







汉语拼音:fāng cái








  1. 亦作“ 方才 ”。

  2. 见“ 方纔 ”。



  1. The boy protested that she should not; she continued to declare that she would, and the argument ended only with the visit.


  2. I feel I'll be able to understand tomorrow's meeting much better after the information you've just given me.


  3. After consulting the lawyer, I were capable to give the constituent some constructive suggestions or to constrain he to follow the law.


  4. Only within such chosen limits is the concept of any real self at all relevant.


  5. In her, there was none of the fire she had shown during their previous conversation, only an icy chill.


  6. It is strange how much you can remember about places like that once you allow your mind to return into the grooves which lead back.


  7. While people sending money don't need PayPal accounts, people receiving moola do -- or, at least, they must be willing to create one.


  8. (to Roy )Pardon me. But was that an air raid warning?


  9. The pupil how that year winter worship into the daughter village door, began to see, collar hanging decorations like named river "s lake. "


  1. 方才实在不好意思。

    That was incredibly awkward.

  2. 他方才回来。

    He has just come back.; He came back just now.

  3. 她方才还在这儿。

    She was here just a moment ago.

  4. 方才我到他家去了。

    I went to his place just now.

  5. 等到天黑,他方才回来。

    He didn't come back until after dark.

  6. 只有发球方才能得分。

    A player can only win points when he is serving.

  7. 我方才和女同伙分手了。

    I've just parted with my girlfriend.

  8. 我想你对方才所见。

    I imagine you have some questions.

  9. 方才的事你不要放在心上。

    Don't take to heart what happened just now.

  10. 他搜肠刮肚地想了想方才回答。

    He thought hard before answering.

  11. 对不起,请问方才那是空袭警报吗?

    Pardon me. But was that an air raid warning.

  12. 雪大风狂, 将近半夜, 方才停止。

    The storm continued until toward midnight, then ceased.

  13. 她方才那一阵兴奋又烟消云散了。

    Her high spirits of a moment ago suddenly passed away like a breath of wind.

  14. 我也是刚才看见报载,方才知道。

    I've only just read about it myself in the morning papers.

  15. 抱愧, 你可以重复方才所说的吗?

    Sorry, but could you kindly repeat what you just said ?

  16. 我想把你方才所说的写下来。

    I want to write down what you just said.

  17. 扣了十几下, 王妈方才把门开了。

    He had to knock a number of tames before the maid appeared.

  18. 赵你方才开的报价很不合理。

    Your price is quite unreasonable.

  19. 方才有位太太进接生间去了。

    A lady has just gone to the delivery room.

  20. 尼姆方才感到的紧张一下子化为乌有了。

    Nim's tension of a moment earlier dissolved.

  21. 我方才接获通知我们现有库存量。

    I just got an answer about the stock we have on hand.

  22. 方才希斯特说话时双手叠在胸前。

    Hist had spoken with her hands crossed upon her bosom.

  23. 直到今天报上登出来,我方才知道!

    If I hadn't happened to see the news in the paper, I'd never have known!

  24. 我方才问你要不要给他留口信。

    I was just asking whether you want to leave him a message.

  25. 他骑了一整天自行车,直到精疲力竭方才罢休。

    He cycled all day long, till he was fagged out.

  26. 老太太方才还在念诵呢,可巧你就来了。

    Granny was just talking about you a minute ago, and here you are!

  27. 我可爱的宝贝,你方才寻来,真令我狂喜!

    My lovable treasure, you just now seek, really makes meto be wild with joy!

  28. 直升机在演习开始后1小时32分方才到达。

    The helicopter did not arrive until 1 hr and 32 minutes after the exercise began.

  29. 眼星里还闪烁著方才那一片欢乐。

    At play last moment, and went on with me.

  30. 他们方才一直在森林里狼吞虎咽地大嚼野果。

    They had been gorging fruit in the forest.


  1. 问:方才拼音怎么拼?方才的读音是什么?方才翻译成英文是什么?

    答:方才的读音是fāngcái,方才翻译成英文是 just now



方才,(方才在线)是一家服装类电子商务网站, 方才服饰保持其一贯的传统风格,给人以一种简约、高档、舒适的感觉,为消费者赢得了富有格调的空间,使购物成为令人愉悦的的享受,把品牌推崇的简约、物超所值的风潮带给消费者,也为都市忙碌人倡导一种新的生活理念。