




年纪大,时间长,有经验,陈旧的:~当益壮。~朋友。~练。~化。少年~成。~马识途。对年纪大的人的尊称:吴~。~人家。~大爷。极,很:~早。~羞成怒。老年人:敬~院。扶~携幼。~有所为(wéi )。晚年:~年。~境。敬老,养老:“~吾老,以及……



汉语拼音:yuán lǎo








  1. 天子的老臣。

    《诗·小雅·采芑》:“ 方叔 元老,克壮其犹。” 毛 传:“元,大也。五官之长,出於诸侯,曰天子之老。”后称年辈、资望皆高的大臣或政界人物。《后汉书·章帝纪》:“行太尉事 节乡侯 熹 三世在位,为国元老。” 宋 曾巩 《与杜相公书》:“阁下以旧相之重,元老之尊,而猥自抑损,加礼於草茆之中,孤煢之际。” 康有为 《大同书》绪言:“於万国之元老、硕儒、名士、美人,亦多执手、接茵、联袂、分羹而致其亲爱矣。”

  2. 比喻各行各业中资深望重的人。有时带调侃意味。

    王蒙 《悠悠寸草心》:“我不但是理发的老师傅,而且是整个招待所唯一从四九年起三十年一贯制地呆下来的‘元老’了。”

  3. 唐 时宰相相呼为元老。

    唐 李肇 《唐国史补》卷下:“宰相相呼为元老,或曰堂老。”



  1. They might have expected Mr Tata, who had never held an executive position, to leave them alone.


  2. Despite warnings from his wife and Cleopatra, he is confident of victory. However, he is stabbed to death by various senators.


  3. As any veteran of a start-up will tell you, the strains of building a company can be enough to undermine even the strongest partnerships.


  4. The senate even directs the present and future consuls and praetors to see to it that no injurious consequences to her follow.


  5. He did not rule out standing for parliament and becoming a sort of elder statesman for his party, the People of Freedom (PdL).


  6. Romulus's life ended in the thirty-eighth year of his reign, with a supernatural disappearance, if he was not slain by the Senate.


  7. Donating to local charities was part of the company's culture, borne from the charitable activities of its founder.


  8. A number of senior technical staff, in the enterprise are not reusable, will have to leave.


  9. At this point Newt Gingrich is what passes for a sober, reasonable elder statesman of the G.


  1. 高尔夫球的元老

    an elder statesman of golf

  2. 法律界的元老

    veteran of the law.

  3. 罗马元老院

    Roman senate.

  4. 浅析元老制

    On System of Senior Members.

  5. 德高望重的政界元老们。

    an august body of elder statesmen

  6. 元老院代表权

    Ius agendi cum patribus

  7. 他被称为板球元老。

    He's been called the grand old man of cricket.

  8. 罗马元老院的法令

    senatus consultum

  9. 城邦元老认可了提议。

    The city fathers endorsed the proposal.

  10. 伊斯兰国家元老的地位。

    the position of vizier.

  11. 我今天去元老院时。

    When I went to the senate, today.

  12. 我叫做一无所有伯爵, 元老院元老。

    I call myself Monsieur le Comte Nought, senator.

  13. 他们是元老们雇佣的角斗士。

    They're gladiators hired by the senate.

  14. 不是元老院的大理石地砖。

    Is not the marble of the senate.

  15. 他是一位法律界元老。

    He is a veteran of the law.

  16. 专为元老院元老设立的职位。

    Tribunus Laticlavius Named for the broad striped toga worn by men of senatorial rank.

  17. 他许家是三朝元老。

    The Xus have been ranking officials in three succeeding regimes.

  18. 如何治疗创业元老老年痴呆症

    Treating Senile Dementia of The Aging Founders of An Enterprise

  19. 元老古罗马议会的一员

    A member of the senate in ancient Rome.

  20. 你应该会成为一个杰出的元老。

    You shall make an excellent senator.

  21. 一个低贱的平民进入元老院?

    A lowly pleb in the senate?

  22. 这时, 元老们劝他留下来不要走。

    Then the Fathers tried to persuade him to stay.

  23. 不在大理石砌就的元老院里,

    Is not the Marble of the Senate

  24. 群众和元老院议员都看到了。

    The mob sees this, and so do the senate.

  25. 共和时期的罗马元老院及其作用

    The Position and Function of the Senate in the Republic Time of Rome

  26. 他是众议院的后裔,后来却成为众议院元老。

    A child of the House of Commons, he became in time its father.

  27. 元老院中的成员最后多半成为贵族。

    The majority of Senators continued to be Patricians.

  28. 由梭伦创建的由400人组成的元老院

    the senate of 400 founded by Solon in ancient Athens

  29. 由梭伦创建得由400人组成得元老院

    the senate of 400 founded by Solon in ancient Athens

  30. 他在党内元老中获得了广泛支持。

    He secured widespread support among the party's senior members.


  1. 问:元老拼音怎么拼?元老的读音是什么?元老翻译成英文是什么?

    答:元老的读音是yuánlǎo,元老翻译成英文是 founding member

  2. 问:元老赛拼音怎么拼?元老赛的读音是什么?元老赛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:元老赛的读音是yuán lǎo sài,元老赛翻译成英文是 veterans' contest

  3. 问:元老队拼音怎么拼?元老队的读音是什么?元老队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:元老队的读音是yuán lǎo duì,元老队翻译成英文是 veterans'team

  4. 问:元老院拼音怎么拼?元老院的读音是什么?元老院翻译成英文是什么?

    答:元老院的读音是yuán lǎo yuàn,元老院翻译成英文是 Roman Senate

  5. 问:元老院大厦拼音怎么拼?元老院大厦的读音是什么?元老院大厦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:元老院大厦的读音是yuán lǎo yuàn dà shà,元老院大厦翻译成英文是 H12880

  6. 问:元老院议事官拼音怎么拼?元老院议事官的读音是什么?元老院议事官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:元老院议事官的读音是yuán lǎo yuàn yì shì guān,元老院议事官翻译成英文是 conscript father

  7. 问:元老院紧急决定拼音怎么拼?元老院紧急决定的读音是什么?元老院紧急决定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:元老院紧急决定的读音是,元老院紧急决定翻译成英文是 Senatus consultum ultimum

  8. 问:元老院紧急决议拼音怎么拼?元老院紧急决议的读音是什么?元老院紧急决议翻译成英文是什么?

    答:元老院紧急决议的读音是yuán lǎo yuàn jǐn jí jué yì,元老院紧急决议翻译成英文是 senatus consultum ultimae necessitatis


