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汉语拼音:jiāng shuǐ
即 长江 。
《淮南子·墬形训》:“何谓六水?曰 河水 、 赤水 、 辽水 、 黑水 、 江水 、 淮水 。” 高诱 注:“ 江水 出 岷山 。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·江水一》:“ 岷山 ,即 瀆山 也,水曰 瀆水 矣。又谓之 汶 。 阜山 在徼外, 江水 所导也。” 唐 韩愈 《除官赴阙至江州寄鄂岳李大夫》诗:“ 盆城 去 鄂渚 ,风便一日耳。不枉故人书,无因帆 江水 。”
Only the dark river and the sky of stars, tells of the endless rolling in the Yangtze River East PASSING story.
只有黑暗中的江水和天边的星光,诉说着滚滚长江东逝水的无尽故事。In the river water, did not know how many loves whirls around to hate the rival in love the humiliation and the bubble?
在江水之中,不知翻卷着多少爱恨情仇的屈辱和泡影?silently, as if suffering noble descent, listening to the river as if weeping and complaining.
默默地,仿佛历经磨难的贵族后裔,听惯了滔滔江水如泣如诉。There were no flood defences, and the water used to wash up to the buildings, sometimes up to waist height.
那时没有防汛墙,江水过去常常冲击建筑,有时水有齐腰深。It's an unexpected discovery since the region doesn't appear to get enough rain to support such a sodden landscape.
这一发现出人意料。因为这一地区似乎没有足够的江水来维持这种汪洋景观。At night, the man stood on a bridge in the city, watching the river rolling down. Traffic stream behind him was like a moving scene.
晚上,男子站在城市的一座桥上看着江水从脚底下滚滚逝去,身后车流往来不息,像是运动着的布景。Independent on the river, He to the river in a daze. Imagine myself to save chu country. People line the streets to give me a welcome.
独立在江边,对着江水发呆。想象着自己拯救楚国,百姓夹道欢迎Private mountain, private lake, look a look, saw the surging river is not rising to the ear, only the birds chirping.
私家的山,私家的湖,放眼一望,只见滔滔江水不闻声,耳里只有雀鸟鸣叫。Tao Tao never-failing river reflects a turn pale face intense darkness without light, the eyes do not see past the wonderful?