


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……


1. 调 [tiáo]2. 调 [diào]3. 调 [zhōu]调 [tiáo]搭配均匀,配合适当:~和。~谐。风~雨顺。饮食失~。使搭配均匀,使协调:~配。~味。调停使和解(调解双方关系):~停。~处。调剂:以临万货,以~盈虚。调理使康……



汉语拼音:shàng diào








  1. 干部由基层单位调到上层机构,或知识青年由农村调进城市。与“下放”相对。

    郭澄清 《大刀记》第九章:“ 梁志勇 笑望着大娘的脸色,见大娘不懂‘上调’这个字眼儿,又解释道:‘上调就是调到上边去了。’”《花城》1981年第1期:“几年来,我在知青之间为了上调而进行的竞争中,好不容易压倒了对手,争取到了大队的第一个提名。”



  1. Economy is still expanding at a reasonably solid pace , and there is only expected to be a modest increase in US interest rates .


  2. Erie shares therefore increase investment rating to "neutral" , and that the company's future rating adjustments may be a positive trend.


  3. The Bank of Spain watched the build-up of a real-estate bubble without being able to raise interest rates.


  4. He said the upgrade, a month after the nuclear accident, 'does not show that we delayed or underestimated the nuclear situation. '


  5. Some investors were disappointed that the company did not raise its full-year forecast by a wider margin.


  6. If the meeting decided to raise quotas by anything up to this figure, it would only formalise existing overproduction.


  7. None of this is to say that the Fed should jack up rates without warning, or to extremely high levels.


  8. It was one of the first tangible signs of the government's decision to raise fuel prices, which went into effect Tuesday at midnight.


  9. He said he expects tax increases to be passed along to consumers, eventually.


  1. 利率上调了。

    Interest rates went up.

  2. 预算已经上调。

    The budget has been revised upwards.

  3. 群上调和分析

    harmonic analysis on groups.

  4. 利率出现了快速上调。

    There's been a rapid rise in interest rates.

  5. 当利率上调一个点时

    When interest rates move up a tick.

  6. 他在收音机上调中央广播电台。

    He dialled in the central station on the radio.

  7. 在平台调用以外的方法上调用。

    On a method outside of platform invoke has no effect.

  8. 评级上调的价值就更大了。

    Upgrades are worth even more.

  9. 你要将吊杆上调借是高调?

    Do you want the derrick adjusted upwards and downwards?

  10. 奴隶制的维护费上调至中等!

    Slaverys upkeep has been changed to Medium!

  11. 德固赛功能白炭黑价格上调

    Degussa function white carbon black price surrenders to the state

  12. 存贷利率上调,各方的反应不同。

    Different parties respond differently to the raising of the interest rate of deposits and loans.

  13. 因为利率上调, 他们的债务雪上加霜。

    Their debt problem was aggravated by a rise in interest rates.

  14. 因为成本增加,这种上调是必要的。

    The increase is needed to meet rising costs.

  15. 您一定知道邮资上调的消息了。

    You must have gotten the news that the postage is going to be raised.

  16. 你不能从别的账户上调一下吗

    Can't you just pull it from another account?

  17. 这位运动员被上调到职业体协。

    This pplayer was brought up to the major league.

  18. 关于流形上调和映照的若干结果

    Some Results of Harmonic Maps of Manifolds

  19. 上调进口关税的决定只会火上浇油。

    The decision to raise tariffs on imports will only add fuel to the fire.

  20. 工资的上调反映了当前的通货膨胀率。

    The upward adjustment in salaries reflects the current rate of inflation.

  21. 然后在该类型上调用虚函数即可。

    You can then just call virtual functions on the type.

  22. 我们也许要将这个数字往上调一调。

    We may have to revise this figure upwards.

  23. 这次评薪后,他的工资再次上调20%。

    His salary has been raised 20% again after the current wage assessment.

  24. 启发现在是第五层天赋,从第三层上调。

    Illumination is now a Tier 5 talent up from Tier 3.

  25. 获取在其上调用异步调用的委托对象。

    Gets the delegate object on which the asynchronous call was invoked.

  26. 目前的定价标准是基于最近上调的合同标准。

    The current pricing rates used are based on the contractual rates that were recently revised upwards.

  27. 投资者忧虑利率上调令经济表现放缓。

    Investors were concerned that higher interest rates would act to slow the economy.

  28. 简言之, 评级能下调也能上调, 但不是很容易。

    In short, what goes down can come up, but not easily.

  29. 上调是基于一项可比性研究作出的。

    The rises are the result of a comparability study.

  30. 未能在群集配置初始化接口上调用初始化。

    Failed to call initialize on the cluster config initiliaze interface.


  1. 问:上调拼音怎么拼?上调的读音是什么?上调翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上调的读音是shàngdiào,上调翻译成英文是 allocate and transport

  2. 问:上调拼音怎么拼?上调的读音是什么?上调翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上调的读音是shàngtiáo,上调翻译成英文是 raise

  3. 问:上调节拼音怎么拼?上调节的读音是什么?上调节翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上调节的读音是shàng tiáo jié,上调节翻译成英文是 up regulation




拼音:shàng tiáo 释义:上增性调节,长期使用拮抗剂突然停药可产生受体向上调节,表现为敏感性增高。 基本

解释: 上调 shàngdiào 1. [be promoted]∶由较低的部门调到较高部门工作 他已由昨天上调宣传部了 2. [allocate and transport]∶调拨、调用(指上级依行政权力) 上调的物资必须于今天全部交运 上调 shàngtiáo [raise] 提高,增加 这次粮食提价,属政策性上调 详细

解释: 干部由基层单位调到上层机构,或知识青年由农村调进城市。与“下放”相对。 郭澄清 《大刀记》第九章:“ 梁志勇 笑望着大娘的脸色,见大娘不懂‘上调’这个字眼儿,又解释道:‘上调就是调到上边去了。’”《花城》1981年第1期:“几年来,我在知青之间为了上调而进行的竞争中,好不容易压倒了对手,争取到了大队的第一个提名。”