




1. 车 [chē]2. 车 [jū]车 [chē]陆地上有轮子的交通工具:火~。~驾(帝王的马车)。~裂(中国古代一种残酷的死刑,俗称“五马分尸”)。前~之鉴。用轮轴来转动的器具:纺~。水~。用水车打水:~水。指旋床或其他机器:~床。用旋……



汉语拼音:xiǎo chē










  1. 马拉的轻车。与牛拉的“大车”对言。

    《论语·为政》:“大车无輗,小车无軏,其何以行之哉?”《后汉书·廉范传》:“ 麟 ( 严麟 )乘小车,涂深马死,不能自进。”《释名·释车》:“小车,驾马轻小之车也。驾马宜轻,使之局小也。”

  2. 形体小的车子。

    宋 陆游 《喜小儿辈到行在》诗:“截竹作马走不休,小车驾羊声陆续。”

  3. 手推车,独轮车。

    《老残游记》第七回:“街上迎面来了一辆小车,半边装行李,半边坐人。” 张一弓 《山村诗人》二:“ 李老怪 年轻时推小车逃荒。”

  4. 指汽车中的小轿车。俗称“小包车”。

    蒋子龙 《乔厂长后传》:“为了保证你们骂我的时候我能听得到,每周我至少要和大家一起坐一次班车,当厂长的不见得非得坐小车不可。”

  5. 民间歌舞名。

    舒非 《社火的旧形式和新活动》:“‘小车’、‘花鼓’和‘彩船’都可以唱新内容的曲子。”



  1. "That's the beauty of having only a small car, " he said as he manoeuvred it into a minute parking space.


  2. Kelly was a hit, especially with the soon-to-be menswear superstar, Josh. -She was being wheeled by, and. . . I just froze.


  3. the salesman told me that this type of car was stealing the show in Europe.


  4. The little one had a tendency to try to run off the track and that's a problem.


  5. Two girlfriends and I piled into a car and headed to Aspen, Colo. where I found a job as a maid at a resort hotel.


  6. I saw the car slowly inclined to stop on the left side of the road, opposite a few cars could have foreseen all this, first stop in tight.


  7. But as we piled into the car ready to drive off from the airport, the vehicle began to shake.


  8. Who would accompany me? If I only take a small carriage, it can't carry enough food. What I eat if I run out of the stuff.


  9. It had come - appearing suddenly from behind the forehead of the nearest upland, and stopping beside the boy with the barrow.


  1. 小车式起架

    bogey landing gear.

  2. 亚洲小车蝗蝻虫

    Locust Nymphae

  3. 自动供料小车

    automatic feeding dolly

  4. 请给小车加油。

    Please refuel the car.

  5. 这小车真轻巧。

    This car is really light.

  6. 放玩偶用的小车

    pram for doll

  7. 一辆上乘的小车

    a honey of a car.

  8. 履带式移动机器人小车

    tracked mobile robot

  9. 小车比大车容易停放。

    Small cars are easier to park than big ones.

  10. 这辆小车被拍卖了。

    The car is sold by auction.

  11. 人群把小车团团围住。

    The crowd encircled the car tightly.

  12. 嘟!嘟!小车子开动了。

    Peep! Peep! Went the little car.

  13. 有了小车了,希望有豪车。

    When they possess a car, they wish for a limousine.

  14. 这些小车是沈阳出产的。

    These cars come from Shenyang.

  15. 绳索小车门式起重机

    gantry crane with rope trolley

  16. 这个人在推一辆小车。

    The man was pushing a small cart.

  17. 一辆小车停在桥西头。

    A car was parked at the west end of the bridge.

  18. 一辆小车停在桥东头。

    A car was parked at the east end of the bridge.

  19. 这辆小车还在担保之中。

    The car is still under guarantee.

  20. 我们将把这辆小车拍卖。

    We will put the car up for auction.

  21. 有的和一辆小车那么重。

    And some are as heavy as a small car.

  22. 你的房子和小车也是我的。

    Your house and car are mine too.

  23. 我把小车停在正门外面。

    I left my car outside the main entrance.

  24. 同轨双小车桥式起重机

    Overhead crane with double trolley on the same rail

  25. 带回转小车的桥式起重机

    overhead crane with slewing crab

  26. 推动小孩或宝宝的小车

    a small carriage in which a baby or child is pushed around

  27. 工长用轨检小车的研制

    Research and Development of Track Detection Car for Foreman

  28. 小车与卡车迎面撞在一起。

    The car and the truck collided head on.

  29. 小车在那角落停了一会儿。

    The car stood for a moment at the comer.

  30. 新的导航模块仍然是小车。

    The new navigation module is still buggy.


  1. 问:小车拼音怎么拼?小车的读音是什么?小车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小车的读音是xiǎochē,小车翻译成英文是 a wheelbarrow; sedan

  2. 问:小车前拼音怎么拼?小车前的读音是什么?小车前翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小车前的读音是xiǎochēqián,小车前翻译成英文是 Plantago minuta

  3. 问:小车梅拼音怎么拼?小车梅的读音是什么?小车梅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小车梅的读音是Xiǎochēméi,小车梅翻译成英文是 Ogurume; Ogurumi

  4. 问:小车摆动拼音怎么拼?小车摆动的读音是什么?小车摆动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小车摆动的读音是xiǎo chē bǎi dòng,小车摆动翻译成英文是 swing of small vehicle

  5. 问:小车蝗属拼音怎么拼?小车蝗属的读音是什么?小车蝗属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小车蝗属的读音是xiǎochēhuáng shǔ,小车蝗属翻译成英文是 Oedaleus

  6. 问:小车车轮摆动拼音怎么拼?小车车轮摆动的读音是什么?小车车轮摆动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小车车轮摆动的读音是xiǎo chē chē lún bǎi dòng,小车车轮摆动翻译成英文是 wheel swing for small vehicle

  7. 问:小车式起落架整流罩拼音怎么拼?小车式起落架整流罩的读音是什么?小车式起落架整流罩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小车式起落架整流罩的读音是xiǎo chē shì qǐ luò jià zhěng liú zhào,小车式起落架整流罩翻译成英文是 bogie undercarriage fairing