




1. 难 [nán]2. 难 [nàn]3. 难 [nuó]难 [nán]不容易,做起来费事:~处。~度。~点。~关。~熬。~耐。~产。~堪。~题。~以。~于。困~。畏~。急人之~。不大可能办到,使人感到困难:~免。~为。~保。~怪。~倒(……







汉语拼音:bì nán jiù yì







  • 【解释】:就:凑近,靠近。躲开难的,去找容易的做。也指做事情先从容易的做起。
  • 【出自】:《元史·文宗本纪》四:“大都总管刘原仁称疾,久不视事,及迁同知储政院事,即就职,侥幸巧宦避难就易。”
  • 【示例】:有些地方你的确说出了我的弱点,比如你说我~地在手法上取巧。
  • 【语法】:连动式;作谓语、定语;指回避困难


  1. We did not get here by doing what was easy.


  1. 解决社会问题不能避难就易。

    We can't ignore our responsibilities when addressing social issues.

  2. 我们取得这样的成就,是因为我们没有避难就易。

    We did not get here by doing what was easy.

  3. 美国秘尿协会表示有些人天生就易患尿频。

    Some people are genetically predisposed to symptoms of overactive bladder, the American Urology Association says.

  4. 研究生认为有可能她天生由于遗传因素就易患心脏病。

    The researchers suggest that she could have been genetically predisposed to heart problems.

  5. 把它加热到不太高得温度, 就易明显地变成流体。

    It is readily rendered visibly fluid by moderate heating.

  6. 如果书芯比较松散, 裁切时就易出现刀口尺寸不一样。

    if the book block comparison at the time of the incompact, and cutting edge on a size is not liable to occur.

  7. 假使你全无仇敌,那么在朋友方面就易陷于同样的贫乏了。

    If you had no enemy, you are apt to be in the same predicamentin regard to friend.

  8. 没有防火墙, 你的电脑就极易受到病毒的侵害。

    Your computer is extremely vulnerable to viruses without a firewall program.

  9. 没有防火墙,你得电脑就极易受到病毒得侵害。

    Your computer is extremely vulnerable to viruses without a firewall program.

  10. 色粉浮在纸上,如果不加玻璃或喷胶防护就很易擦掉。

    Pastel remains on the surface of the paper and thus can be easily obliterated unless protected by glass or a fixative spray of glue size or gum solution.

  11. 以上就是关于最易嫉人的人的话。

    Thus much for those, that are apt to envy.

  12. 但如果你不是避难申请者,那就会比较困难。

    If you are not seeking asylum, it can be more difficult.

  13. 一定数量的粒状固体就可以变成非常易流动的泥浆。

    Certain granular solids transform into highly mobile slurries.

  14. 一个明显变化就是白宫和国会易主。

    One obvious answer is the occupancy of the White House and Capitol Hill.

  15. 避易就难地

    the hard way

  16. 至于波动最大的独立选民, 他们本来就比忠诚的支持者易变。

    As for independents wavering most, unattached voters are naturally more fickle than loyalists.

  17. 投资者已避易就难地了解到尾部风险。

    Investors learned about tail risk the hard way.

  18. 也许老年人中最易忽视的小病就是消极。

    Probably the most ignored disorder among old people is depression.

  19. 好名声如火, 燃着的时候易保持, 一旦熄灭就再难点燃。

    Good fame is like fire when you have kindled you may easily preserve it but if you extinguish it, you will not easily kindle it again.

  20. 以后就不用网易相册了!

    The first time I use flickr to blog a picture. Just have a test.

  21. 他所易犯的毛病就是懒惰。

    His besetting sin is laziness.

  22. 就像树苗一样,小孩子很易塑。

    Like sapling trees, small children are very pliable.

  23. 要坚强是不是就不能轻易哭?

    Want adamancy to cannot cry easily ?

  24. 易拉罐就可以了,不过,还是谢谢你。

    Can is fine, but thank you.

  25. 这就使得页面更易读和易于导航。

    This made the page easier to read and navigate.

  26. 这样的话, 肉吃起来就松软易嚼了。

    This makes the meat softer and easier to eat.

  27. 他觉得法语就像母语一样容易学。

    He took to French as though it had been his native language.

  28. 这样得话, 肉吃起来就松软易嚼了。

    This makes the meat softer and easier to eat.

  29. 就如同一支伟大却易逝的光荣舰队!

    What a grand and glorious and transient fleet!

  30. 公众形象就像蛋头先生一样脆弱易碎。

    A public image is as fragile as humpty dumpty.


  1. 问:避难就易拼音怎么拼?避难就易的读音是什么?避难就易翻译成英文是什么?

    答:避难就易的读音是bìnánjiùyì,避难就易翻译成英文是 To avoid what is difficult and choose what is eas...



bì nán jiù yì, 躲开难的,去找容易的做。