


1. 呢 [ní]2. 呢 [ne]呢 [ní]一种毛织物:~子。~绒。毛~。呢 [ne]助词,用在句末(a.表示疑问,如“你干什么~?”b.表示确定的语气,如“他没来~”。c.表示动作正在进行,如“我正吃饭~”。d.使句子略停顿一下,如“……





汉语拼音:ní róng






  1. 毛织品的统称。

    清 姚衡 《寒秀草堂笔记》卷三:“上好大呢绒,红黄蓝各色四十四匹。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第十一章六:“内容决定形式,呢绒哔叽换成了阴丹士林,不也就是一项极显明的形象化吗?”



  1. The company has full advanced production facilities for worsted fabrics, from top combing, spinning, weaving to finishing.


  2. Bunting: a light cotton or woolen cloth used FOR making flags.


  3. woolen cloth, also called wollens, it's the general term for the fabric made by wool and cashmere.


  4. It is most often made of woolen cloth in a tartan pattern.


  5. Worsted woolen cloth treated by chitosan can obtain good antibacterial property and washing endurance.


  6. The company pays great attention to the quality and harmonious interweaving of warp and weft.


  7. Nanshan Worsted Fabrics presents the dignity of quality which will be carried forward in future development.


  8. Dark, woolen topcoats were popular just then with teen-age boys, but could cost several hundred dollars new.


  9. Since learning so-called boundless of sea, how " bitter work do we owe boat " woollen cloth?


  1. 深色方格呢绒

    black watch tartan.

  2. 先生, 这块呢绒怎么样?

    How about this stuff, sir?

  3. 一卷呢绒, 成卷的一匹布

    A roll of cloth

  4. 如意隆呢绒销售中心

    Ruyilong Wool Fabric Sales Center

  5. 她拔着红呢绒披风。

    She was cloaked in red wool.

  6. 呢绒用过后要小心存放。

    Used woollen cloth should be kept carefully.

  7. 舒纶纤维粗纺呢绒产品的开发

    The Products Development of Woollen Cloth with Modified Viscose Staple

  8. 接下来,加入呢绒并将混合物加热。

    Next, add the wool and place the mixture over heat.

  9. 全毛真黑呢绒的设计与生产

    The Design and Production of True Black All Wool Fabric

  10. 主打西服, 呢绒 , 牛仔, 衬衫及时装类。

    The main suit, Nerong, jeans, shirts and fashion category.

  11. 洗净粗纺呢绒沥青点的新工艺

    New Technology for Washing Natural Asphalt from Woollen Cloth

  12. 方格花纹呢绒编织坊及展览

    Tartan Weaving Mill and Exhibition

  13. 约翰学了染匠, 我相信是染呢绒的。

    John was bred a dyer, I believe of woolens.

  14. 粗纺呢绒织物起球的纹理分析

    Texture Analysis of Woolen Cloth Pilling

  15. 粗纺呢绒缩呢工艺的优化研究

    Study on Optimization of Felting of Woollen Goods

  16. 论英国呢绒工业的发展与工业化的启动

    Development of British Woollen Goods Industries and Start of Industrial Automation

  17. 竹原纤维在精纺呢绒上的应用研究

    A study on application of original bamboo fiber in worsted fabric

  18. 然后等它冷却后, 取出呢绒并洗净。

    After it cools, remove the wool and wash it.

  19. 将呢绒放入染料中并加热混合物。

    Place the wool into the dye and heat the mixture.

  20. 他把呢绒交给裁缝做一件大衣。

    He bailed the woolen cloth to the tailor to be made into an overcoat.

  21. 花式线的加工及在粗纺呢绒上的应用

    Fancy Yarn Processing and Its Application with Woolen.

  22. 理查德决定退出呢绒绸布行业。

    Richard decided to get out of the dry goods business.

  23. 考虑到今年呢绒很流行, 你有过兴趣吗?

    Given how big tweed is this year, were you ever tempted?

  24. 举个例子,用100克的天然呢绒,呢绒必须是干净的。

    For this example,use 100 grams of natural wool. The wool must be clean.

  25. 旗布用来制作旗帜的轻的棉质或呢绒布料

    A light cotton or woolen cloth used for making flags.

  26. 南山呢绒呢绒呈现出一脉传承的品质与尊贵!

    Nanshan Worsted Fabrics presents the dignity of quality which will be carried forward in future development.

  27. 请寄来一份目录表,本公司尤其对呢绒感兴趣。

    Please mail me a copy of your catalogue. My company is particularly interested in piece goods.

  28. 苏格兰以它得羊绒衫,毛织品和格子呢绒闻名世界。

    Scotland is famous for its cashmeres, woollens and tartans.

  29. 苏格兰以它的羊绒衫、毛织品和格子呢绒闻名世界。

    Scotland is famous for its cashmeres, woollens and tartans.

  30. 大部分苏格兰长裙由带格子图案的呢绒制成。

    It is most often made of woolen cloth in a tartan pattern.


  1. 问:呢绒拼音怎么拼?呢绒的读音是什么?呢绒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:呢绒的读音是níróng,呢绒翻译成英文是 woolen textile; woolen cloth; wool fabric

  2. 问:呢绒商拼音怎么拼?呢绒商的读音是什么?呢绒商翻译成英文是什么?

    答:呢绒商的读音是,呢绒商翻译成英文是 clothier

  3. 问:呢绒布商拼音怎么拼?呢绒布商的读音是什么?呢绒布商翻译成英文是什么?

    答:呢绒布商的读音是,呢绒布商翻译成英文是 mercer

  4. 问:呢绒制造业拼音怎么拼?呢绒制造业的读音是什么?呢绒制造业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:呢绒制造业的读音是ní róng zhì zào yè,呢绒制造业翻译成英文是 wool manufacturing industry


