







汉语拼音:kuài shū






  1. 曲艺的一种。用铜板或竹板伴奏,唱词合辙押韵,节奏较快。有山东快书、竹板快书等。



  1. na.
  2. quick-patter (

  3. rhythmic storytelling accompanied by bamboo or copper clappers)

  1. 我尽可能快地把书带过来。

    I brought the book with me as soon as possible.

  2. 还不快去多读点书。

    Go read some books.

  3. 他想抢走那本书,但动作不够快。

    He snatched at the book but not quick enough.

  4. 爱迪生读起书来, 领会得快, 而且过目不忘。

    Edison was a very quick reader and he remembered everything.

  5. 书卖得很快。

    The book sold quickly.

  6. 书销售得很快。

    The book is selling briskly.

  7. 他们很快出版了那本书。

    They got the book out quickly.

  8. 请把那些书给我拿来,快!

    Please bring me those books and look snappy about it.

  9. 我很快就拿到一本书。

    I soon took possession of a book.

  10. 内德很快就写完了那本书。

    Ned will finish writing the book in no time.

  11. 书的作者很快成了引人注目的人物。

    Its author was soon the centre of attention.

  12. 病人很快就能坐起来看书了。

    The patient was soon able to sit up and read.

  13. 快到你妈那去,把她要的书带去。

    Cut along to your mother and take her the book she wants.

  14. 他书读得很快,但什么也没学到。

    He read rapidly but did not digest anything.

  15. 大量的决心书很快就送到了党委会。

    Soon letters and pledges of determination poured into the Party committee.

  16. 那个作家很快地写出一本又一本的书。

    That writer knocked off one book after another.

  17. 那个作家很快地写出一本又一本得书。

    That writer knocked off one book after another.

  18. 很多聪明的女孩能很快地阅读这样的书。

    Many bright girls can gobble up such books

  19. 读一本好书得时候,时间总是过得很快。

    Time passes quickly when you are absorbed in reading a good book.

  20. 我不喜欢计算机书,因为它们淘汰得太快了。

    I don't care for computer books, since they tend to go out of date really quickly.

  21. 我很快翻阅了一下那本书,看来似乎很有趣。

    I had a quick flip through the book and it looked very interesting.

  22. 读一本好书的时候, 时间总是过得很快。

    Time passes quickly when you are absorbed in reading a good book.

  23. 怎样才能得到帮助更快地找到我所需要的书呢

    How can I get some help in finding a particular book.

  24. 该书很快就成了伦敦城里得一本畅销书。

    The book was soon a best seller in London.

  25. 该书很快就成了伦敦城里的一本畅销书。

    The book was soon a best seller in London.

  26. 海伦那天借走了我得书, 说很快就还。

    Helen borrowed my book the other day, saying that she would return It'soon.

  27. 海伦那天借走了我的书,说很快就还。

    Helen borrowed my book the other day, saying that she would return It'soon.

  28. 不过在书中,罗斯福很快让鸽派人士黯然失色。

    Yet the doves are soon eclipsed in his book by Roosevelt.

  29. 我必须很快放下书,而且按照书上的建议开始生活。

    I must soon lay it down, and commence living on its hint.

  30. 它非常容易,您可以很快地写出许多关于它的书。

    It was very easy, and you can write many books very fast about it.


  1. 问:快书拼音怎么拼?快书的读音是什么?快书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:快书的读音是kuàishū,快书翻译成英文是 quick-patter; rhythmic storytelling accompan...


