


1. 哇 [wā]哇 [wā]象声词,形容哭声、呕吐声:~地吐了一地。指靡靡之音:淫~。……


1. 啦 [lB]啦 [lB]同“拉”。……


1. 哇 [wā]哇 [wā]象声词,形容哭声、呕吐声:~地吐了一地。指靡靡之音:淫~。……


1. 啦 [lB]啦 [lB]同“拉”。……



汉语拼音:wā lā wā lā






  1. 见“ 哇喇哇喇 ”。



  1. They are opening a recorder to put enthusiastic Latin music, mutual between hullabaloo hullabaloo ground says spanish.


  2. She was yapping away for hours about her new clothes.


  3. Don't keep yapping back at me when you don't really know the entire picture.


  4. 'Finest house on the whole river, ' cried Toad boisterously.


  5. That woman will yap away for hours about nothing.


  6. Talk the bark off a tree


  1. 哇啦哇啦地说个不停

    talk the bark off a tree

  2. 老师叫学生别那么哇啦哇啦的。

    The teacher told the pupils to stop making such a hullabaloo.

  3. 孩子们兴高采烈地哇啦哇啦讲个不停。

    The children rattled away merrily.

  4. 他老是就年轻人的行为哇啦哇啦地发表意见。

    He's always sounding off about the behaviour of young people.

  5. 那个女人将会哇啦哇啦一连胡说上几个小时。

    That woman will yap away for hours about nothing.

  6. 第一小姐和第三小姐啥个事体哇啦哇啦的小猪猡!

    Miss 1 and Miss 3 Whats the problem You squeal like little pigs!

  7. 你不知道整个真实情况,别对我哇啦哇啦叫不停。

    Do not keep yapp back at me when you do not really know the entire picture.

  8. 她哇啦哇啦地说了好几个小时,讲她的新衣服。

    She was yapping away for hours about her new clothes.

  9. 大家都喝得晕乎乎的, 等饭菜端上来时就都哇啦哇啦地唱。

    Everybody was jolly singing by the time the food arrived.

  10. 马塞洛跪坐在地上,激动地哇哩哇啦地说着。

    Marcello sat on his knee and gabbled excitedly.

  11. 哇啦,我被录取了!

    And, voila!I got in.

  12. 那边叽里哇啦的那么热闹, 不知道是在做什么。

    People are speaking loudly there. I've no idea what is happening.

  13. 那边叽里哇啦的那么热闹,不知道是在做什么。

    People are speaking loudly there. I've no idea what is happening.

  14. 那边叽里哇啦得那么热闹,不知道是在做什么。

    People are speaking loudly there. I've no idea what is happening.

  15. 好哇, 放假啦!

    Hurrah for theholidays!

  16. 好哇,放假啦!

    Hurrah for theholidays!

  17. 哇!够了啦, 马林我看到了, 真的很美

    Wow. Yes, Marlin. No, I see it. Its beautiful.

  18. 哇, 魔术已经开始啦!

    Wow, the magic already started!

  19. 哇,魔术已经开始啦!

    Wow ,the magic already started !

  20. 以上多多优惠活动各位亲看啦有没有心动哇!

    Offers a lot more than you a heart Kan La wow!

  21. 哇!我们会赚好多钱啦!

    Gee, We're going to make a lot of money.

  22. 哇, 你升官当部门主管啦。

    Wow, you've been promoted to department head.

  23. 哇,自助餐上还有西瓜,太棒啦。

    Aha, there was watermelon in the buffet.

  24. 哇喔,投靠另一边啦,长官?

    Gosh. Joined the other side, sir ?

  25. 哇,我可爱的土拨鼠,我太喜欢它们啦!

    Wow, my lovely marmots, I like them so much!

  26. 哇哈哈!我既岁数终于变成2字头啦!

    Wahaha! I eventually becoming 2 s prefix of year!

  27. 哇, 气球要被打爆了啦!快点瞄准!

    Wow, a balloon to be it! Aimed at quickly!

  28. 哇!他留那种非洲式发型已经好多年啦!

    Wow!He's probably been growing afro for years!

  29. 嘿!嘿!哇。谁说过你们这些小家伙可以折磨树懒啦?

    Hey, Hey, whoa. Who said you kids could torture the sloth.

  30. 我再也受不了啦。我扑倒在台阶上,哇地失声痛哭起来。

    Too much, I fell upon the steps and broke into tears.