







汉语拼音:shū lòu









  1. 亦作“踈漏”。粗略错漏;疏忽缺失。

    《南齐书·王晏传》:“ 晏 每以疎漏被上呵责,连称疾久之。”《旧唐书·李淳风传》:“今灵臺候仪,是 魏 代遗范,观其制度,疏漏实多。” 明 宋濂 《进<元史>表》:“况往牒舛譌之已甚,而他书参考之无凭,虽竭忠勤,难逃疎漏。” 茅盾 《夜半偶记》:“偶然想起,率尔命笔,疏漏必多,聊供当事者参考而已。”

  2. 轻率,不谨严。

    《法苑珠林》卷八引 晋 干宝 《搜神记》:“后人怪问,漏泄其事; 玉女 遂便求去,云:‘我,神人也。虽与君交,不愿人见;而君性疎漏。’”

  3. 破漏,破敝。

    宋 苏轼 《乞降度牒修北岳庙状》:“自 熙寧 间,因守臣 薛向 奏请,止曾完葺正殿,自餘诸殿及廊廡门宇墙垣,久已疎漏破损。” 宋 沉括 《梦溪笔谈·人事一》:“时船底疏漏,副使者以 士衡 所得縑帛藉船底。” 元 关汉卿 《裴度还带》第三折:“这庙如此疏漏,不待倒也,如之奈何?”

  4. 泄露;走漏。


  5. 引申为脱逃。

    清 林则徐 《谕准通行三板仍将奸商扣留》:“该 李倅 、副将等,务必认真查验,毋任含混疏漏,致干重咎外,合行諭飭。”



  1. They had all been invited, and each person who was invited had to bring with him a certain number of silver and gold coins.


  2. Moreover, the severe penalty of the deterrent effect is often caused by the French omissions offset chances.


  3. Halliburton followed suit, saying it had noticed a number of "substantial omissions and inaccuracies" .


  4. The quality of the project is formed in the implementation process; the omission of any part is likely to cause quality hazards.


  5. Henry had no wish to trespass on my area of responsibility, but he felt he ought to point out one or two omissions in my report.


  6. Papanoida has not commented on whether or not this was faulty data or a deliberate omission, which only adds to his shifty reputation.


  7. Though such a project obviously involves omissions and oversimplifications , I have tried to popularize, rather than vulgarize, the subject.


  8. Bomb threats from dissident republicans have meant the police and army are taking no risks with her safety.


  9. I'm doing extensive research and I don't want to leave any stones unturned.


  1. 修订错处、疏漏处等。

    Rectify an error, omission, etc.

  2. 当然, 空白和疏漏仍然存在。

    Of course, gaps and omissions remain.

  3. 但其疏漏之处也很明显。

    But the inaccuracies, also, are glaring.

  4. 我发现相当多的疏漏之处。

    I have found quite a number of omissions.

  5. 这次疏漏完全是无心之失。

    That this oversight was completely unintentional.

  6. 这个系统里面有很大的疏漏。

    There's a huge slack in that system.

  7. 校对员尽力不让任何错误疏漏。

    The proofreader did his best not to let any mistakes get by.

  8. 这恐怕不会是一时得疏漏吧。

    This, perhaps, is not merely negligence.

  9. 这恐怕不会是一时的疏漏吧。

    This, perhaps, is not merely negligence.

  10. 试论党内监督的疏漏及对策

    Supervision Omissions Within the Party and Corresponding Solutions

  11. 我们周围已经有太多的疏漏了。

    There are too many loose ends lying around.

  12. 我们要求对这一疏漏做出澄清。

    We demand a clarification of that omission.

  13. 回顾这些, 特曼的研究可能有疏漏。

    In retrospect, Termans study was probably flawed.

  14. 同样的原则也应适用于监管疏漏。

    The same principle should inform regulatory oversight.

  15. 计划匆促拟成,难免有疏漏之处。

    The plan was drawn up in haste, so there are bound to be oversights and omissions.

  16. 我们对工作疏漏导致的不便表示歉意。

    We apologize for our mistake and the inconvenience caused by this change.

  17. 我想请你注意一下一个疏漏之处。

    I would like to call your attention to an oversight.

  18. 这一小小的疏漏使他们付出了高昂的代价。

    The slight neglect cost them dearly.

  19. 这只是关于七月派研究的许多疏漏之一。

    This is just one of the many careless oversights concerning July School studying.

  20. 他的论证是在数学上是严格的,并无疏漏。

    His argument is mathematically rigorous and there is no escaping it.

  21. 我必须请求读者原谅可能出现的错误和疏漏。

    I must ask the readers kind indulgence for any inaccuracies and omissions that may possibly occur.

  22. 英国本周也在为入境管理中的疏漏烦恼不已。

    Britain has been fretting this week over lapses in its border controls.

  23. 我国现行破产立法没有具体规定, 刑法中规定有疏漏。

    China's current bankruptcy legislation does not specify, in the Criminal Code is blank.

  24. 计算机黑客利用互联网的疏漏破坏了一些公司的数据库。

    Computer hackers exploited on internet security vulnerability to destroy some companies'databases.

  25. 受水平和经验所限, 难免会有疏漏, 敬请不吝指教。

    Restricted by the level and experience, unavoidably slip, please spare no advice.

  26. 一名负责人已经表示, 故宫的安保措施确实存在疏漏。

    One official has already said that there was a lapse in security.

  27. 但他们的疏漏也使得本书太过粗略而难以服众。

    Their absence results in a book that is too crude to be convincing.

  28. 那位一丝不苟的研究人员总是小心谨慎地避免错误或疏漏。

    The conscientious researcher is careful to avoid up the pole and omission.

  29. 因电算化会计信息系统自己的错误和疏漏所引起的丧失。

    Losses caused by mistakes and leaks which are in accounting computerization systems themselves.

  30. 这事发生在我们结婚前 所以请原谅我在细节上的疏漏。

    This was before we were married, so forgive me if I'm hazy on the details.


  1. 问:疏漏拼音怎么拼?疏漏的读音是什么?疏漏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:疏漏的读音是shūlòu,疏漏翻译成英文是 miss; slip



疏漏:亦作“踈漏”。 1.粗略错漏;疏忽缺失。2.轻率,不谨严。3.破漏,破敝。4.泄露;走漏。5.引申为脱逃。