


1. 宁 [níng]2. 宁 [nìng]3. 宁 [zhù]宁 [níng]平安,安定:~静。~谧。息事~人。已嫁的女子或在外子女回家省视父母:~亲。归~。守父母之丧,丧假:“前博士弟子父母死,予~三年”。中国江苏省南京市的别称。中国宁……


1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……



汉语拼音:nìng kě; níng kě








  1. 岂可;难道能够。

    《史记·郦生陆贾列传》:“ 陆生 时时前説称《诗》《书》。 高帝 駡之曰:‘迺公居马上而得之,安事《诗》《书》!’ 陆生 曰:‘居马上得之,寧可以马上治之乎?’”《北史·周齐炀王宪传》:“且太祖十儿,寧可悉为天子?卿宜规以正道,无令兄弟自致嫌疑。” 清 陈梦雷 《绝交书》:“请兵实由 陈某 ,今不为代白,使鬱鬱賫恨而死,天道寧可復问?”

  2. 宁愿。表示两相比较,选取一面。

    唐 王绩 《赠学仙者》诗:“相逢寧可醉,定不学丹砂。” 元 不忽木 《点绛唇·辞朝》套曲:“寧可身卧糟丘,赛强如命悬君手。寻几个知心友,乐以忘忧,愿作林泉叟。” 巴金 《家》三六:“无论他受到怎样不公道的待遇,他宁可哭在心里,气在心里,苦在心里,在人前他绝不反抗。”



  1. Jeanie was one, like the angels in heaven, that rather weep for sinners, than reckon their transgressions.


  2. He just do not want people to see him look embarrassed, he did not want pity, he would rather see is ridiculed nor mercy.


  3. Yes, I 'd rather you keep it a few days and give it a thorough overhaul .


  4. "Emotionormal" came out with the media cliche, saying people are "emotionally stable" rather than outraged.


  5. If I had done meal, not the rice Sheng Hao, to coax him to eat, he would rather go hungry abdomen a few days, will never speak to you.


  6. He has spurned the front-line, preferring to confine himself in youth and rural politics.


  7. He was not going to hold his breath for her to apologize. He would drown his sadness in coffee.


  8. However, if I were her homeroom teacher, I'd recommend that she get a salaried "office lady" position.


  9. Or else I shall count it as false and we shall have had no love at all.


  1. 我宁可不说

    I'd rather not say

  2. 我宁可回家。

    I'd rather go home.

  3. 宁可吃亏, 不可贪财。

    Prefer loss to unjust gain.

  4. 宁可吃亏,不可贪财。

    Prefer loss to unjust gain .

  5. 宁可失足,不可失言。

    Better the foot slip than the tongue.

  6. 我宁可他上大学

    I'd prefer him to go to university

  7. 我宁可她现在恨我

    I'd rather have her hate me now.

  8. 宁可剩着,不可缺着。

    Better leave than lack.

  9. 宁可用坏,不可锈坏。

    Better to wear out than to rust out.

  10. 宁可吃亏, 不贪便宜。

    Prefer loss to unjust gain.

  11. 宁可亏损, 不贪便宜。

    Prefer loss to unjust gain.

  12. 宁可吃亏,不贪便宜。

    Prefer loss to unjust gain.

  13. 宁可吃亏,不贪便宜。

    Prefer loss to unjust gain.

  14. 宁可人负我,不可我负人。

    Better suffer ill than do ill.

  15. 宁可失之过于怜悯。

    It is better to err on the side of mercy.

  16. 宁可失之过于谨慎。

    It is best to err on the side of prudence.

  17. 宁可自亡,不可行凶。

    It is better to die oneself than to kill.

  18. 宁可伤我, 不可伤人。

    Better to suffer injury than to injure others.

  19. 他宁可要老牌产品

    He preferred the products of old brand to the new flashy.

  20. 宁可伤我,不可伤人。

    Better to suffer injury than to injure others .

  21. 有些人宁可顺应潮流。

    Some people prefer to go with the stream.

  22. 她宁可搭公共汽车上班。

    She prefer to go to work by bus.

  23. 但他宁可忘却此夜。

    He'd soon rather forget.

  24. 宁可用坏,勿使锈坏。

    Better wearing out than rusting out.

  25. 我宁可不去谈论它。

    I'd sooner not talk about it.

  26. 宁可安贫,不可为非。

    Better is poor than wicked.

  27. 宁可独处, 勿交坏友。

    Better alone than in bad company.

  28. 宁可独处,勿交坏友。

    Better alone than in bad company.

  29. 他说他宁可待在家里。

    He said he would rather stay at home.

  30. 那我宁可不要正确。

    That I would rather not want the exactitude.


  1. 问:宁可拼音怎么拼?宁可的读音是什么?宁可翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宁可的读音是nìngkě,宁可翻译成英文是 would rather

  2. 问:宁可稍拼音怎么拼?宁可稍的读音是什么?宁可稍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宁可稍的读音是,宁可稍翻译成英文是 rather

  3. 问:宁可负我,切莫负人拼音怎么拼?宁可负我,切莫负人的读音是什么?宁可负我,切莫负人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宁可负我,切莫负人的读音是Níng kě fù wǒ ,qiē mò fù rén,宁可负我,切莫负人翻译成英文是 Would rather be betrayed by others than betrayi...



“宁可”是个多义词,它可以指宁可(海政文工团青年歌唱演员), 宁可(首都师范大学教授), 宁可(汉语词语)。