


1. 转 [zhuǎn]2. 转 [zhuàn]3. 转 [zhuǎi]转 [zhuǎn]迁徙;流亡:老弱~乎沟壑。不直接的,中间再经过别人或别的地方:~送。~达。~发。~运。周~。改换方向:~弯。向左~。改变位置:~移。改变形势、情况:~……




1. 转 [zhuǎn]2. 转 [zhuàn]3. 转 [zhuǎi]转 [zhuǎn]迁徙;流亡:老弱~乎沟壑。不直接的,中间再经过别人或别的地方:~送。~达。~发。~运。周~。改换方向:~弯。向左~。改变位置:~移。改变形势、情况:~……





汉语拼音:zhuàn lái zhuàn qù








  1. 犹言走来走去;来回走动。

    秦牧 《<长河浪花集>序》:“进城以前,有一段短暂的时期,在 广东 大鹏半岛 解放区转来转去,一天一跑七八十里路,也并不觉得劳累。” 杨朔 《用生命建设祖国的人们》:“这个英雄在前线上开着车,牵引着大炮转来转去,重重地打击着敌人。” 赵树理 《三里湾·小组里的大组员》:“他在旗杆院门口转来转去,好大一会得不着主意。”



  1. Eventually the chicken learns to turn in the desired directions, and a sequence of these form a dance.


  2. She said Lee's husband told her that his four-year-old daughter, Hana, spent all day following Lee around the house from room to room.


  3. "I've got a nice place here, " he said, his eyes flashing about restlessly.


  4. But he never did more than linger about the tables and look at the dice as they clattered upon the table, fearful lest he lose if he played.


  5. It shuffled around the house, waving its broom in the general direction of the floor, and only coincidentally making contact with any dust.


  6. I received the last you sent on by the merest chance, and after considerable delay through being inland; or I might have come sooner.


  7. But it was really her, eyes shining, dark red hair dancing on her shoulders as she slalomed through the tree trunks.


  8. One of those young people to turn, impatience, reluctantly pulls out a stack of neat tied money, out of a hand.


  9. There was nothing for the disappointed firemen to do but drink tepid coffee and hang around trying to screw the nurse.


  1. 她眼睛滴溜溜地转来转去。

    She slewed her eyes furtively from side to side.

  2. 你在这儿转来转去干什么?

    What are you hanging around here for?

  3. 你把笔在手指上转来转去。

    You twirl your pen around your fingers.

  4. 他整天只是在屋里转来转去。

    He just slops around the house all day.

  5. 我看到蒂什在那转来转去。

    I can see that Tish is making the rounds.

  6. 我看到蒂什在那转来转去。

    I can see that Tish is making the rounds.

  7. 他懒洋洋地在房子周围转来转去。

    he was hanging around the house lackadaisically.

  8. 她老是在周围转来转去打搅别人。

    She's always hovering around the place annoying people.

  9. 狗转来转去,将草踩平作窝。

    The dog turned round and round, flattening the grass to make its bed.

  10. 他无精打采地在房子周围转来转去。

    He was hanging around the house lackadaisically.

  11. 她看见我这样在屋里转来转去。

    And she saw me walking around like this.

  12. 他含了一口水, 在嘴里转来转去。

    He took a mouthful of water and swirled it around his mouth.

  13. 一大群人在剧院门前转来转去。

    There's a huge crowd of people milling around in front of the theater.

  14. 这时候,拉什顿还在到处转来转去。

    Meantime, Rushton was still going about the house.

  15. 我们会一边把电视频道转来转去, 一边大叫。

    Shout as we went back and for the between TV channels.

  16. 他们扛着摄像机在舞厅里转来转去。

    They milled around the ballroom with video cameras.

  17. 许多人漫无目的地在街上转来转去。

    There were a lot of people milling about in the streets.

  18. 她在家里转来转去, 兴奋得脸颊飞红。

    She at home roves, is excited the cheeks to be bright red.

  19. 他的目光转来转去看着床边的那些人。

    His glance roved over the figures by the bed.

  20. 古傲眼珠子转来转去,一脸的垂涎表情。

    The thou Ao eye pupil son turns around, one slavering of face facial expression.

  21. 我经常在那所漂亮的校园里转来转去

    I used to walk around that fancy campus and think.

  22. 狼恼火地拖着犁在田地上转来转去。

    The wolf angrily dragged the plough from side to side the field.

  23. 他们在镇子里转来转去,足有一个小时。

    They had wandered around town for a hour.

  24. 他们在镇子里转来转去,足有一个小时。

    They had wandered around town for a hour.

  25. 许多人漫无目得地在街上转来转去。

    There were a lot of people milling about in the streets.

  26. 维斯在几家股票公司间转来转去调换工作。

    Davis kicked around several stock companies.

  27. 我在贝尔格莱德机场转来转去地找寻出口。

    I was wandering round Belgrade airport looking for the exit.

  28. 他把狗关在笼子里,狗呆在里面整天转来转去。

    He put the dog in a cage and the animal ran round and round in it all day.

  29. 他那嘲弄的目光,在温斯顿脸上转来转去。

    His mocking eyes roved over Winston's face.

  30. 两名记者在转来转去,物色有人情味的材料。

    The two reporters were moving around in search of human interest vignettes


  1. 问:转来转去拼音怎么拼?转来转去的读音是什么?转来转去翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转来转去的读音是,转来转去翻译成英文是 rove