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疏忽,不周密:~心。~疏。~略。~率(shuài )。不精致,工料毛糙:~糙。~劣。~料。~纸。~粮。~制滥造。去~取精。长条东西直径大的:~大。~壮。~重。~实。~线条(a.指毛道粗的线条:b.喻粗率的性格、作风,亦喻文章的粗略的构思)。……
汉语拼音:cū shū
《古今小说·杨思温燕山逢故人》:“老儿禀性躁暴,举止粗疏,全不采人。” 清 洪昇 《长生殿·复召》:“悔杀咱一剗儿粗疏,不解他十分的娇殢。” 鲁迅 《<且介亭杂文二集>后记》:“语意之间好像笑着他们的粗疏。”
Selling assets does not solve the problem, except in a very short-term slipshod accounting sense.
除非在极短期内使用粗疏的会计方法来考察,否则出售资产不会解决问题。too careless legislation, the poor can be operable.
立法过于粗疏,可操作性差等。The main causes are as follows: incomplete law, slack law enforcement, defective system, weak supervision and the prevailing hidden rules.
诱发和刺激商业贿赂犯罪的因素,其成因主要有:法网粗疏、执法软化,体制缺陷,监督乏力,潜规则盛行等。However, these provisions appear to be imperfect because of the complexity of environmental tort.
但是,由于环境侵权的复杂性,这些规定显得比较粗疏、比较笼统。Secondly, the existing rules of criminal evidence is too loose, the lack of operability.
其次,现行刑事证据规则过于粗疏,缺乏可操作性。However, his logic is imprecise, incautious, and inattentive.
但是,他的逻辑并不严密、不谨细,时有粗疏。The cursory provisions are still difficult to operate in practice.
这样粗疏的规定在实践中是难以操作的。It is brash and unkempt where Tokyo is refined and prissy.
大阪蓬乱而粗疏,而东京则是精致而谨慎的。True, this is a rough exercise compared with McKinsey's work, but still food for thought.
和麦肯锡的研究相比,本文只是一个粗疏的分析,但仍可以作为思考的“食粮”。大阪蓬乱而粗疏, 而东京则是精致而谨慎的。
It is brash and unkempt where Tokyo is refined and prissy.
The cursory provisions are still difficult to operate in practice.
The translation system is legislative careless, practices arbitrarily and theoretical thinly.
其次, 现行刑事证据规则过于粗疏, 缺乏可操作性。
Secondly, the existing rules of criminal evidence is too loose, the lack of operability.
They instead relied on their raw skill and the cutting edge technology at their control.
However, his logic is imprecise, incautious, and inattentive.
The regulations of counterclaim in the Civil Procedural Law are excessively imperfect.
我听了他的话心里有点难受, 只怨自己太粗疏了。
I was rather saddened by what he had said and regretted my own inattention.
规制民间医疗医药的法令则极为粗疏, 涵盖面也较窄。
Regulation of private medical medicine Act is extremely careless, coverage is also narrower.
对此, 国家虽出台一些相关的法律法规, 但仍显粗疏。
It is true that a number of relevant laws and regulations have been introduced at the state level, but this is still insufficient.