







汉语拼音:shí shì








  1. 时代的趋势;当时的形势。

    《庄子·秋水》:“当 尧 舜 而天下无穷人,非知得也;当 桀 紂 而天下无通人,非知失也,时势适然。” 晋 陆机 《豪士赋》序:“才不半古,而功已倍之,盖得之於时势也。” 郁达夫 《文学上的阶级斗争》:“思想是随时势而进化的。”



  1. all that remains is for circumstance - injuries, form, refereeing decisions, climate, luck, bedroom shenanigans - to come good.


  2. In 1981, she was fired by a New York radio station for not having kept up with the times and was out of work for more than a year.


  3. With that, the hero of the moment wrapped his arms around my companion from behind and lifted him to an upright position.


  4. Hard times have brought a new twist to the home- product demonstration parties that have long been a fixture of North American suburbia.


  5. How to attract viewers into the blog to improve the blog's popularity seems to have the trend of the times.


  6. A third is the local-hero model in which a local entrepreneur sees an opportunity, starts a business and turns it into a giant.


  7. You simply subtract what you paid from their current value to get a sense of where you stand.


  8. In recent years, learning a second foreign language has become a new trend in Taiwan; it could be said that it's a phenomenon of the times.


  9. Sometimes, though, political leaders are made by the moment.


  1. 时势造英雄。

    The times produce their heroes.

  2. 英雄造时势,时势造英雄。

    Heroes create the times, the times produce their heroes.

  3. 迎合时势的需要

    meet the requirements of the time

  4. 我们应该顺应时势。

    We should take the world as we find it.

  5. 这段话正中时势。

    That was the issue precisely.

  6. 政治家们应该认清时势。

    Statesmen should understand the signs of the times.

  7. 古人曾说时势造英雄。

    Someone once said that the circumstances create heroes.

  8. 英雄不是天生的,时势造英雄。

    Heroes aren't born, they're made.

  9. 他没有勇气抗拒时势潮流。

    He hasn't the courage to go against the stream.

  10. 我不知道目前时势如何变化。

    I don't know right now how things are gonna turn out.

  11. 我们都受时势的祝福或诅咒。

    We are blessed and cursed by our times.

  12. 你必须随着时势的转变而改变

    You must change with the times.

  13. 如今时势不利,我需要你的辅佐。

    These are dark times and I will need your council.

  14. 意指你必须意识到时势的变化。

    Times change. You must sense the tide.

  15. 我就不会对重要的时势毫不了解。

    And I would not be ignorant of the important issues.

  16. 将军称, 时势变迁, 国民警卫队也是如此。

    Times have changed, the general said, and so has the National Guard.

  17. 不过在政坛上,有时候是时势造英雄。

    Sometimes, though, political leaders are made by the moment.

  18. 你或许不能掌控时势,但你能冷静应对

    You may not be able to control the times, but you can compose your responses.

  19. 英雄造时势是真的英雄, 其影响当然也是真的。

    The hero creates the current situation is true hero, its are affected also is true course.

  20. 我并没有要逆时势而动的意思。

    I have no idea of running counter to the signs of the times.

  21. 你也许不能控制时势,可是你能够冷静应对。

    You may not be able to control the times, but you can compose your response.

  22. 今晚, 他将在电视上发表时势广播演说。

    He will broadcast on current affairs on TV this evening.

  23. 在那个时代,只有男人才能被允许关注时势新闻。

    This was an age when only men were allowed to read the news.

  24. 没认识到新的政治形势。政治家们应该认清时势。

    Incognizant of the new political situation. Statesmen should understand the signs of the times.

  25. 所以通达人见这样的时势, 必静默不言。因为时势真恶。

    Therefore the prudent man keeps quiet in such times, for the times are evil.

  26. 在传统上, 遇上艰难时势, 俄罗斯总统会解除总理的职务。

    Traditionally, when times are tough in Russia the president dismisses the prime minister.

  27. 因为你们预备了谎言乱语向我说,要等候时势改变。

    You have conspired to tell me and wicked things, hoping the situation will change.

  28. 他不仅是一位时势造成的英雄,更是一种主要的历史动力。

    He was no mere creature of circumstance, but rather a prime moving force in history.

  29. 尽管生意场曾经将形势放在第一位, 但时势发生了改变。

    While businesses once put a premium on formality in communication, this is no longer the case.

  30. 你还可以对你所持股票的现值做一下减法, 从而搞清时势。

    You simply subtract what you paid from their current value to sense of where you stand.


  1. 问:时势拼音怎么拼?时势的读音是什么?时势翻译成英文是什么?

    答:时势的读音是shíshì,时势翻译成英文是 current trend