











汉语拼音:bì shí jiù xū





本作避实击虚。《孙子兵法·虚实》:“兵之形,避实而击虚。” 意思是避开敌人的主力,进攻其薄弱环节。后也指谈问题或处理问题时回避要害。



  • 【解释】:指避开敌人的主力,找敌人的弱点进攻。又指谈问题回避要害。
  • 【出自】:《孙子·虚实》:“兵之形,避实而击虚。”
  • 【示例】:但执笔之际,~,顾彼忌此,实在气闷。
  • 【语法】:连动式;作谓语、宾语、定语;用于军事方面


  1. Prospectuses tend to solve the conundrum by avoiding mention of the party's role.


  1. 东拉西扯, 避实就虚

    draw a red herring across the track

  2. 兵之形避实而击虚。

    So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak.

  3. 出售黄金的承诺就越来越变得虚有其名了。

    The promise to sell gold became increasingly hollow.

  4. 比如,阳虚寒盛的人食用龟苓膏就会使阳更虚、寒更盛。

    For instance, deficiency of yang is cold flourishing person terrapin Ling creams can make in relief more empty, cold more fill.

  5. 避实击虚战略

    bishijixu strategy

  6. 你就准备虚兑簧?

    Are you going to moon away the whole of your life ?

  7. 就让虔诚继续虚远去,

    Let the PIOUS vanish for all time

  8. 有空就恸悼虚靡的光阴。

    Have time to wail th abusing of his time.

  9. 该会话虚包看起来就象这样

    The session facade might look something like this

  10. 虚文浮礼就省省吧,没有实际意义。

    Let's spare the mere formalities. They're meaningless.

  11. 他一生中的一大憾事就是膝下犹虚。

    One of the many sadness in his life is that he never has children.

  12. 意义越虚,与韵律,语气的关系就越紧密。

    The less their meaning is, the tenser the relation with rhyme scheme and tone.

  13. 拥有一个清朗的早晨就已不虚此生。

    One clear morn is boon enough for being born.

  14. 虚有其表得女人, 就像金环戴在猪鼻上!

    The impressive on the outside but lacking substance woman, looks like ring on the pig nose!

  15. 虚有其表的女人,就像金环戴在猪鼻上!

    The impressive on the outside but lacking substance woman, looks like ring on the pig nose!

  16. 如你没有决心干到底, 就不要虚声恫吓。

    Never bluff unless you are prepared to carry through.

  17. 他忽视那时代公开的虚饰,就像私人的不幸一样。

    He ignored the public ostentation of his time, as well as the private misery.

  18. 中年人出现肾虚症状就是一种未老先衰,叫病理性肾虚。

    Symptom of empty of middleaged person occurrence kidney is a kind of prematurely senile, call pathology sex kidney empty.

  19. 好的弓箭手就应该用好的弓。我这个人箭无虚发。

    A good archer deserves a good bow. I never miss.

  20. 眼见为实, 耳听为虚。跟我们去看一看不就知道了。

    Seeing is believing and hearsay is undependable. Youll know it if you come with us for a look.

  21. 故此, 神就给他们一个生发错误的心, 叫他们信从虚谎。

    For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie.

  22. 当然孩子也不适合用龟苓膏,补不好就会虚火、虚阳。

    Of course the child also does not suit to cream with chelonian Ling, fill bad to be met empty fire, Xu Yang.

  23. 多计产品单价, 就会造成企业利润虚增, 从而多交企业所得税。

    Much plan the product is monovalent, can cause company profit empty to add, pay enterprise income tax more thereby.

  24. 伊恩因为工作常年在外简很孤独,泰德就趁虚而入。

    Ian was traveling a lot on business, Jane was lonely, and along came Ted.

  25. 无形本身就是意象,是绘画艺术中一种以虚写实的技法。

    The image of the invisible is itself, is a painting in a virtual realism techniques.

  26. 不过, 在高速行驶时, 方向盘的虚位就显得有些让人难以适应。

    However, when high speed travel, steering wheel's disatema appears somewhat lets the human adapt with difficulty.


  1. 问:避实就虚拼音怎么拼?避实就虚的读音是什么?避实就虚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:避实就虚的读音是bìshíjiùxū,避实就虚翻译成英文是 to stay clear of the enemy's main forces and strik...


避实就虚 ( bì shí jiù xū )解 释 实:实力;就:就近,趋向;虚:空虚,虚弱。原指避开敌人的主力,攻击敌人的薄弱环节。或指谈论问题回避要害。也作“避实击虚”。孙子兵法有云:夫兵形象水,水之行避高趋下,兵之形避实击虚;水因地制流,兵因故制胜。故兵无常势水无常形。能因敌变化取胜者谓之神。