


1. 卷 [juàn]2. 卷 [juǎn]卷 [juàn]可以舒展和弯转成圆筒形的书画:长~。画~。手~。书籍的册本或篇章:上~。第一~。藏书十万~。~帙(书卷成束,用布裹或布囊装起来称“帙”,即书套。现一般指书籍)。考试用的纸:试~。机……





汉语拼音:juǎn qǐ









  1. You just watch the way he rolls up his sleeves and you can see how much he cares about the way he looks, but not too much.


  2. A quick caveat, before you hit me with a rolled-up Ms. magazine: I don't really think stay-at-home dads are better than stay-at-home moms.


  3. It was a cold day and the wind was blowing strongly over the ocean, raising very high waves.


  4. he cleaned the floors and the walls, he stood on chairs to wash the tops of cup boards, he got under the beds, he took up the carpets.


  5. Place a few slices of duck , pieces of scallion and a teaspoon of jam on the pancakes, and roll it up to eat.


  6. Winter of xiamen but felt less than a chill, see the beach is full of gulangyu is bare feet up in the sea legs paddle tourists.


  7. Often she continued to lurk, roiling the mud to conceal herself and basking in her own scaled beauty, as carp will.


  8. One of the long sides of its rectangular, plastic body has a thick, rounded edge that makes the device look like a folded-back magazine.


  9. "Bellatrix, " he replied, his thin mouth curling into a slightly mocking smile as he closed the door with a snap behind them.


  1. 卷起,折拢

    To be or become rolled up.

  2. 将画幅卷起

    to scroll up a drawing.

  3. 翅膀卷起风暴。

    I will flap my wings, causing the storm.

  4. 他卷起双袖。

    He rolled up his sleeves.

  5. 卷起卷起绕在身上

    To tuck up around the body.

  6. 他卷起了裤腿。

    He turned up the bottom of his trousers.

  7. 请帮我卷起袖子。

    Please help me tuck up my sleeves.

  8. 请帮我卷起袖子。

    Please help me tuck up my sleeves.

  9. 要卷起铺盖走人了。

    To pack up their guitar suitcase and go.

  10. 他卷起袖子开始工作。

    He rolled up his sleeves and got down to work.

  11. 这条蛇盘卷起身体。

    The snake coiled up.

  12. 她把帘子打环卷起。

    She looped the curtain up.

  13. 他卷起裤腿开始插秧。

    He turned the ends of his trousers up, and began to plant rice.

  14. 他卷起袖子干了起来。

    He rolled up his sleeves and set to work.

  15. 从长的一面卷起面团。

    Starting from a long side, roll up dough.

  16. 请脱掉上衣,卷起袖子。

    Please take off your coat and roll up sleeve.

  17. 他脱下外衣,卷起衣袖。

    He took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves.

  18. 请脱掉外衣,卷起袖子。

    Please take off your coat and roll up your sleeve.

  19. 这些车辆卷起一团团烟尘。

    All of the trucks raised a dust.

  20. 他用卷起的报纸拍苍蝇。

    He swatted the fly with a rolled up newspaper.

  21. 她卷起袖子,开始洗衣服。

    She rolled up her sleeves and started washing.

  22. 将它卷起, 放入瓶中。

    Roll it up and stick it inside that soda bottle.

  23. 将它卷起,放入瓶中。

    Roll it up and stick it inside that soda bottle .

  24. 他卷起袖子, 马上着手工作。

    He rolled up his sleevesandset to work at once.

  25. 洗手时会自己卷起衣袖。

    When they wash their hands they will learn how to roll up their sleeves.

  26. 她卷起袖子开始准备晚餐。

    She rolled up her sleeves and began to prepare for supper.

  27. 我卷起窗帘你不反对吧?

    Do you mind if I draw up the blinds ?

  28. 机器卷起了一大堆泥土。

    The machine cast up a big heap of earth.

  29. 还记得吗浪花卷起得梦。

    Do you still remember the dream with spindrift

  30. 还记得吗浪花卷起的梦。

    Do you still remember the dream with spindrift


  1. 问:卷起袖子拼音怎么拼?卷起袖子的读音是什么?卷起袖子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卷起袖子的读音是juǎnqǐ xiùzi,卷起袖子翻译成英文是 roll up one's sleeves

  2. 问:卷起拼音怎么拼?卷起的读音是什么?卷起翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卷起的读音是juǎnqǐ,卷起翻译成英文是 tuck

  3. 问:卷起的拼音怎么拼?卷起的的读音是什么?卷起的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卷起的的读音是juǎn qǐ de,卷起的翻译成英文是 cradling

  4. 问:卷起始化拼音怎么拼?卷起始化的读音是什么?卷起始化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卷起始化的读音是juàn qǐ shǐ huà,卷起始化翻译成英文是 volume initialize

  5. 问:卷起来的拼音怎么拼?卷起来的的读音是什么?卷起来的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卷起来的的读音是,卷起来的翻译成英文是 rolled-up