


液体降落:感激涕~。植物凋谢:~落。凋~。~散(sàn )。整数以外的尾数:~数儿。部分的,细碎的,与“整”相对:~碎。~卖。~钱。~售。~乱。~工。~打碎敲。整数系统中一个重要的数,小于一切自然数,是介于正数和负数之间唯一的数,记作“0”……





汉语拼音:líng luàn








  1. 散乱。

    唐 李白 《月下独酌》诗之一:“我歌月徘徊,我舞影零乱。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷八:“ 杨氏 见他不久就回,又且衣衫零乱,面貌忧愁,已自猜个八九分。” 沙汀 《困兽记》八:“发言虽然有点零乱,大家的精神却是很兴奋的。”

  2. 景物纷呈貌。

    明 陈汝元 《金莲记·小星》:“何处係人心,惹得春零乱。” 明 陈汝元 《金莲记·诟奸》:“随风早是赴 长安 ,又觉秋光零乱。”



  1. After all this empire-building, the theory went, Vodafone needed an administrator to come in and quietly fit the pieces together.


  2. Even if the rest of your house is cluttered, this area can be a great reminder of how you might feel living with less.


  3. Empty bottle slumbered the bottom of every closet .


  4. Mary sank down on the hearth- rug in the wrecked room and sobbed as if her heart would break .


  5. I was thinking about Brett and my mind stopped jumping around and started to go in sort of smooth waves.


  6. Broken petal falls in the wind, have no laws in.


  7. Your room is all littered (up) with books.


  8. She drove off. Suddenly there was a violent gust of wind. The girl lost her hat, and her long hair fell down. . .


  9. In particular, adhesive coating flow, autogenous veins in or that occurs after the chaotic white sizes are more likely to emerge.


  1. 零乱的讲演

    a disconnected speech

  2. 我舞影零乱。

    I dance with the disordered shadow.

  3. 大风刮得花园零乱不堪。

    The strong wind left the garden in chaos.

  4. 该镇零乱地向郊外延伸。

    The town straggles out into the country.

  5. 他的字零乱地布满纸上。

    His handwriting sprawled out on his pray on his paper.

  6. 院子瓶瓶罐罐丢得满地零乱。

    The yard was littered with bottles and cans.

  7. 院子里瓶瓶罐罐丢得满地零乱。

    The yard was littered with bottles and cans.

  8. 你应该先整理一下你零乱的头发。

    You'd better first put your disheveled hair in order.

  9. 你应该先整理一下你零乱的头发。

    You'd better first put your disheveled hair in order.

  10. 他带我进出他那间零乱的卧室。

    He took me into his littery bedroom.

  11. 我被地上零乱的缆线绊倒了。

    I was tripped up by the loose cables on the floor.

  12. 我被地上零乱的缆线绊倒了。

    I was tripped up by the loose cables on the floor.

  13. 学生零乱的桌面上, 传递什麽样的讯息?

    The desk may be messy, but has new knowledge to be gleaned.

  14. 在公共场所留下零乱杂物是违反公益的。

    It is antisocial to leave litter in public places.

  15. 电脑的电线也是十分的零乱, 一点都不雅观。

    Computer wires behind the desk are very messy as well.

  16. 面黄肌瘦, 扎着花辫, 却甚是零乱, 表情苍茫。

    Sallow and emaciated, firm flower plait, but is very confused, the facial expression be diffused.

  17. 每个储藏室得底部都零乱地堆积着空瓶子。

    Empty bottleslumbered the bottom of every closet.

  18. 每个储藏室的底部都零乱地堆积着空瓶子。

    Empty bottleslumbered the bottom of every closet.

  19. 纵观整个居室,缤纷色彩肆意跃动,和谐而不零乱。

    Review whole bedroom, profusion colour is wanton jump move, harmonious and not messy.

  20. 多利飓风过后,留下满地泥浆与零乱的高压线。

    Hurricane Dolly has left behind muddy waters and downed power lines.

  21. 如果你经常梳梳头发, 看上去就不会这样零乱了。

    If you combed your hair more often you wouldnt look so untidy.

  22. 我在暗香里游曳,孤独的灵魂伴着零乱的舞步。

    I swam in the subtle fragrance drag, accompanied by a lonely soul chaotic dance.

  23. 碎花瓣被风吹得飘落了一地,零乱得没有一点规律。

    Broken petal falls in the wind, have no laws in.

  24. 她经常把东西随便乱丢, 所以卧室里面总是零乱不堪。

    She usually puts things at home, so her bedroom is always messy around.

  25. 在繁星零乱的夜里,横越岩石散布其中的树林,回到你的身边。

    Into the night as the stars collide. Across the borders that divide forests of stone petrified.

  26. 猫儿设法在我一片零乱的书房中找了个地方睡觉。

    The cat managed to find a spot to sleep amidst all the clutter of my study.

  27. 这儿有一座古老的教堂,样子古雅,显得零乱,是带山墙的建筑。

    Here was an old church, quaint and rambling and gabled.

  28. 阿济兹在床上坐了起来,头发蓬松,衣衫零乱,样子很难过。

    Aziz was sitting up in bed, looking dishevelled and sad.

  29. 现有建物的内部空间相对之下显得相当地黑暗, 零乱和过时。

    The existing buildings interior spaces by contrast are rather dark, cluttered and dowdy.


  1. 问:零乱拼音怎么拼?零乱的读音是什么?零乱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:零乱的读音是língluàn,零乱翻译成英文是 Disordered and scattered everywhere.



汉语词汇,读音líng luàn,意思是散乱,无章。。