


物体的周围部分,外缘:~缘。~沿。国家或地区交界处:~疆。~界。~防。~境。~陲(边境)。几何学上指夹成角或围成多角形的直线:等~三角形。旁侧,近旁:身~。~锋。方面:~干(gàn )~学。表示方位:上~。外~。姓。……





汉语拼音:biān jiē






  1. This is online map of the address "Long Shi Zhen Bian Bian Jie Cun , Longchang County, Neijiang City, Sichuan Province, China" .


  2. After eating, we went to the famous souvenir shops street, Bian Bian Jie!


  1. 一个很胖很胖的女人边过街边说,你们的装载量很大呀。

    A very fat lady crossing the street says. You sure got quite a load there.

  2. 老人们就在街的一头桌子边坐了。

    The old people in the street with a head table.

  3. 他继续沿着爱尔文街走去,边走边哼,老人一直注视着他。

    He went on walking down Alvin Street, humming to himself, the old man staring at him.

  4. 它就沿着中央街在你的右手边。

    It's down Center Street on your right.

  5. 香港新界葵涌梨木道圳边街一号南华工业大厦21楼7室。

    Unit 7, 21 F, South China. Ind. Bldg., 1 Chun Pin St., Kwai Chung, N. T. Hong Kong.

  6. 边个想拖住一群八两金出街?

    Noname Walker, Keep Walking. This is blog.

  7. 她房子外面有人在街边的排水沟边刷牙。

    Right outside her house someone brushed their teeth over the gutter.

  8. 您有试过在街上购买雪糕,雪条边走边吃吗?

    Have you bought any icecream or ice lolly and eaten them on street

  9. 在喧哗的街上,右手边位置没有你,世界还是依然安静。

    In the noise street, my right hand not you, the world is very quiet.

  10. 所以头一天晚上, 我们在街上边逛边购物, 玩得不亦乐乎。

    So the first night, we go on street side to side and if they mess joy.

  11. 在街的哪边?

    Which side of the street ?

  12. 新街边男孩

    New kids on the block.

  13. 街边有块闲置的地

    Down the street there's an empty lot.

  14. 日内瓦湖边的一条街

    One street near the Lake Geneva

  15. 街边摊贩挤满了人行道。

    Hawkers throng the pavements.

  16. 当街边的车催你放手

    When the car on the curbside asks you to leave

  17. 我可在街边卖东西吗?

    Am I allowed to sell things on the street?

  18. 几个醉鬼醉倒在街边。

    A couple of drunks were passed out on the sidewalk.

  19. 他们住在这条街那边儿

    they live further up the street

  20. 他们住在这条街那边儿

    they live further up the street

  21. 就在发现他尸体的街边

    just down the street from where his body was found.

  22. 香火相当旺盛的街边小庙。

    A very prosperous small temple on the side road.

  23. 香火相当旺盛得街边小庙。

    A very prosperous small temple on the side road.

  24. 一个人站在熟悉的街边。

    A person familiar with the street side.

  25. 街边烫发者打量着匆匆行人。

    A person is marceling on a street, watching passersby passing.

  26. 母亲让女儿罚站在街边角落

    Mom Makes Daughter Stand on Street Corner

  27. 邻居们对街边着火的房子漠不关心。

    The neighbors kept their distance from the burning house down the street.

  28. 邻居们对街边着火得房子漠不关心。

    The neighbors kept their distance from the burning house down the street.

  29. 邻居们对街边着火的房子漠不关心。

    The neighbors kept their distance from the burning house down the street.

  30. 稍后在街边的货摊看到了你

    Saw you later in the corner booth