


1. 把 [bǎ]2. 把 [bà]把 [bǎ]拿,抓住:~酒(拿着酒杯)。~玩(拿着赏玩)。控制,掌握:~握。~舵。看守:~守。~门儿。自行车、手推车等的手柄:车~。可以用手拿的小捆:秫秸~儿。专权,一手独揽:~持大权。从后托起小孩两腿使……


游戏:~耍。~笑。~兴(xìng )。~具。~偶。戏弄,搬弄:~弄。~狎。~花招儿。观赏:~赏。~味。瞻~。~物丧志。可供观赏的东西:古~。轻视,忽视:~忽职守。~世不恭。……



汉语拼音:bǎ wán








  1. 亦作“ 把翫 ”。握在或置在手中赏玩。

    汉 陈琳 《为曹洪与魏文帝书》:“得九月二十日书,读之喜笑,把玩无猒。” 唐 柳宗元 《与李翰林建书》:“復所得者,其不足把翫,亦已审矣。” 明 高启 《观顾蕃所藏宋赐进士丝鞭歌》:“令人把玩忆当时,零落春风几缕丝。” 朱自清 《白采》:“我得此小影,反复把玩而不忍释,觉得他真是一个好朋友。”



  1. He sat down to think about it, meanwhile pulling from his pocket the Princess's single silken hair.


  2. Jay like a magician in general, all the objects in his hands play smart, all changes are easy!


  3. "It's the color of your eyes today, " I sighed, surrendering, staring down at my hands as I fiddled with a piece of my hair.


  4. He nervously played with a paper clip and pretended to read a report I had prepared on how I would build my business if I was hired.


  5. After twisting and turning it for a while, he decided to simply put it on.


  6. Like the proverbial cat that finally grows bored of the mouse because it stops wriggling, they may have decided to look elsewhere.


  7. I hope that all of discontents is only the play of language, really remain at my heart , &ignite the pain of former days.


  8. You monkey around with something when you do not know what you are doing. You are touching or playing with something you should leave alone.


  9. the woman attractive in a plain way, the children still unformed in the much-handled snapshots.


  1. 把玩火柴或其它点火装置。

    Playing with matches or other lighting equipment.

  2. 他从来不把玩游戏当作一回事。

    He makes nothing of playing games all day long.

  3. 那你的孙子把玩你头发的手呢?

    Your grandson's hand as he plays with your hair?

  4. 你的孙儿把玩你鬓发的小手呢

    Your grandsons hand as he plays with your hair

  5. 他拿着那个瓷杯把玩,爱不释手。

    He keeps holding the China Cup and simply couldn't part with it.

  6. 没有恶劣环境,生命只能自己把玩自己。

    Without a rugged environment life can only play off itself.

  7. 把玩它只会延长调整适应的时间。

    Handling will extend the period of adjustment.

  8. 还有你子孙把玩你头发得小手呢

    Your grandson's hand as he plays with your hair

  9. 把玩山核桃是北京地道的传统玩意儿。

    Fondling walnuts is a Beijing tradition.

  10. 还有你孙儿把玩你头发的小手呢?

    And your grandson's hand as he plays with your hair.

  11. 还有你孙儿把玩你头发得小手呢?

    And your grandson's hand as he plays with your hair.

  12. 这块石头太精美了,他不停地把玩。

    It is such a delicate stone. He can't stop nurturing it in his hand.

  13. 这只是一个工程模型,供大家把玩一下。

    So this is just a mechanical engineering sort of embodiment of it for you to play with.

  14. 藉由周易预测得工具, 也可以把玩, 可以娱乐。

    Tool which forecast because of the Book of Change, may also appreciatively, may the entertainment.

  15. 藉由周易预测的工具,也可以把玩,可以娱乐。

    Tool which forecast because of the Book of Change, may also appreciatively, may the entertainment.

  16. 直子感到受窘的时候就会把玩她的发卡。

    She would toy with her hair slide whenever she felt embarrassed by something.

  17. 直子感到受窘得时候就会把玩她得发卡。

    She would toy with her hair slide whenever she felt embarrassed by something.

  18. 他是把玩, 收藏, 鉴定山核桃行当中的佼佼者。

    He is an outstanding walnut fondler, collector, and appraiser.

  19. 一些核桃经过长时间的把玩,会破裂或损坏。

    Some walnuts will have cracks or damages after being played for some time.

  20. 宣传口号玉蝉相伴20年,把玩玉器,品味藏品人生。

    Slogan 18 Years jade cicada collection enjoy my collection life.

  21. 把玩着那些钮扣,我深深地沉溺于喜悦之中。

    Playing with buttons, I reveled in abundance.

  22. 第二个人紧紧抓住并把玩着大象的长牙。

    The second grasped one of the elephant's tusks and felt it.

  23. 朋友们正把玩的时候,我忽然感觉体侧有震动。

    While they were looking at it, I felt this vibration on my side.

  24. 我们把玩这些在世界上制造分裂的游戏,真是可悲。

    It is a sad day when we play these games that create divisions in the world.

  25. 每一次到镇里来,她都要把玩汤米的竖琴。

    She always played Tommy's harp when she came to town.

  26. 你要试用它们 把玩它们 评估它们 玩厌了再把它们送回去

    You get to try them out, play with them, evaluate them until the novelty wears out, before you have to send them back.

  27. 他似乎喜欢而且把玩那些从人群中而来的爱与赞美,

    Who seemed to love and relish the love and admiration from the crowd

  28. 我喜欢把玩一个拿着剑盾的巫师。看上去太酷了。

    I like a wizard with a sword and shield. It looks cool.

  29. 王太子查理懒散地坐在椅子上,正把玩着一封信。

    Dauphin is sitting on the chair lazily, he is looking a letter.

  30. 这位老祖父看了看谷子,拿在手中翻来覆去地把玩了一番。

    The old grandfather looked at it and turned it about in his hand.


  1. 问:把玩拼音怎么拼?把玩的读音是什么?把玩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:把玩的读音是bǎwán,把玩翻译成英文是 To watch critically or tastefully by holding in...


