


1. 杠 [gàng]2. 杠 [gāng]杠 [gàng]一种较粗的棍子:~子。~杆。在阅读或批改文字中作标记而画的粗直线。杠 [gāng]旗杆。小桥。床前横木。……





汉语拼音:gàng líng







  1. 金属举重器械。在铁质横杠两端安上圆盘形的铁片,铁片最重的50千克,最轻的0.25千克。锻炼或比赛时,可以根据体力调节重量。



  1. He picked up a heavy weight. He was strong enough to lift it above his head.


  2. Trying to regain my dignity, I strolled over to the barbells and promptly overloaded one side and forgot to use collars.


  3. In his new book Baby Barbells he sets out a series of exercises he says will build muscle as well as the bond with your baby.


  4. When you see a man at the gym struggling to lift a heavy weight, do you jump in and say, ; Here… let me help you with that.


  5. When I began lifting weights, I got injured so often I might as well have simply beaten myself about the head and face with a barbell.


  6. He may not pause during the lift or touch the bar to his head while lifting it above his head.


  7. The only negative side to converting a portion of railing into a dumbbell is that countless drunk jocks will use it as a chin-up bar.


  8. He must hold the weight motionless with his arms and legs fully extended and his feet in a line.


  9. He stood with his legs and shoulders braced, ready to lift the weights.


  1. 给杠铃加重

    Loading the barbell.

  2. 杠铃接触身体

    Bar touching the Body.

  3. 这叫杠铃呀?

    It is called barbell?

  4. 杠铃平卧推举

    barbell pushing and lifting.

  5. 杠铃一定很重。

    It must be very heavy.

  6. 黑漆片训练杠铃

    Black chips barbell for training

  7. 两手持杠铃杆旋转

    Barbell windmill rotating

  8. 两手持杠铃振臂上举

    Barbell swing

  9. 曲杆漆片训练杠铃

    Bend bar and color chips barbell for training

  10. 这些包括举哑铃和杠铃。

    These include lifts with dumbbells and barbells.

  11. 把杠铃迅速地举过头顶。

    A weightlift in which the barbell is lifted overhead in one rapid motion.

  12. 他能举得动100公斤的杠铃。

    He can lift barbells weighing 100 kilograms.

  13. 他能举得动100公斤的杠铃。

    He can lift barbells weighing 100 kilograms.

  14. 举杠铃是她锻炼的一部份。

    She lifts weights as part of her training.

  15. 挂40磅的杠铃片这件事

    always leaves the 38pound plates in the curl bar.

  16. 我每天都到体育馆练习举杠铃。

    I lift weights every day in the gym.

  17. 我每天都到体育馆练习举杠铃。

    I lift weights every day in the gym.

  18. 他们便买了跑步机和一些杠铃。

    So they bought a treadmill and some weights.

  19. 将所有的健身器械和杠铃锁起来。

    Lock up all equipment and weights.

  20. 当你举起杠铃时要往外呼气。

    Exhale when you lift the weight.

  21. 刚开始的时候用空的杠铃以免受伤。

    At the beginning of the barbell by air in order to avoid injury.

  22. 杠铃的升降,只是肌肉收缩带来的结果。

    The bar's movement is simply a side effect of that contraction.

  23. 他奋力一举,举起了205公斤重的杠铃。

    He strained and raised the barbell of 205 kilograms.

  24. 她主演的电视剧船长杠铃和天国的阶梯。

    The boy stood at the foot of the stairway up to the ship and shouted at the top his voice.

  25. 姑且不提安吉洛总在曲杆杠铃两头

    You know, not to mention the fact that Angelo.

  26. 杠铃和哑铃都是经典的力量训练工具。

    Barbells and dumbbells are classic strength training tools.

  27. 通过拖动添加一组大小可变得杠铃。

    Drag to add a set of barbells with variable size.

  28. 通过拖动添加一组大小可变的杠铃。

    Drag to add a set of barbells with variable size.

  29. 他绷紧腿和肩膀站着, 准备举起杠铃。

    He stood with his legs and shoulders braced, ready to lift the weights.

  30. 第二个小组采用以杠铃负重为主的力量练习。

    The second group adopted the power practice of loaded barbell.


  1. 问:杠铃拼音怎么拼?杠铃的读音是什么?杠铃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:杠铃的读音是gànglíng,杠铃翻译成英文是 barbell

  2. 问:杠铃杆拼音怎么拼?杠铃杆的读音是什么?杠铃杆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:杠铃杆的读音是gàng líng gǎn,杠铃杆翻译成英文是 bar

  3. 问:杠铃架拼音怎么拼?杠铃架的读音是什么?杠铃架翻译成英文是什么?

    答:杠铃架的读音是gàng líng jià,杠铃架翻译成英文是 barbell stand

  4. 问:杠铃片拼音怎么拼?杠铃片的读音是什么?杠铃片翻译成英文是什么?

    答:杠铃片的读音是gàng líng piàn,杠铃片翻译成英文是 disc; disk; plate

  5. 问:杠铃练习拼音怎么拼?杠铃练习的读音是什么?杠铃练习翻译成英文是什么?

    答:杠铃练习的读音是gàng líng liàn xí,杠铃练习翻译成英文是 barbell exercise

  6. 问:杠铃背后脱落拼音怎么拼?杠铃背后脱落的读音是什么?杠铃背后脱落翻译成英文是什么?

    答:杠铃背后脱落的读音是gàng líng bèi hòu tuō luò,杠铃背后脱落翻译成英文是 drop the bar behind the back


