







汉语拼音:cǐ rén







此人 [cǐ rén]
  1. 这人、这个人:~就是大名鼎鼎的鲁迅先生。



  1. He said the suspected bomber has not been identified, but was carrying a fake driver's license from the U. S. state of Michigan.


  2. What you do not know is that the person's office has a financial relationship with that company.


  3. In his struggle for power, the man plays his cards close to his chest. You can never say for certain what he is going to do next.


  4. At this point, one is forced to go through a dramatic incident or at least its fear.


  5. Two months later the crowd found a leader in a thirty-year-old Irish-born small businessman named Denis Kearney.


  6. And I heard a man's voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision.


  7. At least you will know the character of this person and you can have him on your radar screen.


  8. In a statement Thursday, NATO said the man was captured in the Nahr-e Shahi area of northern Balkh province, but did not give his name.


  9. If this person die, absolutely no longer somebody dare to compel to ask her the commerce of nation pedagogue, it occurred that. . .


  1. 此人要死了。

    The man is dying.

  2. 未尝见过此人

    have never seen the person.

  3. 此人在传布福音。

    The man was preaching the Gospel.

  4. 法官宣布此人无罪。

    The judge pronounced that this man was not guilty.

  5. 此人的网络为空。

    No creo en libros de superacion personal.

  6. 医生宣布此人死了。

    The doctor pronounced the man dead.

  7. 警察控告此人闯空门。

    The police charged the man with robbing a house.

  8. 我们施给此人种种恩惠。

    We heap the man with favours.

  9. 他们认为此人是无辜的。

    They presume the man to be innocent.

  10. 此人是大卫?阿滕伯勒

    We have David Attenborough.

  11. 此人在街道上炫耀地游逛。

    The man promenaded about in the street.

  12. 此人行迹诡秘,定非善类。

    Secretive as he is, he cannot possibly be a good man.

  13. 此人常常因小事而大发雷霆。

    The man would fly into a temper at seasons just because of trivial matters.

  14. 他对此人报杀妻之仇。

    He took vengeance on the man for his wifes death.

  15. 他们很快发现,此人树敌众多。

    And they soon learned this man had enemies.

  16. 他们很快发现,此人树敌众多。

    And they soon learned this man had enemies.

  17. 他们很快发现,此人树敌众多。

    And they soon learned this man had enemies.

  18. 那么此人就只是个雇佣劳动者。

    The antithesis to labour is play.

  19. 此人被控告从事工业间谍活动。

    The man was charged with industrial espionage.

  20. 经理为此人开了一张支票。

    The manager draw a chaque put for the man.

  21. 我记得曾在哪儿见过此人。

    I remember having seen this man somewhere or other.

  22. 紧急要求公众帮助警方追踪此人。

    The public is urgently requested to assist police in tracing this man.

  23. 我记得去年什么时候见过此人。

    I remember seeing the man sometime last year.

  24. 那表明此人不讲究穿着,是吧?

    That shows a fairly careless attitude to clothes, doesn't it?

  25. 你刚刚说你从未见过此人对吗?

    You say you never met him?

  26. 此人身子枯瘦, 满脸皱纹, 面目可憎。

    He was withered, wrinkled, and loathsome of visage.

  27. 天生此人,注定他一辈子庸庸碌碌。

    He was a man designed by nature for an uneventful life.

  28. 警方怀疑此人参与了珠宝抢劫案。

    The police suspect the man of having a part in the jewel robbery.

  29. 此人就是我之前提起的李教授。

    This person is Professor Li, who I have mentioned before.

  30. 此人就是我之前提起的李教授。

    This person is Professor Li, who I have mentioned before.


  1. 问:此人拼音怎么拼?此人的读音是什么?此人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:此人的读音是cǐrén,此人翻译成英文是 This one.