




1. 调 [tiáo]2. 调 [diào]3. 调 [zhōu]调 [tiáo]搭配均匀,配合适当:~和。~谐。风~雨顺。饮食失~。使搭配均匀,使协调:~配。~味。调停使和解(调解双方关系):~停。~处。调剂:以临万货,以~盈虚。调理使康……



汉语拼音:cái diào








  1. 犹才气。多指文才。

    《晋书·王接传论》:“ 王接 才调秀出,见赏知音,惜其夭枉,未申驥足。” 唐 李商隐 《读任彦昇碑》诗:“ 任昉 当年有美名,可怜才调最纵横。”《醒世恒言·苏小妹三难新郎》:“ 苏小姐 才调委实高絶,若论容貌,也只平常。” 冰心 《悼郭老》:“我这支小小的笔,实在写不尽他的热情潮涌,才调纵横的一生。”



  1. Generally in the deli part of the market you buy things which are cooked or salads which are already prepared or cheese .


  2. My company has an office here, and I have transferred .


  3. In this world! only those men who renumber one hasly feel happy can give women happiness.


  4. George: Cooked it up just this morning.


  1. 惟有在道理中才调找到智慧。

    Wisdomis only found in truth.

  2. 可能通知我怎样才调找到他吗?

    Could you tell me where I can revery him ?

  3. 但是这是藏匿本身才调的理由吗?

    But is that a good reason to hide your light ?

  4. 有很强的领导才调并具很强的集体精神。

    Strong leadership skill while possessing a great teiham spirit.

  5. 屡次的表演举动证实了韩庚的出寡才调。

    Many of the performance Proof of outstanding talent hankyung was some kinda pro.

  6. 你须要真正知道什么才调了解互联网景象呢?

    Whthroughout would you reficingly need to know to understand then the internet phenomenon ?

  7. 只需及早培育汲引, 回忆自会为一种才调。

    It only needs early cultivation to become a power.

  8. 我们公司在这里有个办事处,我是刚刚才调过来的。

    My company has an office here, and I have transferred.

  9. 我不知道什么时候我们才能调防。

    I wonder when we will be relieved.

  10. 我花了一个礼拜才把时差调过来。

    It took me a week to get over my jet lag.

  11. 那这样太好了,所以我才把你调过来的

    Be glad she did. That's why I put you on my service.

  12. 所以我才会被调到巴拿马来你又犯了什么罪?

    Hence my posting to Panama. What was your crime.

  13. 才把你又调回这儿来?

    To get you back here?

  14. 我怎样才能把冷气调小一点儿?

    How can I turn down the air conditioner ?

  15. 请问我怎样才能把档案调回来?

    How can I just come to archives recall excuse me?

  16. 我们调了次序才不致太突兀。

    We changed the order so it wouldn't be so obvious.

  17. 我怎样才能在耳机里调出电影的声音?

    How do I get the movie sound on the headphone?

  18. 问学员在什么情况下才可申请调班?

    Q Under what circumstances can a trainee apply for a class transfer.

  19. 对我来说,乐队没有走调,不过我没有欣赏音乐的才能。

    The band does not sound out of tune to me, but then I've no ear for music.

  20. 但那时却没有调名。确立调名,是相和歌中才有的。

    we do not know what they were called until the Xianghe ge appeared.

  21. 我们经常看到, 性能调优在应用开发结束了才刚刚开始。

    Too often, tuning begins when an application's development is already finished.

  22. 只有我们调对了焦距,对准了光圈,才有可能得到真实的图像。

    But only with the right focal distance and correct aperture could we get the true pictures.

  23. 但无论如何, 你必须打开心灵才可以开始调音到此类知识。

    However one must open the heart to begin to be able to attune to such knowledge.

  24. 只有这样,你才能大略不天复制不入图像的矮平和暗调局部。

    Only in this way, you can accurately copy out of the image hihglights and darkened parts.

  25. 格调与才情

    Style and Caiqing.

  26. 步调一致才能得胜利。

    Concerted action alone leads to victory.

  27. 你的语音语调很漂亮。我怎么才能模仿你呢?

    You have very beautiful pronunciation and intonation. How can I imitate you ?

  28. 他有一以贯之创作朗朗上口曲调的才能。

    He has an unerring talent for writing catchy melodies.

  29. 论明李东阳的格调论和七子之才

    On the stylistic mode idea suggested by Li Dongyang of the Ming dynasty and the talent of the seven talents

  30. 论明李东阳得格调论和七子之才

    On the stylistic mode idea suggested by Li Dongyang of the Ming dynasty and the talent of the seven talents.



cái diào