




1. 度 [dù]2. 度 [duó]度 [dù]计算长短的器具或单位:尺~。刻~。~量衡。事物所达到的境界:程~。高~。风~。分角的单位,一圆周角分为360度:角~。依照计算的一定标准划分的单位:温~。湿~。经~。纬~。浓~。电能的单位,……



汉语拼音:xū dù








  1. 白白地度过。

    唐 元稹 《酬乐天三月三日见寄》诗:“独倚破帘闲悵望,可怜虚度好春朝。” 元 关汉卿 《金线池》第三折:“虚度了丽日和风,枉误了良辰美景。”《红楼梦》第三七回:“单表 宝玉 自 贾政 起身之后,每日在园中任意纵性游荡,真把光阴虚度,岁月空添。” 魏巍 《谁是最可爱的人·年轻人,让你的青春更美丽吧》:“青春是美丽的。但一个人的青春可以平庸无奇;也可以放射出英雄的火光。可以因虚度而懊悔;也可以用结结实实的步子,步到辉煌的壮年。”



  1. It plays tag with the wind. September is a changeling busy as a squirrel in a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook.


  2. We should not idly spend the life, should be able to say: "I had already made the matter which I can do. "


  3. A few days ago I was just as " Foshan television" wrote a television prose, so sit on a chair as stiff as a waste of time or a straight.


  4. t use time or words carelessly. Neither can be retrieved. Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.


  5. I would like to thank the dream, is a target, she let me. No wasted time, I would like to dream of my heart for the fight.


  6. I'd rather hold you for a minute than live the rest of life knowing I never could.


  7. Cartman : life goes by pretty fast, if you stop and look around once for a while, and do what you wanna do all the time, you could miss it.


  8. All the times that I've cried, and all this wasted, it's all inside. And I feel all this pain. I stuffed it down, it's back again.


  9. We spend so much of our lives with our parents and yet most of itis devoted to routine and commonplace things.


  1. 虚度一下午

    to idle away the afternoon.

  2. 你虚度着。

    You fr ter and waste the hours in an offhand way.

  3. 闲逛,虚度光阴

    Dawdle along

  4. 就是虚度光阴。

    When trifled away.

  5. 虚度了的青春

    a misspend youth

  6. 虚度一个下午

    idle the afternoon away.

  7. 不要虚度年华。

    Do not idle away your time.

  8. 不要虚度时光。

    Dont loiter your time away.

  9. 不要虚度光阴。

    Don't trifle away your time.

  10. 他虚度了青春。

    He wore away his youth in trifles.

  11. 懊悔虚度的年华

    mourned the wasted years.

  12. 锦绣年华莫虚度。

    Do not waste the best years of your life.

  13. 别虚度青春年华。

    Don't drone away the precious years of youth.

  14. 虚度年华等于自杀。

    To idle away ones time amounts to killing oneself.

  15. 他散地虚度光阴。

    He lounged away the time.

  16. 彼得虚度了一生。

    Peter dreamed his life away.

  17. 真是太虚度年华了

    What a colossal waste of time.

  18. 他懒散地虚度光阴。

    He lounged away the time.

  19. 虚度青春, 悔恨无已

    Reckless youth makes rueful age

  20. 她虚度了青春年华。

    She trifled through her youth.

  21. 我们不能虚度年华。

    We should not idle away our time.

  22. 她虚度一生, 一事无成。

    She dreamt her life away, never really achieving anything.

  23. 整个上午都虚度了。

    The whole of the morning was wasted.

  24. 人们不能虚度光阴。

    One should not loiter his time away.

  25. 你不应该虚度光阴。

    You should not loiter your time away.

  26. 虚度宝贵的青春年华

    dronethe precious years of youth

  27. 父亲发现他虚度时光。

    His father found him idling about.

  28. 父亲发现他虚度时光。

    His father found him idling about.

  29. 他们狂欢作乐虚度光阴。

    They reveled away the time.

  30. 别把时光都虚度了!

    Don't dream away the hours!


  1. 问:虚度拼音怎么拼?虚度的读音是什么?虚度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虚度的读音是xūdù,虚度翻译成英文是 to spend time in vain; waste; idle away

  2. 问:虚度日子拼音怎么拼?虚度日子的读音是什么?虚度日子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虚度日子的读音是,虚度日子翻译成英文是 frivol

  3. 问:虚度时光拼音怎么拼?虚度时光的读音是什么?虚度时光翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虚度时光的读音是,虚度时光翻译成英文是 fiddle



基本信息 词目:虚度

拼音:xū dù 释义:白白地度过。