





1. 的 [dí]2. 的 [dì]3. 的 [de]的 [dí]真实,实在:~确。~当(dàng )。~情。~真。~证。的 [dì]箭靶的中心:中(zhòng )~。有~放矢。众矢之~。目~(要达到的目标、境地)。的 [de]用在词或词组……



汉语拼音:shǐ de






  1. An integrated, easy-to-use fax program that allows you to send fax messages as easily as sending ane-mail message.


  2. Momentum, which is basically how much force it would take to stop a moving object.


  3. For Nixon the most exquisite triumphs were those in which the victim did not know who had done him in.


  4. The Enlightenment Being was able to keep these fine qualities in his mind, and produce a very unlikely event --a miracle.


  5. Theatrical make-up and artificial blood had been used to make the injuries look realistic.


  6. The task is complicated by the fact that the firm used some of these as collateral for its own loans.


  7. Even before the harassment stories reared their head, his popularity was beginning to perplex professional political analysts.


  8. Master, Don't trust that ape. The brother monkey is deliberately trying to trick you by magic way.


  9. and a practical method for the splitting such that the iterative matrice is less than one is presented.


  1. 吉普车上的刹车是好使的。

    Brakes on the jeep were functioning.

  2. 使的一表面产生裂缝。

    To produce a network of fine cracks in the surface or glaze of.

  3. 老旧且好使的抢先分手

    Ah.good old PEB.

  4. 使的轮廓清晰勾勒出的轮廓描绘

    make clear the outline of delineate.

  5. 它使的管理变得相对容易。

    Frames enable us to manage sites easily.

  6. 好使的艾滋病疫苗, 能搞出来不

    Is an Effective HIV Vaccine Feasible

  7. 字尾变化使的数和格发生变化

    To inflect for number and case.

  8. 摒除,拒绝或使的期望遭受挫折

    To dismiss, turn down, or frustrate the expectations of.

  9. 有钱人使的是用焊锡做的盘子。

    Those with money had plates made of pewter.

  10. 那个抵押使的背上了沉重的包袱。

    That mortgage has a millstone round my neck.

  11. 面进入槛的设计使的车辆轻易驶入。

    Door sill design makes the automobile easy to enter and exit.

  12. 它使的公交可以向地铁一样工作

    The boarding tube gives to the bus the same performance as a subway.

  13. 空调, 手机使的日常生活变得安逸。

    Our daily life is cushioned by air conditioners, cell phones.

  14. 试试这种洗剂吧,应该是很好使的。

    B Try this lotion. Its supposed to be very good.

  15. 她只是耳朵不灵光,脑袋可是很好使的

    It's just her ears that don't work, not her brain.

  16. 他们使的赛前信心满满的小小罗安静下来。

    They helped ensure that Cristiano Ronaldo, for all his prematch bravado, had a quiet game.

  17. 剥夺权力,权势或力量使无害或使的威慑性减弱

    To strip of power, potency, or strength make harmless or less threatening.

  18. 使的表面积加大产生避震器组尼系数提高。

    Causes the surface area to enlarge has the shock absorber damping factor enhancement.

  19. 但我要使的心刚硬,他必不容百姓去。

    But I will harden his heart so that he will not let the people go.

  20. 除了做完本职工作以外替人跑差使的雇员

    an employee who runs errands in addition to performing regular duties

  21. 古代巴比伦所使的一种表意的音节书写系统。

    The ideographic and syllabic writing system in which the ancient Babylonian language was written.

  22. 她和一个脑筋不太好使的滑雪教练私奔了。

    She ran off with an intellectually challenged ski instructor.

  23. 只有很少的秘密之处没有遭到妖蛆之使的侵入。

    Only a few secret places have withstood Wyrmcomer assaults.

  24. 你怎么了我做了什么错事使的你这么不信任我。

    Lynette. Lynette I can't believe you. I have done nothing to deserve this kind of mistrust.

  25. 听差除了做完本职工作以外替人跑差使的雇员

    An employee who runs errands in addition to performing regular duties.

  26. 正是这样的信仰才使的一个人可以积极的享受人生。

    One only live once in a life time, so might as well enjoy it!

  27. 我并不认为自己是那种非常聪明、脑子好使的人。

    I don't class myself as being very intelligent or brainy.

  28. 生活的美存在于欣赏对立的现象,它使的感知更敏锐。

    The real beauty of life lies in appreciating the opposite phenomena because it sharpens ones perception towards ones own perception.

  29. 开球难度较大时,选一根好使的高尔夫球杆。

    With a difficult tee shot, select a club which will keep you short of the trouble.

  30. 谁说的,是这个女孩教你拿舌头当雨刷使的吗?

    By who? The same girl that taught you to use your tongue like a windshield wiper?