




1. 旋 [xuán]2. 旋 [xuàn]旋 [xuán]转动:~绕。~转。~舞。~梯。~律。盘~。天~地转。回,归:凯~。不久:~踵(喻极短的时间,如“~~即逝”)。~即。表示与各方来往或来往于各方之间:周~。斡~。古同“漩”,漩涡。姓……



汉语拼音:kǎi xuán








  1. 战争获胜,军队奏着得胜乐曲归来。亦泛指获胜归来。

    南朝 宋 谢灵运 《撰征赋》:“愿 关 鄴 之遄清,迟华鑾之凯旋。” 唐 宋之问 《军中人日登高赠房明府》诗:“闻道凯旋乘骑入,看君走马见芳菲。”《红楼梦》第一一八回:“近因沿途俱系海疆凯旋船隻,不能迅速前行。” 张天民 《战士通过雷区》:“那攻无不克、为一切善良公正的人们伸张了正义的英雄们凯旋了。”



  1. A year later, she made a triumphant return, bags stuffed in Shandong Weihai winning achievements -- tens of thousands of yuan.


  2. Who to ask to pick up A-Mei, Mei's heart child drunk, pick up the long-awaited love brother, the triumphant return of the distance.


  3. Mr. Obama is treating his return to Cooper Union as something of a triumphal homecoming, with a touch of 'I told you so' in the speech.


  4. The giant went on his way, and Death lay there conquered, so weak that he could not get up again.


  5. The triumphs, and often even the failures, in-off-road truck racing are often spectacular, making it a thrilling spectacle for fans.


  6. One of the best things about riding a north-south route is that the sun bounds over the tracks in a triumphal arch.


  7. Have your say Read comments It was one of the most consummate triumphs of David Beckham's career.


  8. There was a certain smugly triumphal mood in the stands that replicated the atmosphere of a Reagan campaign rally.


  9. American space travel was a triumph; Europeans have had a harder time realising their dream.


  1. 凯旋归来。

    return home in triumph.

  2. 凯旋而归。

    Come back with flying colors.

  3. 大军凯旋归来。

    The army returned in triumph.

  4. 军队凯旋而归。

    The army came home victorious.

  5. 部队凯旋而归。

    The troops returned triumphantly.

  6. 他们凯旋而归。

    They came off with flying colours.

  7. 球队凯旋而归。

    The winning team returned home in triumph.

  8. 军队凯旋入城。

    The army made a triumphant entry into the city.

  9. 地狱死亡也凯旋。

    Triumphs over hell and death.

  10. 凯旋国际酒店公寓

    Kaixuan International Service Apartment Shenzhen

  11. 当他打猎凯旋时

    when he returns in triumph from hunting

  12. 我们的队伍凯旋归来。

    Our team returned home in triumph.

  13. 这一个名额中凯旋。

    This one ended in triumph.

  14. 这位元帅凯旋而归。

    The marshal returned home in triumph.

  15. 获胜的队凯旋而归。

    The winning team returned home in triumph.

  16. 获胜得队凯旋而归。

    The winning team returned home in triumph.

  17. 才进出遥远的凯旋歌

    The distant strains of triumph

  18. 渴望胜利, 你定会凯旋。

    Expect to win and you will triumph.

  19. 获胜的部队凯旋而归。

    The victorious army returned in triumph.

  20. 获胜得部队凯旋而归。

    The victorious army returned in triumph.

  21. 胜利的将军凯旋而归。

    The victorious general made a triumphant return.

  22. 胜利得将军凯旋而归。

    The victorious general made a triumphant return.

  23. 战后,胜利者凯旋而归。

    After the war, the victors returned in triumph.

  24. 神秘周凯旋的神秘力量

    Zhou Kaixuan's Mysterious Strength

  25. 声声欢歌, 迎接勇士们凯旋。

    Returning in Triumph Welcoming brave fighters returning in triumph with happy songs.

  26. 凯旋的队受到热烈的欢迎。

    The victorious team were given a tumultuous welcome when they arrived home.

  27. 人们夹道欢迎凯旋的英雄们。

    The people lined the streets to hail the returning heroes.

  28. 凯旋的队伍受到热烈的欢迎。

    The victorious team were given a tumultuous welcome when they arrived home.

  29. 是否认为她可以凯旋而归?

    Did S. think she could waltz home.

  30. 刚从奥运会凯旋归来的她

    fresh from her success at the Olympic Games


  1. 问:凯旋拼音怎么拼?凯旋的读音是什么?凯旋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凯旋的读音是kǎixuán,凯旋翻译成英文是 return in triumph

  2. 问:凯旋拼音怎么拼?凯旋的读音是什么?凯旋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凯旋的读音是kǎixuán,凯旋翻译成英文是 Kaisyuan, a subway station on Kaohsiung Metro Re...

  3. 问:凯旋门拼音怎么拼?凯旋门的读音是什么?凯旋门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凯旋门的读音是kǎixuánmén,凯旋门翻译成英文是 arch of triumph; Arc de Triomphe

  4. 问:凯旋柱拼音怎么拼?凯旋柱的读音是什么?凯旋柱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凯旋柱的读音是kǎi xuán zhù,凯旋柱翻译成英文是 triumphal column

  5. 问:凯旋车拼音怎么拼?凯旋车的读音是什么?凯旋车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凯旋车的读音是,凯旋车翻译成英文是 chariot

  6. 问:凯旋级核潜艇拼音怎么拼?凯旋级核潜艇的读音是什么?凯旋级核潜艇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凯旋级核潜艇的读音是,凯旋级核潜艇翻译成英文是 Triomphant class submarine

  7. 问:凯旋门古建筑拼音怎么拼?凯旋门古建筑的读音是什么?凯旋门古建筑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凯旋门古建筑的读音是kǎi xuán mén gǔ jiàn zhù,凯旋门古建筑翻译成英文是 tetrapylon

  8. 问:凯旋老虎955i拼音怎么拼?凯旋老虎955i的读音是什么?凯旋老虎955i翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凯旋老虎955i的读音是,凯旋老虎955i翻译成英文是 Triumph Tiger 955i

  9. 问:凯旋门 (平壤)拼音怎么拼?凯旋门 (平壤)的读音是什么?凯旋门 (平壤)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凯旋门 (平壤)的读音是,凯旋门 (平壤)翻译成英文是 Arch of Triumph


