














  1. If Italy and Greece had not been so over-indebted and sclerotic, they would not be in such trouble today.


  2. I wondered if I could have done something differently or what else might have happened with some one that crazy.


  3. He must have had some ups and downs in life to make him such a churl. Do you know anything of his history?


  4. I lost Ruth in the crowd a few times, even though we were separated by just two or three drawings.


  5. Old as it was, however, the well-shaft was probably the only relic of the local history that remained absolutely unchanged.


  6. A loving act, I think, is often like dropping a rock into the water.


  7. If you are an American looking for the "that" that used to be us, the Hoover Dam is not a bad place to start.


  8. The earth is large. Large enough that you think you can hide from anything.


  9. I want to be in the bed can be so carve, people must be peace and happiness, and that's the old Chinese state of mind.


  1. 如斯而已。

    That's what it all adds up to.

  2. 如斯颜面若谁何?

    But where could I find again a face?

  3. 复活在我,生命如斯。

    I am the resurrection.And the life.

  4. 逝者如斯。谁能拦阻

    Who may hold that will away

  5. 逝者如斯,谁能阻挡?

    Who may hold that will away?

  6. 常听说时光如水,逝者如斯。

    Often heard that time such as water, lost time is never.

  7. 也许,也许我已明白,逝者如斯。

    Maybe, maybe I understand that lost time is never.

  8. 强迫实习老师如斯丹博去假装?

    Forcing a student teacher like Stambaugh to pretend to be straight

  9. 她是如斯漂亮,她的爱收从肺腑。

    She is so very beautiful, her love is from within.

  10. 如斯恩典, 令心敬畏, 解脱万千忧惧。

    Twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace that fear relieved.

  11. 奇迹如斯, 光鲜背后却也有灰暗的一面。

    So far so miraculous. Yet the shiny face has a tarnished flip side.

  12. 所以他敬礼与称赞上师给予他如斯大恩。

    So he prostrated and praised the Guru for such great favors.

  13. 时间飞逝如斯, 她继续耐心的为他坐着。

    Hour after hour, day after day, she continued to sit for him patiently.

  14. 时间飞逝如斯,她继续耐心得为他坐着。

    Hour after hour, day after day, she continued to sit for him patiently.

  15. 人们认为熊猫,考拉熊是如斯伶俐和智慧。

    People usually think pandas; koala bears are so cute and smart.

  16. 礼拜制度堕落如斯,竟比假作虔诚更恶。

    The temple system of worship had degenerated to the point that it had become worse than a sham.

  17. 我们都很激动, 当我们望到如斯锦绣壮观场面。

    We are all excited when we see such beautiful and magnificent scene.

  18. 民族认同感如斯滋长,久而久之必然可以称呼为国号。

    As a sense of national identity grew so did the use of national names.

  19. 世界如斯大,以致于你曾经以为自己可以躲过任何东西,

    The earth is large. Large enough that you think you can hide from anything.

  20. 一张小小的纸片尽然被人们变的如斯神奇,卫视台直播!

    It's amazing what some people can do with a single sheet of paper.

  21. 日暮月色金黄, 我将往昔追望, 幕幕铭记心间, 如斯飞逝。

    Sundown yellow moon, I replay the past, I know every scene by heart, they all went by so fast.

  22. 他的处女作影片暮色如斯证明创作灵感并没有离他而去。

    His first film, In the Gloaming, proved he had not lost his creative spark.

  23. 在一年地这个时分这家旅店地客房状况是如斯之好。

    The occupancies of the hotel are striking good at this time of the year.

  24. 你的吻还在我的唇上收烫,自彼我的日子变得如斯漂亮。

    Your kiss still burns on my lips, everyday of mine is so beautiful.

  25. 你的吻借在我的唇下收烫,自彼我的夜子变得如斯漂亮。

    Your kiss still burns on my lips, everyday of mine is so beautiful.