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1. 称 [chēng]2. 称 [chèn]3. 称 [chèng]称 [chēng]量轻重:~量(liáng )。叫,叫做:自~。~呼。~帝。~臣。~兄道弟。名号:名~。简~。~号。~谓。职~。说:声~。~快。~病。~便。赞扬:~道。~……
汉语拼音:biāo chēng
In the nominal case, a state feedback control law is obtained in the form of the sum of the memoryless and memory state feedback.
在标称情况下,反馈控制律可表示为无记忆反馈和带记忆反馈的叠加形式。A controller designed by this method consists of a nominal controller and a robust compensator.
该方法设计的控制器由标称控制器和鲁棒补偿器组成。As a side effect, this means every LPAR on a managed system will always be able to use its entitled capacity at any point in time.
这个特点的副作用是,受管理系统上的每个LPAR在任何时候都能够使用其标称处理能力。With a nominal 70 degree coverage pattern, the system can be arrayed for additional coverage and SPL requirements.
其标称70度范围内的模式,系统可以增加覆盖面阵列和SPL要求。Most of the time, he was getting rates close to those advertised by his ISP.
测试过程中的大多数时间,他的连接速度都近乎ISP的标称速度。paper - untrimmed sizes - primary range and supplementary range designation and tolerances , expression of direction of manufacture.
纸张。未切边的规格。基本范围和辅助范围的标称及公差制造方向的表示。Long-term inclination variation will induce the relevant changes both of the nominal semi-major axes and local time of descending node.
倾角长期的变化又进一步导致回归轨道的标称半长轴和降交点地方时的相应变化。Take the liner model as the nominal one, the uncertainty is expressed by the largest singular value of the distance matrix of the models.
将线性化的模型作为标称模型,不确定性采用模型之间差异矩阵的最大奇异值表示。This capacity is guaranteed to be available to its LPAR within one dispatch cycle (10ms).