







汉语拼音:kuáng fàng








  1. 任性放荡。

    金 王若虚 《鄜州龙兴寺明极轩记》:“始予以狂放不羈,为上官所捃,宴游戏剧,悉禁絶之。”《醒世恒言·灌园叟晚逢仙女》:“那 十八姨 性颇轻佻,却又好酒。多饮几盃,渐渐狂放。” 清 侯方域 《任源邃传》:“初, 元祥 为儒生,以文行自厉,而 源邃 负气狂放不相类。” 冰心 《寄小读者》十五:“后来旁人告诉我,她的父亲纵酒狂放,醉后时时虐待她的儿女。”



  1. Secondly, he wasn't the accidental genius he made himself out to be.


  2. Bela was as good as her word, holding Halidarre in a dead hover, laughing that wild laugh again, brandishing her sword.


  3. It was hinted that the main character in The Sun Also Rises, the irrespressable Lady Brett, was borrowed from another novel.


  4. E Puxiao was tall, handsome, unrestrained personality, Michelle was confused by her male charm, madly in love with him.


  5. Wild heart finally calm again attributed to a wife Cui Sting has had on the peace of a simple life.


  6. It was a sunset that singularly fitted the scene, combining in audacious colour with the river's strength.


  7. Performed in nightclubs where they so wild uninhibited soul of deep desire in his heart is still a home for herself.


  8. It was always the same, beginning with kiss and ending, after strange wild emotions, with peace and then sobbing repentance .


  9. Hiddink, full of admiration for the Arsenal striker these days, looks back with a smile on Van Persie's younger and wilder days.


  1. 狂放不羁的热情

    unbounded enthusiasm.

  2. 在最狂放的梦里。

    In the wildest of our dreams.

  3. 狂放之性与闲适之趣

    Unrestrained Disposition and Leisurely Delight

  4. 她生性狂放,不受拘束。

    She has violent and unregulated nature.

  5. 当爱,比风更狂放。

    When love was wilder than the wind.

  6. 相当狂放的萨克斯即兴演奏

    Its a wild riff for saxophone.

  7. 相当狂放得萨克斯即兴演奏

    Its a wild riff for saxophone.

  8. 瓦斯克斯小姐你也太狂放了吧

    Miss Vasquez.

  9. 她的表情是超然的,诗意的,狂放无羁的。

    Her expression was aloof, poetic, rhapsodical.

  10. 他那诗人般狂放不羁风格的反复无常。

    the versatility of his poetic, freewheeling style.

  11. 文学语言是语言家族中狂放不羁得浪子悍妇。

    Literature language is the uncontrollable hellcat in the family of language.

  12. 文学语言是语言家族中狂放不羁的浪子悍妇。

    Literature language is the uncontrollable hellcat in the family of language.

  13. 那狂放,不屈,旺盛得样子使我想到我自己

    And its look, rude, unbending, lusty, made me think of myself

  14. 那狂放,不屈,旺盛的样子使我想到我自己

    And its look, rude, unbending, lusty, made me think of myself

  15. 但是, 他们保持独立的强烈热情总是狂放不羁。

    Their fierce passion to remain independent, however, was too often unrestrained.

  16. 一个甚至在日常生活中也很狂放的艺术家

    An artist who was farouche even in everyday life

  17. 第二, 他可不是他所表现出来的那个狂放不羁的天才。

    Secondly, he wasnt the accidental genius he made himself out to be.

  18. 这段时期有着狂放鞑靼男孩很明显的印记。

    The period is virtually stamped in his wild boy, androgynous, Tatar image.

  19. 这段时期有着狂放鞑靼男孩很明显得印记。

    The period is virtually stamped in his wild boy, androgynous, Tatar image.

  20. 二是狂放的个性化。这都源于他那坎坷的一生。

    One is the penetrating tragedy, the other the wild personifcation, both of which derive from his life that was full of frustrations.

  21. 乔的行动怪异言语狂放,所以我们认为他不太对劲。

    Joe acted queerly and talked wildly, so we thought he was not all there.

  22. 当你开始冥想的时候,你将发现意志是那么的狂放不羁。

    When you start meditating, you will notice how unruly the mind is.

  23. 我在伊顿公学过了三年狂放不羁、频频作恶的生活。

    My life at Eton lasted for three wild and evil years.

  24. 舞蹈狂放、深沉,充分表达了生者痛失亲友后的哀思。

    The dance is vigorous and profound, full of the grief of the living for their beloved relative and friend.

  25. 这里拥抱着某种颓废和狂放, 让它有别于埃及的其它地方。

    It embraced a decadence and an abandon that set it apart from the rest of Egypt.

  26. 当一个人孤傲狂放的时候,他忘了感恩惜福是一种习惯。

    Five. When a man aloof, he forgot the wild XiFu gratitude is a habit.

  27. 为取夺我们的快乐而粗野狂放地冲出一扇扇生命的铁门。

    And tear our pleasures with rough strife thorough the iron gates of life.


  1. 问:狂放拼音怎么拼?狂放的读音是什么?狂放翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狂放的读音是kuángfàng,狂放翻译成英文是 unruly; unrestrained; untrammelled




拼音:kuáng fàng 词性:形容词 基本解释 [be unruly or unrestrained] 任性放荡 狂放不羁 详细解释 任性放荡。 金 王若虚 《鄜州龙兴寺明极轩记》:“始予以狂放不羁,为上官所捃,宴游戏剧,悉禁绝之。”《醒世恒言·灌园叟晚逢仙女》:“那 十八姨 性颇轻佻,却又好酒。多饮几杯,渐渐狂放。” 清 侯方域 《任源邃传》:“初, 元祥 为儒生,以文行自厉,而 源邃 负气狂放不相类。” 冰心 《寄小读者》十五:“后来旁人告诉我,她的父亲纵酒狂放,醉后时时虐待她的儿女。”