如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
汉语拼音:rú cǐ
"Want great value? You won't believe how much stuff you'll get for so little money. "
“什么是伟大的价值?你不会相信能花费如此之少,却收获如此之多。”After a half-hour he began to realise that the meeting must come to an end, so exacting is the world.
半小时后,他意识到他该结束他们的幽会了:这世界是如此严厉,不肯通融。In that way, Gupta may have been a safer choice for this role than some of the other members of the board.
如此看来,就这个职务而言,相比于董事会的某些其他成员,古普塔似乎是一个更安全的人选。There is no question that we would never have been able to make so much progress toward eradicating polio by ourselves.
毫无疑问,我们绝对无法凭一己之力在根除小儿痲痹有如此大之进展。The melancholic opening piano track sets such a dull, depressing feeling inside of you, and the same goes for the second track.
忧郁的开场钢琴曲使得内心建起了一种消沉、抑郁的感觉,第二首歌曲也是如此。Sven's a nitwit. He got caught playing away and then embarrassed himself in a tabloid sting. You would have to be a fool to be so careless.
斯文(埃里克森)是个大白痴,他打客场的时候总会被媒体捕捉到什么丑事,真没见过哪个人笨到如此粗心的地步。"People are scared to let their kids outside, even where I live, " she said. "If I want my kids to go outside, I have to be with them. "
“人们害怕让自己的孩子待在室外,甚至我也是如此,”她说道,“如果我想让我的孩子去户外,我会和他们一起。”If he could accomplish this objective by freeing all, some, or none of the slaves, that was what he would do.
如果总统通过解放全体,或部分,或根本不解放奴隶能够完成这一目标,他自然如此行之。But, as I said before, I think the experience is going to be fun, and that travelling at such a slow pace will magnify the adventure.