




看:~觉。~力。~野。鄙~。注~。近~。~而不见。熟~无睹。亲临某事:~事。~察。看待:藐~。重~。等闲~之。看望:探~。省(xǐng )~。比照:“天子之卿受地~侯”。古同“示”,表明。……



汉语拼音:xiǎo shì








  1. 小看,看不起。

    明 汤显祖 《南柯记·伏戎》:“近日得他文书,于 槐安国 上,加一个‘大’字,好不小视人也。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·词曲·忌填塞》:“ 金圣嘆 特标其名曰‘五才子书’、‘六才子书’者,其意何居?盖愤天下之小视其道,不知为古今来絶大文章。” 沙汀 《淘金记》五:“哥老会的被人小视,完全该这班人负责。”



  1. While they became known as a force to be reckoned with, the starfighter unit was ravaged by the initial invasion forces of the Yuuzhan Vong.


  2. This was the largest known so baidu Baidu Chinese search engine, in crisis management, there must not be discounted.


  3. In the human side of the highest positive defensive troops, powerful defense capabilities, and damage is not to be overlooked either.


  4. Skin Care Products with natural ingredients are more and more popular. As a significant sort of Natural Skin care products.


  5. Moreover, the impact of the infusion of the business capital, movie policy and the transformation of its movie culture are indispensable.


  6. Social practice proves, to promote a nation's competitiveness, the significance of effective financial system should not be underestimated.


  7. A "fight to life the last minute left by the person" of "political wills" , its energy is not taken lightly.


  8. despite the Beijing public, the seahorse is a familiar phrase is not, but its status in the national home industry has not overlooked.


  9. When a writer is evaluated, his life ideal should be considered as an important factor.


  1. 不要小视我们的党。

    One should not belittle our Party.

  2. 这一担忧不容小视。

    This is not a concern to take lightly.

  3. 这些举措的意义不可小视。

    This is not without consequence.

  4. 不要小视女子, 谁说女子不如男?

    Don't look down upon women, women can do as well as men.

  5. 不要小视女子,谁说女子不如男?

    Don't look down upon women, women can do as well as men.

  6. 绝不要小视由矿石引起的疼痛。

    Never ignore your sore caused by the ore.

  7. 但是,它影响之广,之深,都不可小视。

    It, however, is enormous in both scale and importance.

  8. 然而, 我们也不能小视广告的缺点。

    However, we cannot belittle the disadvantages of the ads.

  9. 那不是最拿手的 但效果不可小视。

    Okay, well, that wasn't my best work, but you can't deny results.

  10. 动态电压恢复器的最小视在功率控制

    Minimum Apparent Power Control of Dynamic Voltage Restorer

  11. 对于已经发生的灾难,其严重性不该小视。

    It makes no sense to belittle the enormity of the disaster which has occurred.

  12. 这件事对今后的工作关系重大,不可小视。

    This is not to be slighted, for it has an important bearing on our future work.

  13. 这段小视频 展示了我们所做的工作

    It's just a quick video of what we do.

  14. 看来这菜名中的学问,真的不好随便小视。

    It seems that the knowledge of the name of the cuisine really can't be casually overlooked.

  15. 但其涉及范围广大、种类繁多,其危害不容小视。

    However, because of lots of its scope and variety, the harm can not be overlooked.

  16. 陕西儿童文学在当代儿童文学版图里, 是不可小视的。

    Childrens literature produced in Shaanxi province is nonnegligible on the landscape of contemporary childrens literature.

  17. 小视场图像系统的非线性畸变校正方法的研究

    Research on Nonlinear Distortion Correction Method for Computer Vision System with Small View Field

  18. 作为教育教学管理的教学秘书,其发挥的作用不容小视。

    The function of teaching secretaries, who are the intendant of teaching, can not be neglected.

  19. 尤其是小视场时刚体位移可达几十个像素。

    Then a predetermining and surpassing the rigid displacements way is developed.

  20. 你可以让玩苍蝇玩一个小视频游戏 让它在显示器周围飞

    You can let the fly play a little video game by letting it fly around in a visual display.


  1. 问:小视拼音怎么拼?小视的读音是什么?小视翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小视的读音是xiǎoshì,小视翻译成英文是 To despise, look down on.