


液体降落:感激涕~。植物凋谢:~落。凋~。~散(sàn )。整数以外的尾数:~数儿。部分的,细碎的,与“整”相对:~碎。~卖。~钱。~售。~乱。~工。~打碎敲。整数系统中一个重要的数,小于一切自然数,是介于正数和负数之间唯一的数,记作“0”……





汉语拼音:líng suì









  1. 零散细碎。

    唐 白居易 《题州北路傍老柳树》诗:“雪花零碎逐年减,烟叶稀疏随分新。”《儒林外史》第二一回:“还有一牀褥子不好带去,还有些零碎器用,都把与小檀越。” 高晓声 《陈奂生上城》:“这时大姑娘已在看报,见递来的钞票太零碎,更皱了眉头。”

  2. 指零碎的钱物或食品等。

    《警世通言·白娘子永镇雷峰塔》:“原来自趲得些私房,如今教我倒换些零碎使用。” 萧红 《手》:“行李拖到楼梯口了, 王亚明 又去提着手提箱,抱着面盆和一些零碎。” 沈从文 《绅士的太太》:“少爷大一点是懂事多了的,只爱吃零碎,不喜欢谈空话。”

  3. 谓说话噜苏唠叨。

    沙汀 《困兽记》六:“父亲只会抽烟,母亲嘴巴零碎,而又毫无主见。”



  1. When they were filled, he said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.


  2. And when I went home to Texas a few weeks later, I had my usual bit of mending, a pair of pants with a torn belt loop, in my suitcase.


  3. With a year's time will be able to break through piecemeal English, can speak fluent English!


  4. But some US policymakers privately complain that European backing is patchy and tends to go up and down with the euro.


  5. Yet, the lingered flies in the pavilion and fragmentary remains on the road make everything around seem to be out of the common in October.


  6. A small particle in the cytoplasm of a cell, typically consisting of fragmented endoplasmic reticulum to which ribosomes are attached.


  7. Gap Time: The little blocks of time we have during the day while waiting for the bus, standing in line, waiting for a meeting to start, etc.


  8. It said what he would have said, if it had been possible for him to set his scattered thoughts in order.


  9. Beginning to design urban ecosystems holistically rather than piecemeal might alleviate some of the pressure on natural ecosystems.


  1. 零碎的东西

    odds and ends

  2. 零碎杂物,残余

    odds and ends

  3. 文章有些零碎。

    The article is somewhat scrappy.

  4. 一些零碎的词语

    a few stray words

  5. 拾掇零碎儿

    tidy up the odds and ends.

  6. 废弃的零碎物件

    Discarded odds and ends.

  7. 她利用零碎时间编织。

    She knits at odd moments.

  8. 零零碎碎的闲话

    snatches of gossip

  9. 七月。青春的零碎。梦醒。

    July. Fragment of youth. Waken dream.

  10. 她正在收拾零碎儿。

    She is tidying up the odds and ends.

  11. 她正在拾掇零碎儿。

    She is tidying up the odds and ends.

  12. 我买了些零碎的纪念品。

    I bought a few trifles as souvenirs.

  13. 我们买了一些零碎的东西。

    We bought a few odds and ends.

  14. 我只记得一些零碎的片断。

    I only remember bits and pieces.

  15. 干零碎杂活的人,杂务工。

    A man who does odd jobs or various small tasks.

  16. 达维娜正在整理零碎的材料。

    Davina was sorting out scraps of material.

  17. 你还必须习惯于零碎的睡觉。

    You will have to get used to broken sleep.

  18. 这种射击是零零碎碎的。

    The firing was desultory.

  19. 我把零碎东西塞进了抽屉。

    I stuffed the bits and pieces into the drawer.

  20. 我把零碎东西塞进了抽屉。

    I stuffed the bits and pieces into the drawer.

  21. 我要这些东西。哪怕是零碎的。

    I want pieces. Bits and pieces.

  22. 让我把我的零碎东西收拾起来。

    Let me get my bits and pieces together.

  23. 柜子上方通常放一些零碎杂物。

    We sometimes put odds at the top of the wardrobe.

  24. 我看不惯那些花哨的零碎儿。

    I can't stand those twee little frills.

  25. 裁缝师傅放零碎下脚料的容器

    A tailors receptacle for discarded material.

  26. 有一张桌子上堆着零碎东西。

    There was a table with odds and ends piled on it.

  27. 我要到商店买些零碎的东西。

    I'll go to pick up some odds and ends at the store.

  28. 我得科学知识是零零碎碎得。

    My knowledge of science is patchy.

  29. 我的科学知识是零零碎碎的。

    My knowledge of science is patchy.

  30. 这么零零碎碎的看着揪心!

    This doing things bit by bit gets on my nerves!


  1. 问:零碎拼音怎么拼?零碎的读音是什么?零碎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:零碎的读音是língsuì,零碎翻译成英文是 trivial; odds and ends

  2. 问:零碎儿拼音怎么拼?零碎儿的读音是什么?零碎儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:零碎儿的读音是Língsuì ér,零碎儿翻译成英文是 bits and pieces/ bits and bobs

  3. 问:零碎句拼音怎么拼?零碎句的读音是什么?零碎句翻译成英文是什么?

    答:零碎句的读音是líng suì jù,零碎句翻译成英文是 minor sentence

  4. 问:零碎物拼音怎么拼?零碎物的读音是什么?零碎物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:零碎物的读音是líng suì wù,零碎物翻译成英文是 oddment

  5. 问:零碎上诉拼音怎么拼?零碎上诉的读音是什么?零碎上诉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:零碎上诉的读音是líng suì shàng sù,零碎上诉翻译成英文是 piecemeal appeals

  6. 问:零碎建筑拼音怎么拼?零碎建筑的读音是什么?零碎建筑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:零碎建筑的读音是líng suì jiàn zhù,零碎建筑翻译成英文是 piecemeal construction

  7. 问:零碎物件拼音怎么拼?零碎物件的读音是什么?零碎物件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:零碎物件的读音是,零碎物件翻译成英文是 oddment



“零碎”是个多义词,它可以指零碎(词语释义), 零碎(戏曲术语)。