的

    The demands of our time are great

  12. 这是项紧迫得挑战。

    And the challenge is pressing.

  13. 这是项紧迫的挑战。

    And the challenge is pressing.

  14. 我船有紧迫的危险。

    There is imminent danger to our ship.

  15. 我们有更紧迫的麻烦

    We have a more pressing matter.

  16. 任务非常紧迫, 不容迟疑。

    The task is so urgent that it allow of no hesitation.

  17. 任务十分紧迫, 不容迟疑。

    The task is so urgent that it allows of no hesitation.

  18. 避开那些紧迫的琐事。

    Avoid the vacuum of minutiae urgency.

  19. 要求援助的紧迫性。

    The urgency of the call for help.

  20. 最紧迫的问题是防洪。

    The most immediate problem is to control the floods.

  21. 时间紧迫,他们要分秒必争。

    Three hours or less, and they're gonna need every second.

  22. 这个问题很实际又很紧迫。

    This is a very practical and pressing issue.

  23. 他们面对紧迫的战争威胁。

    They were faced with the burning threat of war.

  24. 但钱是最紧迫的问题。

    But money is often a more immediate problem.

  25. 听着,时间紧迫,都听好了

    Whew. okay, we gotta move fast, people, so focus.

  26. 这个问题非常紧迫,不容回避。

    This problem is urgent and can not be evaded.

  27. 时间紧迫, 我们必须打速决战。

    We must win a quick victory due to the shortage of time.

  28. 时间紧迫,我们必须打速决战。

    We must win a quick victory due to the shortage of time.

  29. 它通常会使情况更加紧迫。

    It usually just makes situations more stressful.

  30. 我们认识到这种紧迫的威胁。

    We recognize the imminent threat.


  1. 问:紧迫拼音怎么拼?紧迫的读音是什么?紧迫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧迫的读音是jǐnpò,紧迫翻译成英文是 pressing

  2. 问:紧迫感拼音怎么拼?紧迫感的读音是什么?紧迫感翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧迫感的读音是Jǐnpògǎn,紧迫感翻译成英文是 sense of urgency

  3. 问:紧迫性拼音怎么拼?紧迫性的读音是什么?紧迫性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧迫性的读音是jǐnpòxìng,紧迫性翻译成英文是 The state of being urgent.

  4. 问:紧迫的拼音怎么拼?紧迫的的读音是什么?紧迫的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧迫的的读音是,紧迫的翻译成英文是 necessitous

  5. 问:紧迫危险拼音怎么拼?紧迫危险的读音是什么?紧迫危险翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧迫危险的读音是jǐn pò wēi xiǎn,紧迫危险翻译成英文是 imminent danger

  6. 问:紧迫局面拼音怎么拼?紧迫局面的读音是什么?紧迫局面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧迫局面的读音是jǐn pò jú miàn,紧迫局面翻译成英文是 close-quarters situation

  7. 问:紧迫流产拼音怎么拼?紧迫流产的读音是什么?紧迫流产翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧迫流产的读音是jǐn pò liú chǎn,紧迫流产翻译成英文是 imminent abortion

  8. 问:紧迫性原则拼音怎么拼?紧迫性原则的读音是什么?紧迫性原则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧迫性原则的读音是jǐnpòxìngyuánzé,紧迫性原则翻译成英文是 urgency principle

  9. 问:紧迫事件原则拼音怎么拼?紧迫事件原则的读音是什么?紧迫事件原则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧迫事件原则的读音是jǐn pò shì jiàn yuán zé,紧迫事件原则翻译成英文是 sudden emergency doctrine

  10. 问:紧迫危险规则拼音怎么拼?紧迫危险规则的读音是什么?紧迫危险规则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧迫危险规则的读音是jǐn pò wēi xiǎn guī zé,紧迫危险规则翻译成英文是 sudden peril rule



紧迫 [拼音]jǐnpò [解释]1.[urgent] 形容:事物的紧急迫切状态。急迫。例如:我有更紧迫的事情要做。 2.没有缓冲的余地。例如:任务紧迫/形势十分紧迫。