如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 尿 [niào]2. 尿 [suī]尿 [niào]小便,肾脏的排泄液:~液。~布。~肥。~素。排泄小便:~尿。尿 [suī]小便(限于名词):尿(niào )~。~脬(膀胱。亦作“尿泡”)。……
汉语拼音:niào dào
Therefore some scientists estimate that this liquid comes from the back part of women's urethra which is like the gland of men's prostate.
这种成分只在前列腺中会被发现,因此有科学家判断,这种液体的来源是女性尿道后部类似于男性前列腺的腺体。Results Among the 95 patients, 2 cases had dysuria and there was no incontinence, no incision infection, and no hemorrhage after surgery.
结果95例结扎前列腺动脉保留尿道前列腺切除术病人术后排尿困难2例,无尿失禁、切口感染、和术后大出血。Cold-cup biopsy or transurethral resection of bladder lesions were all performed and could be the first priority to be considered.
关于治疗方面,所有的病人经由尿道做膀胱疾患的切片或切除作为首选步骤。So instead, breathe on her, blow lightly, but never blow into any of her orifices.
所以,要轻轻的呼吸,而且不要将气体吹入到任何孔洞里面(译者注:阴道或者尿道)。I'm going to work, and my punched-out eye sockets are two swollen-up black bagels around the little piss holes I have left to see through.
我每天还继续上班,我被打肿的眼窝就像是两个黑色的甜甜圈,中间只留了个尿道口给我看东西。The target was an area of tissue on the front vaginal wall located behind the urethra.
实验的焦点被放在尿道后的前阴道壁组织部分。Micturition (self-study): To understand innervation of the urinary bladder and urinary tract micturition and its control.
尿的排放(自学):了解膀胱和尿道的神经支配,排尿反射及排尿的调节。Acquired bladder diverticula are the result of outlet obstruction, mostly benign prostate enlargement, infections, or urethral stricture.
后天性膀胱憩室是出口阻塞所造成的结果,大部分的病因包括良性摄护腺肥大,感染或尿道狭宰。A Gram stain of a sample from a urethra or a cervix allows the doctor to see the bacterium under a microscope.