






1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……


唱:~唱。~咏。~颂。~坛。~台舞榭。~舞。能~善舞。能唱的文词:唱~。~谱。~词。~诀。民~。诗~。~行(xíng )(旧诗的一种体裁,音节、格律比较自由)。诗言志,~咏言。……



汉语拼音:gǔ pén ér gē







  1. Zhuangzi's " singing with beating basin" be considered a broad mind of Zhuangzi confronting the death.


  1. 代, 一老人击壤而歌。

    An old man sang this song as he beat the land to.

  2. 代,一老人击壤而歌。

    An old man sang this song as he beat the land to.

  3. 为我而歌,我的天使,唱吧!

    Sing to me, my angel, sing!

  4. 同我一起唱,为岁月而歌!

    Please stop arguing Plea the year.

  5. 难道你没为我得歌而感动么,残酷得阿力吉斯?

    Cruel Alexis, heed you naught my songs?

  6. 难道你没为我的歌而感动么,残酷的阿力吉斯?

    Cruel Alexis, heed you naught my songs?

  7. 山村解放了,村民们都欢跳起舞,为自由而高歌。

    The village was emancipated, and the villagers all jumped for joy singing loudly for liberty.

  8. 山村解放了,村民们都欢跳起舞,为自由而高歌。

    The village was emancipated, and the villagers all jumped for joy singing loudly for liberty.

  9. 而我得歌中是你, 我得小细腰美人

    Ah but I got one for you my portobello belle

  10. 她好象灵感受到引发而唱起歌来。

    She sang as if inspired.

  11. 而这首歌的名字就叫记忆中的你。

    And the name of the song was called Memories Of You.

  12. 船夫曲, 水手劳动时随着劳动节奏而唱的歌

    a song sung by sailors to the rhythm of their movements while working

  13. 一首海洋之歌甜美而清晰噜噜。

    A sea song sweet and clear Loo loo.

  14. 河水唱着歌奔流而去, 冲破所有得提防。

    The river runs swift with a song, breaking through all barriers.

  15. 河水唱着歌奔流而去,冲破所有的提防。

    The river runs swift with a song, breaking through all barriers.

  16. 在音乐会上, 玛利唱了歌, 而海伦则演奏乐器。

    At the concert Mary sang and Helen played.

  17. 书里写到的是她, 而歌里唱的却是她。

    The book she wrote, and sing the songs she is.

  18. 而歌迪亚很自然,她有种完全艺术性的真实。

    Shes committed and unselfconscious she has complete artistic authenticity.

  19. 别唱走调而糟蹋了那首歌。

    Don't butcher that song by singing off key.

  20. 而管子是河北吹歌的主奏乐器之一。

    While the pipe is hebei blow one song presided instruments.

  21. 因一支歌而走红

    to skyrocket oneself by a song

  22. 让歌因一人而有

    Since By Man Came Death

  23. 闻歌而有故国之思。

    When I hear this song, I feel the Patriot rise within me.

  24. 而这次演绎这首歌的则是担纲艺术总监的张学友本人。

    But this time deducts this first song is plays an important role Chief Art Officer Xueyou.

  25. 而这次演绎这首歌得则是担纲艺术总监得张学友本人。

    But this time deducts this first song is plays an important role Chief Art Officer Xueyou.

  26. 这张专辑不应因一首歌而被冷落。

    This album should not be passed by for just one song.

  27. 这张专辑不应因一首歌而被冷落。

    This album should not be passed by for just one song.

  28. 你们专辑里的许多歌都挺悲伤而触人心弦的。

    A lot of the songs on your album are very plaintive and heartfelt.

  29. 有人为她写了一首歌, 曲调简单而忧伤, 一直传唱到今天。

    Now her ghost wheels her barrow, Through streets broad and narrow, Crying, Cockles and mussels, alive, alive oh!

  30. 苦苦的等待,不过是指间青丝斩清风,踏歌而行,空留伤悲。

    Hard wait, but fingers chopped black hair breeze, Ta Ge and the line, were left heartbroken.