


1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……





汉语拼音:dǎ fǎ








打法 [dǎ fǎ]
  1. 简介打法,推拿手法名。




  1. 'He would have had trouble getting out of any bunker in the country, ' concludes Mr. Mulak.


  2. There is no doubt it wasn't good against Denmark in the last friendly and it's just a case of getting back to what we are good at.


  3. All I had to do was watch a kid for a few minutes, then drop in a little idea about a different approach.


  4. It was a shame, as after a bit of a slow start we got the measure of Chelsea and really believed we could get back on level terms.


  5. He forced Murray into errors and then went for the clean, swift kill in a manner that has sometimes eluded him in recent times.


  6. take offensive play, aim the march to the right, so you do not listen to every minute the ball child awarded by a pond of water with .


  7. They will play like Lazio on Sunday and, considering how much we suffered in the second half, we will have to be very careful.


  8. I can stay up in the chair for hours at a time now, and this enables me to occupy myself in a number of ways.


  9. She now has more variety in her play, she's not simply hitting the ball as hard as she can.


  1. 强攻型打法

    power play.

  2. 反手进攻打法

    backhand attacking play.

  3. 全攻全守打法

    total play

  4. 弧快类打法

    loop combined with fast attack.

  5. 迷惑对方的打法

    trick play

  6. 横拍进攻打法

    the tennis grip fast attack style

  7. 直拍反胶打法

    Sandwich Rubber with Penhold Grip Type

  8. 他的打法失常了。

    He is off his game.

  9. 弧圈类打法运动员

    loop player

  10. 桥牌中的以假乱真打法

    Snares and Swindles in Bridge

  11. 我喜欢客队的打法。

    I like the way the visiting team is playing.

  12. 聪明得教练!打法不错!

    Smart coach, and good play.

  13. 聪明的教练!打法不错!

    Smart coach, and good play.

  14. 曲球打法又叫弧线球。

    The curve ball is also called arc line ball.

  15. 他仍然坚持他的老打法。

    He still stuck to his old methods of warfare.

  16. 比如关于他的打法什么的。

    The kind of play that he has.

  17. 你必须改变你现在的打法。

    You have to change the way you are playing.

  18. 花剑逼迫式打法的训练

    The Forced Initiative Training Methods of Foil Fencing.

  19. 让我们学习反手进攻打法。

    Let's learn backhand attacking play.

  20. 现代足球边后卫打法趋势

    The playing tendency of modern soccer wide defender

  21. 他不习惯二夹一打法。

    He is unaccustomed to the sandwich attack.

  22. 这是一种绝对安全打法。

    This is a perfect safety play.

  23. 还有别得容易些得打法吗?

    Is there any other easier method?

  24. 还有别的容易些的打法吗?

    Is there any other easier method?

  25. 这个队惯于二夹一打法。

    The team are accustomed to the sandwich attack.

  26. 赛尔号谱尼圣洁求打法。

    The Saier number composes Buddhist nun demand play holy and pure.

  27. 桥牌中的封锁及解封打法

    Blocking and Unblocking Plays in Bridge

  28. 谈网球接发球的基本打法

    Analysis on Basic Stroke of Return of Service of Tennis

  29. 乒乓球削球打法发展趋势研究

    Study on the Developmental Trend of the Method of Chop of Table Tennis

  30. 这样的打法是没有可能胜利的。

    We can never win by fighting this way.


  1. 问:打法拼音怎么拼?打法的读音是什么?打法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打法的读音是dǎfǎ,打法翻译成英文是 different methods of playing cards, games, sport...

  2. 问:打法变化拼音怎么拼?打法变化的读音是什么?打法变化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打法变化的读音是dǎ fǎ biàn huà,打法变化翻译成英文是 variation of shots

  3. 问:打法纤细拼音怎么拼?打法纤细的读音是什么?打法纤细翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打法纤细的读音是dǎ fǎ qiàn xì,打法纤细翻译成英文是 finesse; touch


打法 推拿手法名。《千金要方·老子按摩法》:“若有脚患冷者,打热便休。