


1. 勒 [lè]2. 勒 [lēi]勒 [lè]套在牲畜上带帽子的笼头:马~。收住缰绳不使前进:悬崖~马。强制:~令。~索。统率:~兵。雕刻:~石。~碑。~铭。勒 [lēi]用绳子等捆住和套住,然后用力拉紧:~紧。方言,强制,逼迫。……





汉语拼音:lēi jǐn








  1. Public transport strikes in London and France this week told everyone what they already knew but many had yet to feel: austerity will hurt.


  2. I began to tighten up, my legs spasmed and I knew what was happening.


  3. But now Summerville had come to heel, which might be another motive for her trip out West.


  4. A brief scream was stifled as her throat closed up and she tried desperately to escape to turn to scratch him with her nails.


  5. And in the general atmosphere of a recession, out-of-control spending tends to slow down as everybody tightens their belts.


  6. In these days of dieting and weight watching, most people would love to be able to tighten their belt after losing a few kilograms .


  7. If the office itself is starting to look run down and like its in need of an upgrade, it's indicative of excessive belt-tightening measures.


  8. At his press conference later that day, the manager did not confirm the figure but did suggest he had what he needed.


  9. Yet even if shoppers are out in force, their purse strings are likely to be tightened by rising unemployment.


  1. 我得勒紧裤腰带了。

    I have to tighten my belt.

  2. 可以的, 顶多勒紧裤腰带。

    We can, if we tighten our belts a little.

  3. 勒紧裤腰带节俭过日子吧。

    Tighten your belt and cut corners.

  4. 勒紧腰带过日子, 节俭度日

    More money than they want for something. When this happens, poor people have to tighten their belts

  5. 这个月我不得不勒紧裤腰带。

    I cannot heip but tighting trouser belt this month.

  6. 勒紧绷带以减缓血液的流动。

    The bandage can be tightened to constrict the flow of blood.

  7. 这个月我不得不勒紧裤腰带过日子。

    I have to tighten my belt this month.

  8. 这个月我们不得不勒紧腰带过日子。

    We have to tighten our belts this month.

  9. 这个星期我不得不勒紧裤腰带过日子。

    I have to tighten my belt this week.

  10. 我这个月要勒紧裤腰带过日子了!

    I have to tighten my belt this month.

  11. 这个月我要勒紧裤腰带过日子了。

    I have to tighten my belt this month.

  12. 政府是时候勒紧腰带, 减少开销了。

    It was time for the government to pull in its belt and reduce spending.

  13. 政府是时候勒紧腰带,减少开销了。

    It was time for the government to pull in its belt and reduce spending.

  14. 你要知道, 我们大家都得勒紧腰带。

    We've all got to tighten our belts, you know.

  15. 我得勒紧裤腰带才能买部新手机。

    I have to tighten my belt to buy a new mobile phone.

  16. 期望希腊人再次勒紧裤腰带并不现实。

    Expecting the Greeks to tighten their belts again is unrealistic.

  17. 从现在起我们必须要勒紧腰带度日了。

    Now we have to tighten our belts.

  18. 父亲失了业,我们不得不勒紧裤腰带过日子。

    When father lost his job we had to tighten our belts.

  19. 霍华德没有。我们也在勒紧裤带苦撑。

    Howard Not really. Weve had to tighten our belts a bit, too.

  20. 努力工作,盘腿坐下,勒紧腰带,和改善生活。

    Work hard, hunker down, tighten your belt, and make a better life.

  21. 许多家庭都在勒紧裤带,华盛顿也应该如此。

    Families are tightening their belts and so should Washington.

  22. 她是提前消费者。她这个月不得不勒紧裤腰带过日子。

    She was ahead of consumers.She has to tighten her belt this month.

  23. 信贷紧缩会迫使各企业立即节衣缩食,勒紧裤腰带吗?

    Is the credit crunch forcing firms to retrench directly.

  24. 上个月入不敷出,导致这个月我得勒紧裤腰带过日子。

    I did not make both ends meet last month, so i have to tighten my belt from this month.

  25. 他们在丰收时节狼吞虎咽, 在饥荒时唯有勒紧裤腰带了。

    In times of plenty, they gorged themselves.In times of dearth, they fasted.

  26. 如果失败,我们必须勒紧裤带,把这股潮流顶回去。

    If it fails, we'll have to tighten our belts and turn the forces around.

  27. 乔的表达已经爱好学问地去空白的,而且他的颚已经勒紧。

    Joe's expression had gone studiously blank, and his jaw had tightened.

  28. 如果食物短缺,抱怨也没有用,我们只能勒紧裤腰带。

    If food is scarce it's no use complaining; we shall just have to pull in our belts.

  29. 如果每个人都勒紧腰带, 这种情况就尤其可能发生。

    That is particularly likely if everybody tightens together.

  30. 然后他勒紧手中的缰绳在月光中向西方疾驰而去。

    Then he tugged at his rein in the moonlight, and galloped away to the west.


  1. 问:勒紧绳子拼音怎么拼?勒紧绳子的读音是什么?勒紧绳子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:勒紧绳子的读音是lēijǐn shéngzi,勒紧绳子翻译成英文是 tie a tight knot

  2. 问:勒紧拼音怎么拼?勒紧的读音是什么?勒紧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:勒紧的读音是lēijǐn,勒紧翻译成英文是 tighten

  3. 问:勒紧的人拼音怎么拼?勒紧的人的读音是什么?勒紧的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:勒紧的人的读音是,勒紧的人翻译成英文是 bracer





【释义】用带子系得很紧 比喻日子辛苦。

