


1. 若 [ruò]2. 若 [rě]若 [ruò]如果,假如:~果。倘~。假~。天~有情天亦老。如,像:年相~。安之~素。旁~无人。置~罔闻。门庭~市。你,汝:~辈。“更~役,复~赋,则何如?”约计:~干(gān )。~许。此,如此:“以……


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……


1. 若 [ruò]2. 若 [rě]若 [ruò]如果,假如:~果。倘~。假~。天~有情天亦老。如,像:年相~。安之~素。旁~无人。置~罔闻。门庭~市。你,汝:~辈。“更~役,复~赋,则何如?”约计:~干(gān )。~许。此,如此:“以……





汉语拼音:ruò yǒu ruò wú








  • 【解释】:形容事物不清晰或关系不亲密。
  • 【出自】:明·洪应明《菜根谭·闲适》:“若有若无,半真半幻,最足以悦人心目而豁人性灵。真天地间一妙境也。”
  • 【示例】:她很清楚,他对她早已~,不放在心上了。


  1. It was still sprinkle , I did not know why it was that I suddenly felt very self-blame.


  2. Doing any of these things halfway is worse than not at all. People don't want a mediocre interaction.


  3. Let her beloved if he have if have no naturally in dear mother's eyes shimmer, leaves a impression.


  4. Middle age turns him to Chinese tea that gives a delicate fragrance very gradual to come out, only discernable off and on.


  5. It also exudes a fragrant colorful rope, not much, if any, brightly coloured, also do not show fade.


  6. May be called on and the kind of tea drinks, light, the Ruoyouruowu, but long, Meaningful.


  7. My friends and I had various dates and mini-relationships, but mostly we were alone.


  8. Smoke and mirrors, water view month, looming Ruoyouruowu if so, purposely pointed, the heart has been fixed!


  9. In wastes time in the years, always one red impression reappears in the heart, fissure in above vague. . .


  1. 胡波脸上闪过一丝若有若无得微笑。

    Mr. Hooper's smile glimmered faintly.

  2. 若有似无的心跳被偷窃的灵魂。

    With a sampled heartbeat and a stolen soul.

  3. 随后抛些若有若无的暧昧。

    Then comes a dash of flirtatious nuance.

  4. 若无欢笑的浪, 海洋有何美丽?

    Without giggling waves, what is the beauty of sea ?

  5. 若无闪光的星, 天空有何美丽?

    Without shining stars, what is the beauty of sky?

  6. 若无宽广的心胸, 人类有何美丽?

    Without broad mind, what is the beauty of man?

  7. 就像把金子锻造得若有若无的菲薄

    Like gold to airy thinness beat.

  8. 各个脏腑,身体各个部分,也都是若有若无的。

    Every viscera and all parts of body are all something but nothing.

  9. 对他来说, 这个历历可见的自然界是若有若无的。

    Visible nature hardly existed for him.

  10. 已经走了的女孩嘴角浮起若有若无的微笑。

    Girl corner of the mouth that walk already float, blow, have smile that does not have.

  11. 若无筛检,这些疾病只有当婴儿病危时才会被发现。

    Without screening, the disorders are discovered only when the infant becomes deathly ill.

  12. 雨依旧若有若无地下着, 我不知为什么突然感到很自责。

    It was still sprinkle , I did not know why it was that I suddenly felt very selfblame.

  13. 若无某种大胆放肆的猜测, 一般是不可能有知识的进度的。

    Without some kind of wanton bold speculation, it is not possible to the general progress of knowledge.

  14. 以往有无保险公司退保或拒保贵司产品责任险?若有,请说明。

    Has any insurer ever cancelled or declined your products liability? If yes, please explain.

  15. 若无了你,我便是你的梦,只有这样,这样已足够。

    Without you, I am your dream, only that and that is all.

  16. 求财富,不如求般若财富有善有恶,般若则无有不善。

    Better to cultivate prajna than wealth. Money can be good or bad, but prajna is always good.

  17. 可能,蓝色眼睫就是挑逗,静若处女就是似有若无的撩拨。

    Perhaps blue eyelashes are this allusive sign, virginal behavior this fragile allusion.

  18. 若无花朵,芙蓉有何美丽?

    Without flowers, what is the beauty of lotus ?

  19. 若无绿叶, 树木有何美丽?

    Without green leaves, what is the beauty of tree?

  20. 若你心中无恻隐慈善,你便患有最厉害的心病。

    If you haven't got charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble.

  21. 若无则发送, 有则等待一随机时间。

    If not then this, then wait for a random time.

  22. 若不是有空无的特别实相,我们就不会有这样的对话。

    And as for the special reality of nothingness, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

  23. 但若有人杀了他, 那就会引起一个无解的暴力循环。

    But if someone killed him, that would be an endless cycle of violence.

  24. 池里, 游弋着无鳞鱼, 若在黄昏垂钓, 更有无限得情趣。

    The Lake is also teeming with fish, all scaleless. Angling here in the twilight is an especially pleasurable experience.

  25. 池里,游弋着无鳞鱼,若在黄昏垂钓,更有无限的情趣。

    The Lake is also teeming with fish, all scaleless. Angling here in the twilight is an especially pleasurable experience

  26. 若有抵抗,咎由自取!

    Resist at your peril!

  27. 若有差错,请斧正。

    Please correct any errors that you find.

  28. 他们将互通有无。

    They will each try to provide what the other lacks.

  29. 有无目击证人?

    Are there any witnesses?

  30. 有无色差记录

    Are Colour Continuity Records Kept

