


隐藏;退让:~藏。~避。~让。~难(nàn )。~车。~开。~闪。……





汉语拼音:duǒ bì









  1. 避开;回避。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第十二回:“登时闹得臭气薰天,大家躲避不及。” 毛泽东 《给徐特立同志的一封信》:“你总是拣难事做,从来不躲避责任。”

  2. 躲藏。

    《水浒传》第三二回:“这店主人吃了这一掌,打得麻了,动弹不得,自入屋后去躲避了。”《儒林外史》第四三回:“正月十八日, 铁溪 里的神道出现,满城人家,家家都要关门躲避。”



  1. The Master was always teaching that guilt is an evil emotion to be avoided like the very devil -- all guilt.


  2. Jones was always trying to borrow money, and his friends had begun to avoid him as a result.


  3. I could feel it now flowing from me to you and back to me again, joined everywhere, complete, like a harbor against all tempests.


  4. and a red bolt of light shot from his own wand, cleaving a gap between the four pursuing Death Eaters as they scattered to avoid it.


  5. One of the first uses of the material is likely to be in warships trying to avoid sonar radar, which picks up on the noise ships emit.


  6. "They know about comfort, and they know how much they can demand and get away with, " he said.


  7. Take Daniel Hauser, the Minnesota boy currently on the run with his mother to avoid court-ordered medical treatment for his cancer.


  8. "They seem to have wandered in after the last rains, " he replied softly. "I suppose they must be living off the rodents and birds. "


  9. and Saul cast the spear; for he said, I will smite David even to the wall. And David avoided out of his presence twice.


  1. 他躲避她。

    He is hidden from her.

  2. 躲避球运动

    dodge ball.

  3. 躲避, 闪烁其词

    Evade dodge sidestep duck questions

  4. 迷惑或躲避

    To elude or evade.

  5. 躲避暴风雨

    seek refuge from the storm.

  6. 他躲避债主。

    He staved off his creditors.

  7. 他躲避雨水。

    He took shelter from the rain.

  8. 躲避增加躲避几率。

    Dodge Increases chance to dodge.

  9. 逃避,回避。躲避

    The act of evading

  10. 窃贼躲避警察。

    The burglar's evasion of the police.

  11. 躲避干某事

    escape doing sth.

  12. 他在躲避我。

    He's avoiding me

  13. 狡猾的躲避者

    artful dodger

  14. 帮你躲避风暴

    And shield you from a storm.

  15. 躲避开人群

    keep away from the crowd.

  16. 在屋檐下躲避

    Shelter oneself under the eaves

  17. 躲避所有的眼光

    To hide from all the eyes

  18. 找地方躲避风暴

    take shelter from the storm.

  19. 你为什么躲避他?

    Why did you give him a miss?

  20. 躲避警方的追捕。

    evade capture by the police

  21. 躲避警方得追捕。

    evade capture by the police

  22. 蹲下来躲避寒风

    hunkered down to avoid the icy wind.

  23. 故意躲避或远离。

    Avoid and stay away from deliberately

  24. 我竭力躲避债主。

    Im trying to keep my creditors at bay.

  25. 队长!导弹请躲避!

    Grimm Captain, evade that missile!

  26. 你们不是躲避灾难,

    You run not towards sanctuary.

  27. 你们不是躲避灾难。

    You run not towards sanctuary.

  28. 躲避警察, 袭击, 敌人。

    evade the police, an attack, an enemy

  29. 你在躲避警方吗?

    Are you hiding from the police?

  30. 中箭鸟躲避营救

    Bird Struck With Arrow Eludes Rescuers


  1. 问:躲避拼音怎么拼?躲避的读音是什么?躲避翻译成英文是什么?

    答:躲避的读音是duǒbì,躲避翻译成英文是 run away from; hide

  2. 问:躲避某事拼音怎么拼?躲避某事的读音是什么?躲避某事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:躲避某事的读音是Duǒbì mǒushì,躲避某事翻译成英文是 to take shelter

  3. 问:躲避问题拼音怎么拼?躲避问题的读音是什么?躲避问题翻译成英文是什么?

    答:躲避问题的读音是duǒbì wèntí,躲避问题翻译成英文是 run away from one's problems

  4. 问:躲避处拼音怎么拼?躲避处的读音是什么?躲避处翻译成英文是什么?

    答:躲避处的读音是,躲避处翻译成英文是 shelter

  5. 问:躲避球拼音怎么拼?躲避球的读音是什么?躲避球翻译成英文是什么?

    答:躲避球的读音是,躲避球翻译成英文是 Dodgeball

  6. 问:躲避敌机拼音怎么拼?躲避敌机的读音是什么?躲避敌机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:躲避敌机的读音是,躲避敌机翻译成英文是 weave

  7. 问:躲避策略拼音怎么拼?躲避策略的读音是什么?躲避策略翻译成英文是什么?

    答:躲避策略的读音是duǒ bì cè lüè,躲避策略翻译成英文是 evasive strategy

  8. 问:躲避不了地拼音怎么拼?躲避不了地的读音是什么?躲避不了地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:躲避不了地的读音是,躲避不了地翻译成英文是 ineludibly

  9. 问:躲避干扰反应拼音怎么拼?躲避干扰反应的读音是什么?躲避干扰反应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:躲避干扰反应的读音是duǒ bì gān rǎo fǎn yìng,躲避干扰反应翻译成英文是 jamming avoidance response




拼音:duǒ bì词义:①故意离开或隐蔽起来,使人看不见:这几天他好像有意~我。②离开对自己不利的事物:~风雨 ㄧ不应该~困难。