


1. 宁 [níng]2. 宁 [nìng]3. 宁 [zhù]宁 [níng]平安,安定:~静。~谧。息事~人。已嫁的女子或在外子女回家省视父母:~亲。归~。守父母之丧,丧假:“前博士弟子父母死,予~三年”。中国江苏省南京市的别称。中国宁……


许可,愿意:首~(点头答应)。骨头上附着的肉:~綮(qīng )(筋骨结合的地方,喻重要的关键)。中(zhòng )~(喻言论正中要害)。……



汉语拼音:nìng kěn







  1. 难道不肯,岂肯。

    《后汉书·刘盆子传》:“所以厚诸君者,非欲求利,徒以县宰不道,枉杀吾子,欲为报怨耳。诸君寧肯哀之乎?” 晋 干宝 《搜神记》卷十七:“僕寧肯请人之父而淫人之女?若復见来,便出斫之。” 宋 范成大 《次韵汉卿舅即事》:“风捲南枝一夜休,孤芳寧肯为人留?” 清 黄宗羲 《与康明府书》:“老父母固二公之流亚也。寧肯坐视宇下之小民肝脑涂地,而不为之动心乎?”

  2. 宁愿。

    周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部三:“一天夜里, 汤阿英 偷偷回到自己的家,抱住娘失声痛哭,宁肯跟爹和娘到处去讨饭,死也不肯回到 朱 家这个老虎窝里去了。”



  1. Why we're inclined to treat stocks as if they were lottery tickets instead of ownership in an actual company?


  2. He would have given ten years of his life to hear it, in order that he might bear away in his soul a little of that music.


  3. Hence, I would rather say that others are paradise and that I tend not to think others in a most kindly way.


  4. They might have torn out his nails before one of the two sacred syllables of which that ineffable name, Cosette, was composed.


  5. Because you do not know your customers where they put on while machine-gun fire, the so-called "rather victimizes an 1000, released a not. "


  6. He told me he never entered a spike unless driven there by hunger, sleeping under hedges and behind ricks in preference.


  7. "I decided it was better for me to break that promise than to endorse the lie, " he says.


  8. If their evenings at the park were concluded with cards, he cheated himself and all the rest of the party to get her a good hand.


  9. Then women relax to be free for a few years then be bored, coz none listener, would rather go too.


  1. 我宁肯马上去。

    I would rather go at once.

  2. 宁肯失足, 不要失言。

    Better the foot slip than the tongue trip.

  3. 宁肯失足,不要失言。

    Better the foot slip than the tongue trip.

  4. 我宁肯站,不愿坐。

    I'd rather stand than sit.

  5. 我宁肯当局外人旁观。

    I prefer to stand on the sidelines and watch.

  6. 宁肯拧死,不要饿死。

    It is better to die of indigestion than of starvation.

  7. 我目前宁肯留在这里。

    I would rather stay here, for the present.

  8. 宁肯孤单也不交坏朋友。

    Better be alone than bad company.

  9. 他宁肯坚守自己目前的投资。

    He preferred to sit tight with his present investment.

  10. 宁肯钱袋瘪, 不要脑袋空。

    Better an abandoned purse than an empty arch.

  11. 宁肯少说笑话, 决不得罪朋友。

    Better lose a jest than a friend.

  12. 宁肯钱袋瘪了,不要脑袋空了。

    Better empty purse than an empty head.

  13. 我个人宁肯不信超自然的事件。

    I would rather not believe in supernatural events personally.

  14. 我倒宁肯你在考试中失败呢。

    I'd rather you had failed in the exam.

  15. 我宁肯当个孩子,保罗回答道。

    I had rather be a child,'replied Paul.

  16. 许多工人宁肯下岗也不接受减薪。

    Many workers opted to leave their jobs rather than take a pay cut.

  17. 守财奴宁肯挨饿受冻也舍不得花钱。

    Misers put their back and belly into their pockets.

  18. 我宁肯熬夜,也不要迟交作业。

    I'd rather work all night than hand my homework in late.

  19. 我宁肯熬夜,也不要迟交作业。

    I'd rather work all night than hand my homework in late.

  20. 我宁肯考试通不过也不愿作弊。

    I would rather fail than tricking in the examination.

  21. 他宁肯丢掉一切也不肯放弃原则。

    He would rather lose everything thanabandon his principle.

  22. 宁肯要穷的社会主义, 不要富的资本主义。

    They said that it was better to be poor under socialism than to be rich under capitalism.

  23. 但是她不会要的,她宁肯死也不会穿的。

    But she won't take it from you. She'd rather die than wear it.

  24. 她似乎宁肯坐那辆简陋寒酸的马车。

    She would have preferred the humble cart.

  25. 这些保守派是宁肯死了也不认输的。

    The Old Guard dies but it never surrenders.

  26. 这些保守派是宁肯死了也不认输得。

    The Old Guard dies but it never surrenders.

  27. 她宁肯呆在教室也不愿上体育课。

    She would rather stay at home than have PE class.

  28. 我宁肯同你和父亲留在家里,她说。

    I would rather stay here with father and you,'she said.

  29. 但是我宁肯把什么都安排得分毫不差。

    But I would rather be exact.

  30. 我宁肯嫁给一个畜牲也不愿意嫁给他。

    I would rather marry a beast than marry him.


  1. 问:宁肯拼音怎么拼?宁肯的读音是什么?宁肯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宁肯的读音是nìngkěn,宁肯翻译成英文是 would rather; better



“宁肯”是个多义词,它可以指宁肯(第二届老舍文学奖长篇小说奖获得者), 宁肯(汉语词汇)。