




1. 都 [dū]2. 都 [dōu]都 [dū]大都市:~市。~会。通~大邑。一国的最高行政机关所在的地方,京城:首~。国~。京~。建~。美好:“雍容闲雅,甚~”。~丽。~雅。总:~为一集。居:“~卿相之位”。古代称头目、首领。姓。都 [……



汉语拼音:bāng dōu






  1. 距王城四百里到五百里的地方。即公之采地与王同母弟及王之庶子所食邑。

    《周礼·天官·大宰》:“以九赋敛财贿……六曰邦都之赋。” 郑玄 注:“邦都,五百里。” 孙诒让 正义引《说文·邑部》:“《周礼》:距国五百里为都。”参阅《周礼·地官·载师》“以大都之田任畺地” 贾公彦 疏。



  1. at the sound of babylon being seized the earth trembles , and a cry is heard among the nations.


  2. Every state has a cricket association, often led by the state's chief minister or some other influential politician or bureaucrat.


  3. 46At the noise of the taking of Babylon the earth is moved, and the cry is heard among the nations.


  4. Afterward, in the process of communication by phone, I and Qingbang both had talked about two departed mothers.


  5. And if Bihar can turn around, any Indian region can.


  6. though, as in 2004, it will form alliances state by state.


  1. 除少数几个邦外,几乎所有的邦都成立了这些机构。

    Almost all the states barring a few, have established these institutions.

  2. 有望出演007系列第21部影片的邦女郎们都已集中在了一起。

    The potential girls for Bond 21 are lining up already.

  3. 有望出演007系列第21部影片的邦女郎们都已集中在了一起。

    The potential girls for Bond 21 are lining up already.

  4. 难怪台湾的邦交国一直以来都屈指可数。

    It's no wonder that taiwan's diplomatic allies can almost be counted on one hand.

  5. 钱纳德。邦,我们每周都把电视节目指南偷来!

    Chinadolor bong, come on, we steal that TV guide every week!

  6. 我要统治万民,列邦都要归顺我。

    I shall govern peoples, and nations will be subject to me.

  7. 首先,印度得十二个州邦都禁止了性教育得项目。

    First and foremost the sex education program has been banned by 10 Indian states.

  8. 首先,印度的十二个州邦都禁止了性教育的项目。

    First and foremost the sex education program has been banned by 12 Indian states.

  9. 因巴比伦被取的声音,地就震动,人在列邦都听见呼喊的声音。

    At the noise of the taking of Babylon the earth is moved, and the cry is heard among the nations.

  10. 普利摩顿比神话或历史上任何一个伟大城邦都要古老。

    The city of Primordium was founded before any of the great cities of myth or history.

  11. 邦妮,大家都会变老

    Bonnie, everyone gets old.

  12. 都是邦贝利式的。

    She's all bombelli.

  13. 外邦人都要仰望他的名。

    And in his name shall the Gentiles trust.

  14. 神阿,愿列邦称赞你。愿万民都称赞你。

    Let the peoples give you praise, o god; let all the peoples give you praise.

  15. 为什么你的衬衫上都是血, 邦莫

    why is there blood all over your shirt , boomer

  16. 每位政客都有一邦下属的亲信。

    Every politician has a following of janissaries.

  17. 其它国家虽然存在,却都是蛮夷之邦。

    Other nations existed, but they were barbarians.

  18. 妈妈们都能像美丽邦辰夫人那样完美吗?

    Can all mums be as perfect as the beautiful Ms Bundchen

  19. 邦妮,你这辈子都是,你遇上了一个男人

    Bonnie, your whole life you met a guy.

  20. 两者在邦迪号的叛乱中都占有一席之地。

    Both played a role in the Bounty debacle.

  21. 肖邦所有得作品都涉及钢琴, 或者独奏或者协奏。

    All Chopin's works involve the piano, solo or accompanied.

  22. 两者在邦迪号的叛乱中都?子幸幌?亍

    Both played a role in the Bounty debacle.

  23. 肖邦所有的作品都涉及钢琴,或者独奏或者协奏。

    All Chopin's works involve the piano, solo or accompanied.

  24. 而这些 都没有出现在邦纳式的幻觉中

    There is none of this quality of being addressed with these Charles Bonnet hallucinations.

  25. 在夜曲中, 肖邦把他的整个心灵都打开了。

    In Nocturne, the Chopin put his entire heart open.

  26. 其他国家虽然存在,却都是蛮夷之邦,无足轻重。

    Other nations existed, but they were barbarian, of no consequence.

  27. 恶人,就是忘记神的外邦人,都必归到阴间。

    The wicked return to the grave, all the nations that forget God.

  28. 神对以色列人和外邦人都是一样公平的。

    God is equally fair to the Israelites and to the Gentiles.

  29. 这些番邦小国每年都要向天朝进贡钱粮。

    These small countries paid tribute to China's royal government every year in ancient times.

  30. 这些番邦小国每年都要向天朝进贡钱粮。

    These small countries paid tribute to China's royal government every year in ancient times.


  1. 问:邦都拼音怎么拼?邦都的读音是什么?邦都翻译成英文是什么?

    答:邦都的读音是bāngdōu,邦都翻译成英文是 Bontoc