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As with the jewelry, Hong pawned it for the money used to cure a severely sick worker who had no money for medical treatment.
至于那个首饰是一个民工得了重病没钱看,洪小玲只好当了首饰来凑钱。But for the children of migrant workers living in the cities, their ways of spending the months long holiday is quite different.
但是对于城市里民工的孩子来说,他们过这个数月长的假期的方式是很不一样的。GIFFORD: Just five years ago, Sun was one of the army of migrants following the well-beaten path from countryside to city.
格菲德报导:就在五年前,孙先生还是一个因循守旧的跟随着民工潮从农村涌向城市的大军中的一员。But because such bit work is hard to track, he said, the bureau doesn't have migration figures.
但他表示,由于此类工作很难统计,因此劳动局没法统计民工数据。Mr. Liu said the woman was a migrant worker from Hunan province but declined to give further details.
刘坤说,这位女士是来自湖南的民工,但他拒绝透露更多细节内容。Remittances are closely correlated with the number of migrant workers, lagged by about a year.
汇付额与民工人数息息相关,民工量在这一年呈滞后状。Magic Hospital also takes clowns to orphanages, schools for the children of migrant workers and homes for street children.
魔术医院还让小丑演员到孤儿院,民工子弟学校和流浪儿童那里表演。This is a migrant school established for the children of rural farmers and peasants who have come to the east, to the big cities, for work.
这是一所民工子弟学校,招收到东部大城市打工的偏远地区农民子弟入学。However, only a couple of migrant workers showed their interest in it and later they were all driven off after the landlord quoted the rent.