


1. 稽 [jī]2. 稽 [qǐ]稽 [jī]停留:~留。~滞。考核:~核。~查。~考。无~之谈。计较:反唇相~。至。姓。稽 [qǐ]〔~首〕古代的一种礼节,跪下,拱手至地,头也至地。……


1. 核 [hé]2. 核 [hú]核 [hé]果实中坚硬并包含果仁的部分:桃~。杏~。像核的东西:~细胞。~酸。~心(中心)。结~。原子~。~子。~反应。~武器。仔细地对照、考察:~定。~计。~实。~算。~查。翔实正确:其文直,其事~。核……



汉语拼音:jī hé







  1. 亦作“ 稽覈 ”。查核;查考。

    明 李东阳 《送南京国子祭酒谢公诗序》:“若讲授稽覈,不过诸博士职。”《明史·蒋德璟传》:“惟仓场督臣及 天津 抚臣出入,部中皆不稽覈。” 清 恽敬 《三代因革论四》:“后世地兼数圻,凭图书稽核而已。”



  1. The accounts of official Rotary regional magazines are to be audited and a report made annually to the publications' subscribers .


  2. Is the etch uniformity monitored at least monthly and records maintained as a quality document?


  3. The Audit Failure Events Raised performance counter tracks the number of failed audit events raised since the application started.


  4. Example: A team at an aerospace company was responsible for preparing the company departments for audits by external customers.


  5. Participating in the internal audit team to ensure quality systems are strictly implemented and followed in the company.


  6. Whatever form it takes, as a general rule the register is unalterable. If, however, changes are required, there has to be an audit trail.


  7. Responsible for organization of internal staff's duty. The method of quality statistics option in plant, approval and confirming as well.


  8. Audits may be performed by personnel from within the organization or by external persons selected by the organization.


  9. For audit opinions to be believable in specific contexts they must be logically explainable and retraceable and testable.


  1. 簿记程序稽核

    audit of bookkeeping procedure.

  2. 记账标准化稽核

    verifying of keeping accounting standardization

  3. 提供稽核管理和群组管理。

    Support mail auditing and grouping.

  4. 稽核员开始审察帐务。

    The auditor began the examination of accounts.

  5. 提醒扶轮社做年度稽核。

    Remind clubs of the annual audit.

  6. 浅谈对粮食流转贷款管理的稽核

    Checking to Grain Circulation Loan Management

  7. 甲、本系年度预算执行之稽核。

    It should audit the departmental yearly budget.

  8. 二厘定稽核项目, 时间, 程序及方法。

    A detailed listing of audit items, times, procedures, and methods.

  9. 考虑增设临床稽核制度, 加强病人信心。

    Should consider setting up a clinical evaluation system to increase confidence of patients.

  10. 是否有对特殊产品有稽核检验指导书?

    Is there an inspection Instruction for the specific product being audited ?

  11. 电信计费数据稽核系统的设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of Telecom Billing Data Auditing Systems

  12. 社会保险稽核工作存在的问题与对策研究

    The Study of Social Insurance Auditing work Problems and Countermeasures

  13. 协助做好成本压缩及年度库存稽核。

    Assist in cost reduction progress, and annual stocktaking audit.

  14. 交叉稽核方法在税务检查中的运用探析

    The application analysis of the method about the alternately auditing in tax examination

  15. 由被稽核单位与主导稽核员共同决定。

    The scope of the audit is determined by the auditee and the lead auditor.

  16. 如需稽核时, 要准备解释并提出适当凭证。

    Be prepared to explain and document the expense report for an audit.

  17. 协助公司对供应商的例行或临时性稽核。

    Supplier audit, periodic or randomly.

  18. 我必须说明,所有的这些记录都经过稽核。

    I should add that all of these records have been audited.

  19. 稽核对象包括本公司所有单位及各子公司。

    Internal audits shall include all operational units of the company and its subsidiaries.

  20. 建立伺服器稽核规格, 并将它对应到稽核物件。

    Create the Server AudIt'specification object by using an Audit event group.

  21. 第三十七条会计机构内部应当建立稽核制度。

    Article 37 An accounting office shall establish an internal auditing system.

  22. 对产线和各个测试部门进行定期的稽核。

    Carry on fixed checking in producing the line and each test department.

  23. 收支检查标准是规则统治一个稽核如何被运行。

    Auditing standards are the rules governing how an audit is performed.

  24. 董事会无法蒙骗联邦法庭乃因他们有了稽核人员。

    The board couldn't buffalo the federal courts as it had the Comptroller.

  25. 二未依第十条规定建立内部控制及稽核制度。

    It fails to establish an internal control and audIt'system in accordance with Article 10 hereof.

  26. 这个职业组的一些职业可能需要质量稽核员认证

    Certification as a quality auditor may be required for some occupations in this unit group.

  27. 在实际拜访时, 此份评估报告和质量稽核报告一起使用。

    This assessment form is followed by a quality audit questionnaire for use during the actual visit.

  28. 现欲应聘贵公司管理运作稽核副经理实习生一职。

    Want to accept the offer of your company managing operation auditing assistant manager probationer now one duty.

  29. 重要程序或特殊案件,得随时或不定期派员稽核之。

    The major procedures or specific items shall be inspected from time to time.

  30. 参与内部稽核小组,确保品质系统按照公司的要求执行。

    Participating in the internal audit team to ensure quality systems are strictly implemented and followed in the company.


  1. 问:稽核拼音怎么拼?稽核的读音是什么?稽核翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稽核的读音是jīhé,稽核翻译成英文是 examine; check

  2. 问:稽核员拼音怎么拼?稽核员的读音是什么?稽核员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稽核员的读音是jīhéyuán,稽核员翻译成英文是 checking clerk

  3. 问:稽核长拼音怎么拼?稽核长的读音是什么?稽核长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稽核长的读音是jīhézhǎng,稽核长翻译成英文是 chief controllor

  4. 问:稽核制度拼音怎么拼?稽核制度的读音是什么?稽核制度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稽核制度的读音是jī hé zhì dù,稽核制度翻译成英文是 auditing system

  5. 问:稽核审计管理拼音怎么拼?稽核审计管理的读音是什么?稽核审计管理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稽核审计管理的读音是jī hé shěn jì guǎn lǐ,稽核审计管理翻译成英文是 auditing management