







汉语拼音:huǒ sù








  1. 急速。谓以极快的速度。

    元 朱凯 《昊天塔》第二折:“莫不是大 辽 军马厮蹅踏,我与你火速的便去争杀。”《说岳全传》第四七回:“尔其火速来京,起復旧职。” 邹韬奋 《患难馀生记》第一章:“第一件事即将行李交与家人之外,火速乘一辆汽车奔往 杜先生 狱中去见他。”



  1. The woman's husband rushed her to hospital where X-rays showed a pair of four-inches long surgical forceps in her abdomen.


  2. But there are doubts about her sincerity, worries about her inexperience and a real fear that her brother may overrule her and rush home.


  3. Two years ago a father in Shanghai rushed his 19-year-old daughter to a hospital after she had given birth to a baby at home.


  4. One day her father broke laws and speed limits to race her to the hospital and save her baby and get her help.


  5. All three of the active practitioners of the town had come quickly but had found the child dead.


  6. As a Seattle University College of Law student, I jumped in the queue as quickly as possible, and was lucky to get a ticket.


  7. The watch lieutenant presiding at the police department operations centre knew he had to make a fast decision.


  8. And it only needed the habitually mournful expression of one of the dogs to deepen a little and I was round there posthaste.


  9. Rescue teams carried him back up to cliff, then to an ambulance headed to the hospital.


  1. 火速回电。

    Cable reply immediately.

  2. 火速计算尺

    rate of spread meter.

  3. 火速进行。

    Proc eed with all possible dispatch.

  4. 火速前往救援要塞

    Hasten to the relief of the fortress

  5. 火速赐覆为盼。

    Awaiting the favor of your prompt attention.

  6. 火速向前线派援军

    speed reinforcements to the front

  7. 火速将此电报发出。

    Hurry up the dispatch of this telegram.

  8. 朋友火速送我到医院。

    My friend rushed me to the hospital.

  9. 病人得火速送往医院。

    The patient had to be raced to hospital.

  10. 救护车火速送他进医院。

    The ambulance rushed him to a hospital.

  11. 唐老鸭火速救援来啦。

    Donald Dak hastens to the aid!

  12. 将军火速前往救援该要塞。

    The general hastened to the relief of the fortress.

  13. 任务十分紧急,必须火速完成。

    It's an urgent task and must be completed at once.

  14. 我必须火速离开去赶火车。

    I must dash to catch my train.

  15. 他由直升机火速送到医院。

    He was rushed to the hospital by helicopter.

  16. 尼基因脑震荡被火速送往医院。

    Nicky was rushed to hospital with concussion.

  17. 救护车把伤员火速送往医院。

    The injured were rushed to hospital in an ambulance.

  18. 哈里会从伦敦火速赶来。

    Harry would have to come in great haste from London.

  19. 记者火速赶到示威活动的现

    The reporter rushed to the scene of the demonstration whip and spur.

  20. 我在紫藤郡4355号,请火速赶来。

    I'm at 4355 Wisteria Lane. Please hurry.

  21. 受伤的人被火速送到医院。

    The wounded were rushed to the hospital.

  22. 如有新的情况,请火速报告。

    If there is anything new, report at once.

  23. 只要买火速东尼的灾难减肥餐。

    With fast tony's disaster diet.

  24. 救护车把伤者火速送往医院。

    The injured were rushed to hospital in an ambulance.

  25. 边事吃紧, 请火速派兵支援。

    The border situation is pressing, please send reinforcements immediately.

  26. 边事吃紧,请火速派兵支援。

    The border situation is pressing, please send reinforcements immediately.

  27. 警察即刻出发,火速赶到出事现场。

    The police left immediately, and rushed to the scene of the accident.

  28. 救护车把受伤得人火速送到医院。

    Ambulances rushed the injured to hospital.

  29. 救护车把受伤的人火速送到医院。

    Ambulances rushed the injured to hospital.

  30. 他们火速从伊朗订购了大批原油。

    They have hurried to order lots of crude oil from Iran.


  1. 问:火速拼音怎么拼?火速的读音是什么?火速翻译成英文是什么?

    答:火速的读音是huǒsù,火速翻译成英文是 at top speed

  2. 问:火速回答拼音怎么拼?火速回答的读音是什么?火速回答翻译成英文是什么?

    答:火速回答的读音是huǒ sù huí dá,火速回答翻译成英文是 Dispatch Reply

  3. 问:火速告警器拼音怎么拼?火速告警器的读音是什么?火速告警器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:火速告警器的读音是huǒ sù gào jǐng qì,火速告警器翻译成英文是 stall warning detector



火速,huǒ sù,指赶紧;立即。急速。谓以极快的速度。出处:元朱凯《昊天塔》第二折:“莫不是大辽军马厮蹅踏,我与你火速的便去争杀。”《说岳全传》第四七回:“尔其火速来京,起复旧职。” 《东周列国志》第一百六回:“颜聚曰:‘吾当以死据住北门,公子收敛公族,火速到此,同奔代地,再图恢复。’”邹韬奋《患难馀生记》第一章:“第一件事即将行李交与家人之外,火速乘一辆汽车奔往杜先生狱中去见他。”李俊民《索和长平诸诗友送行韵》:“柴门近日多来客,火速移床待孝先。”